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Community Version History: 2015 - 2023

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

*This article has been publicly archived. Please find the latest Community version history here.*


December Release | December 21, 2023


  • A bug that was allowing anonymous users to register for events was fixed
  • The date picker on an event calendar was optimized for dark mode
  • Selecting labels on a Gallery post was optimized for dark mode
  • The completed icon on interactive lessons was optimized for dark mode
  • The interactive lesson tile cards were optimized for dark mode
  • The User Group Resources component was removed form group pages to allow for more content flexibility


October / November Release | November 30, 2023


  • Minor Dark Mode bugs like content block outlines, inbox UX, button colors, etc. have been updated to reflect in-product UX.
  • A “New” icon was added to the main navigation to indicate which items have been newly added.
  • The User Group event calendar has been updated to show all events (past and upcoming) by default.
  • Hybrid events are now supported on User Group calendars.
  • A bug was fixed that was causing course progress tracking issues in the Interactive Lessons.
  • A bug that was causing Interactive Lessons to be unplayable for users with an apostrophe in their name has been fixed.
  • The like and favorite icons have been moved to the right side of Idea posts to be consistent with the wider community.
  • The activity feed has been removed from the Support page.
  • The Partner Server Implementation text has been removed from the Partner Certification Page.
  • The broken event URLs in the Community calendar have been fixed.
  • The Success Story default image is now displayed when a Success Story is featured on the Community Landing page. 

September Release | October 5, 2023


  • Added Toolbox to the main navigation. Within the Toolbox category, you’ll find the Community Gallery and Maveryx Marketplace.
  • You can now navigate to Mission Control on the main navigation by going to the Support category and clicking Support on the dropdown menu.
  • Updated the Excellence Awards Hall of Fame with the 2023 winners.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing User Group events to be displayed 1-hour later than their actual start time.
  • Redirected the Support page to Mission Control.
  • Removed the counter metadata from the Favorites feature.
  • Combined the webinar and event info fields on the event creation page.
  • Decreased the Free Trial button font size.
  • Removed the “Was this article helpful” survey from Knowledge articles.
  • Removed the Latest Photos section from the right rail on the User Groups page.
  • Fixed a handful of dark mode bugs, including:
    • Standardized success messages
    • Updated badges that were difficult to see in dark mode
    • Updated the featured article text so that it is visible 9in dark mode
August / July Release | September 7, 2023
  • Redesigned the Certification Exam page
  • Added the Certification Resource page to the main navigation
  • Removed Knowledge Base articles under Support. Knowledge Base articles are now served via Mission Control
  • 'Blogs' was added to the main navigation in Alteryx IO
  • The cookie banner on Community was updated to the same banner as other Alteryx digital properties
  • A bug that was causing the private messenger window to open when accessing private message inbox has been fixed

  • The Tool Master library was removed from Knowledge Bases and added under Learning > Tool Mastery on the main navigation
  • Dark Mode was added to the settings menu
  • The 'Subscribe' button on podcasts has been renamed to 'Subscribe to podcast'
  • Auto Insights Micro Credential was launched 
June 2023 Release | July 6th, 2023
-       Updated CSP for increased security
-       Event calendar updated so that status filters show by default
-       Updated the Table of Contents in articles so that it is not off-set
-       Fixed a bug that was causing the download counter in Gallery to not function
-       Removed “Add This,” a third party tool that enabled users to share content on external sites
-       Updated CSS styling on the featured article in the Data Science Portal
-       Updated the Alteryx IO navigation so that it toggles off
-       Fixed a bug that was cutting off the text in the Language dropdown in mobile
-       Corrected the logic in the Designer Core micro certifications that caused the certifications to not be awarded properly
-       Updated the Gallery’s “Share via email” button so it behaves as expected
-       Implemented static featured content on the Community homepage carousel


April 2023 Release | May 3rd, 2023


  • Clicking ‘Message’ on a user’s profile now automatically inputs the user’s name into the message ‘To’ field.
  • Re-aligned the Favorite and Like icons on blog pages
  • Re-aligned the Favorite and Like icons on idea pages
  • Moved the ‘Featured’ carousel below the fold on the Academy page
  • Removed images from the ‘Featured’ carousel on the Academy page
  • On the Community calendar, the default filter now includes past, in progress, and future events
  • On the Meet the ACEs page the ACE cards now include the ACE logo if the user does not have a company logo
  • The images on the ACE cards on the Meet the ACEs page are now responsive to screen size
  • The right-rail content in the ‘What’s New’ posts has been removed
  • A new component has been added to the Analytics Maturity Assessment page that features an assessment walk-through video
  • A bug causing incorrect progress tracking in the Onboarding lessons has been fixed
  • A bug causing Onboarding modules to be blank when logged out has been fixed
  • ‘Time to read’ has been removed from the Podcast page
  • Updated email headers in subscription notification emails sent from Community


 March 2023 Release | April 6th, 2023


  • Alteryx Designer Core Stackable Micro-Credentials were launched. These bite-sized certifications allow you to build your knowledge by focusing on one section at a time. 
  • The Onboarding page got a refresh – you'll notice Onboarding paths that provide need-to-know information whilst tracking your progress on a given path. 
  • We’ve incorporated Designer Cloud, Trifacta Classic Interactive Lessons
  • Community emails have new headers and footers. 
  • The Favorite feature (star icon below a post) now includes a count.  
  • Social icons have been added to the blog page to make sharing blog articles easier.
  • A Gallery Deprecated label has been added to denote Gallery items that are no longer supported by Alteryx.  
  • To help distinguish Designer resources from Designer Cloud resources, we've renamed the areas of the Community dedicated to Designer to "Designer Desktop." 
  • Updated the Marketo tracking script.
  • The Blog and Podcast quilt have been separated to allow for more content-specific enhancements.
  • A bug that was causing the Support Knowledge Base articles to be misaligned on mobile has been fixed.
  • Rustici, a learning management system, has been integrated in with the community to track progress in Onboarding lessons.


February 2023 Release | March 8th, 2023


  • The Designer Cloud Discussion board was launched
  • Certifications will now appear on your profile page and will be ordered based on level of difficulty (expert, advanced, core, etc.) and status (active vs. expired)
  • The blog now shows the time to read for each article
  • A bug in the Data Science Portal’s discussion filter has been fixed
  • The main navigation in the Data Science Portal has been updated to include links to Alteryx solutions (Intelligence Suite & Alteryx Machine Learning)
  • Community header images have been updated


December 2022 & January 2023 Release | February 2nd, 2023


  • Migration of Trifacta LMS Users to Alteryx Community
  • Getting Started moved to the main navigation
  • Launched Product pages for Designer and Server
  • Launched Analytics Maturity Assessment page
  • Removed link to “My Videos” when videos are uploaded to blogs
  • Fixed Alteryx-supported Gallery label, pagination, and ‘Recent Activity’ feed bugs
  • Updated Designer Core Certification URL
  • Updated Search Unify script
  • Added ‘Author’ tag to an original poster’s reply
  • Fixed calendar filter bug
  • Added tabbed component to filter gallery content
  • Replaced native TKB feedback survey with Medallia survey
  • Updated the certification exam timer reset 


November 2022 Release | December 8th, 2022

  • Survey link on interactive lessons updated
  • Favorite text fully localized to all supported Community languages
  • Certification tabbed space launched to support new upcoming exams
  • Language menu cut off fixed on mobile
  • Overlapping navigation menus fixed on mobile views
  • Foundations badge image updated
  • Support phone number removed on case portal
  • Comments moved above recommendations on blogs
  • Designer Cloud interactive lessons launched
  • Gallery Category page filtering error corrected


October 2022 Release | October 27th, 2022

  • Recent Activity now includes replies
  • Medallia survey tool launched with updated survey and frequency systems
  • Subscription button added to all blog articles for respective blogs
  • Subscription button added to all events for respective event boards
  • Gallery updated to allow data connectors over 75MB to be downloadable directly from Community
  • Favorite's icon updated
  • Message ellipsis returned to mobile views
  • Gallery (EN) redirects added to international communities
  • Halloween Ghost added to community for Halloween Scavenger Hunt Event


September 2022 Release | September 29th, 2022

  • Favorite Page updated to have filtering
    • Favorite button updated to star icon
    • Favorite button added to replies on Discussions, Ideas, Blogs and Podcasts
    • Favorite button will now prompt sign in for logged out users
  • My Certifications added to profile page
  • Recent Activity updates on profile page to include filtering and sorting by Discussions, Blogs, Ideas and Gallery
  • Gallery default images update
  • Video uploading added to users rank 6 - Meteoroid or higher
  • Single Sign On now prevents users from creating another account with the same email until a 7 day waiting period has passed


August 2022 Release  | September 1st, 2022

  • Favorite Carousel and Page Launched!
    • Favorite button added to Ideas, TKBs, Blogs, Gallery, Podcast and Forums
    • Favorite Carousel added to profile page
    • Favorite Page now accessible after 12 posts are favorited
  • Support email removed from Support Case Portal
  • Data Science Portal carousel end tile card returned
  • Certification access list and webhook updated
  • Event Campaign ID Updated
  • API Limit updated to enhance performance and functionality across Community


June & July 2022 Release  | August 4th, 2022

  • Calendar and Featured Carousel added to Community Events Calendar
  • Excellence Awards split off from Use Cases in preparation for Use Case move
  • Announcement Banner has been updated to close when X'd out
  • Blogs on mobile devices will no longer have overlapping text
  • Free Trial button will no longer flicker on mobile
  • Partner Certification text no longer references old exams
  • Portuguese and Spanish join and leave group text has been corrected
  • Load Icon appearing next to the language dropdown has been removed
  • User Group News component has been removed
  • Top Contributors component has been removed from Event boards
  • Featured component has been removed from Getting Started category


May 2022 Release  | June 16, 2022

  • Events Updated so that editing no longer duplicates the webinar information
  • Partner certifications are updated to now directly sync with Classmarker
  • Academy category page now hosts a featured carousel and an updated tile system
  • Gallery now respects user DateTime settings
  • Load More and Show All now are clickable on mobile
  • Font updated on right rail items, pagination, and user groups
  • Tokyo User Group has been archived
  • America Excellence Award winners added to Excellence Awards page
  • Certification updates completed in preparation for new exams


April 2022 Release  | May 4, 2022

  • Events Updated so that editing no longer clears the entire post
  • Font across the community updated to Lato
  • Font sizes updated to smaller sizing
  • Spacing updated for better accomidation of new font size
  • Home page tiles no longer interconnect with header image
  • Search bar formating updated with new font and sizing
  • Category tiles updated with new hovers, description behavior and icon behavior
  • Gallery, home page and DSP carousels updated with new image sizing
  • Predictive Exam icon & badge updated
  • Community footer updated to correct copyright year
  • Navigation error corrected when board was not successfully pulled
  • Master Calendar board created and available for use


February & March 2022 Release  | Mar 30, 2022

  • Events RSVP behavior updated so webinar URLs and Information appear at top of post
  • Campaign IDs added for data tracking
  • Events upgraded to 1.2 - invites to external emails are now available
  • Support Guidelines & Policies updated
  • ACE Program Page corrected to show all ACEs
  • Post Count removed from User Group region pages to improve performance
  • Inactive User Groups, Virtual Solution Center, Alteryx Analytics Hub Forum, International Use Cases, and Recommendation Engine decommissioned
  • Program Page launched - Pilot Program Page Integrated into the new page
  • Partner Certifications updated to streamline the process
  • Interactive Lessons for Designer Cloud and Machine Learning launched
  • Gallery Unknown Content bug corrected
  • Gallery Alteryx Supported content now visible & filterable
  • Sorting functionality added to Gallery district and main pages
  • Subscription functionality added to all Gallery pages & districts
  • Gallery cover image behavior updated to no longer stretch images
  • Minor UX updates completed for button location and fitting
  • Podcast player teaser error was corrected
  • Subscription button on DSP updated


December 2021 Release  | Jan 5, 2021

  • Hero Banner for Alter.Everything Podcast Updated
  • Close Account text warning updated in French & German
  • Gallery redirects from Public Gallery to Community Gallery implemented
  • DSP dropdowns updated to include SparkED
  • Overlap between Edit Avatar & social icons corrected on mobile view
  • DSP announcement banner corrected to appear
  • Download counter error for Gallery has been corrected 
  • Gallery submission button moved above fold
  • Gallery share button updated to better clarify that it's shared by email
  • Email domain updated
  • Gallery duplication of assets corrected so they only appear in one category
  • Gallery rank icons corrected so all Alteryx & ACE assets are visible
  • Gallery no content error updated
  • Gallery submission page loading updated
  • Gallery internal notes & SEO Options component removed
  • Use Case submission button removed from international communities
  • Duplication of Gallery in navigation corrected

November 2021 Release | Dec 9, 2021

  • Public Gallery on Community officially launched into beta
  • Knowledge base backend updated to V.4
  • Use Case submission button removed
  • Group Hub permissions updated - RSVP button available on events without joining the group
  • Use Case tile replaced with Gallery tile on Home Page
  • Certification Page widget error corrected
  • Use Case moved under Learn in navigation
  • Gallery added to main navigation


October 2021 Release | Nov 3, 2021

  • Enablement Hub tab title updated to be more user friendly
  • Enablement Hub default description text updated to clear
  • Mobile Header updated to be a solid color for accessibility
  • Image lightbox corrected where lightbox was lingering after clicking escape to exit an image
  • Home page mobile UI updated for better spacing
  • Footer mobile UI updated for better spacing


September 2021 Release | Sept 30, 2021

  • 'Was This Helpful' feedback UI has been updated
  • Video Title and Description returned to post functions
  • Knowledge Base Dashboard returned to Use Cases for specific users
  • Mobile headers updated to correct font and width
  • Category landing page feeds updated to no longer fail after two 'view more' clicks
  • Profile hover cards updated to no longer be blurry
  • Threaded forum UI updated for better readability
  • Red Announcement banner can now scope to a specific area
  • Group Hub right rail components updated to be able to support content
  • Case Portal updated to pass language over to Support Portal.


August 2021 Release | Sept 1, 2021

  • 'Was This Helpful' feedback option has been added to all KB articles
  • SparkED area has been launched
  • Groups have been migrated to Group Hubs
  • All User Groups now have event nodes
  • Group Hub permissions updated for members and owners
  • New User Group UI has been launched
  • New User Group Category Page UI has been launched
  • DSP article tiles now say Read, Listen or Participate depending on article type
  • Recommendation Engine Link now has a hover state
  • IE Support Warning Banner is now live
  • Space between Blog/Podcast tabbed component and hero has been increased
  • Spare Divider on DSP, when logged out, has been removed
  • Icon updates have been made for consistency
  • Inspire Presentations is now live
  • ICS invites on events are now the correct time


July 2021 Release | July 28, 2021

  • New Support Case Portal has been launched
  • Recommendation Engine now has default articles for new users
  • Top Like Authors now shows correctly on mobile
  • Search bar icon has been returned
  • Search spacing has been optimized


June 2021 Release | June 30, 2021

  • Avatar Cropping issue has been fixed
  • Trial Button has been added to logged out state
  • Category level submit an idea dropdown is now working
  • Timer to being logged out for inactivity has been fixed - users should stay logged in for longer now
  • Data Science Portal navigation has been updated
  • Email subscription behavior has been updated
  • Our Terms of Service have been updated
  • Announcement banners should now X out properly on Firefox and Edge
  • Like received email has been fixed to include proper header
  • Blog & Podcast subscriptions no longer have double boxes on Chrome
  • Featured Carousel now displays teaser image and teaser text
  • Header avatar size has been increased
  • Private Messages option has been removed from main search bar


May 2021 Release | June 2, 2021

  • Top Author Metrics Fixed
  • Twitter profile icon is now visible
  • Messages in user pull out menu no longer changes text depended on board
  • Forums has been updated to V5
  • Search 'Best Match' has been added to advanced search
  • Blog width on mobile has been updated
  • DSP can now included WOA conversations
  • Banners/Notifications no longer overlap with nav dropdowns
  • Two emails no longer send upon signing up for Community Account


April 2021 Release | May 5, 2021

  • Single Sign-On Release
  • Iconography Updated to Font Awesome 5
  • Red Maintenance Banner added
  • Shadow Added to Language Change Dropdown
  • Learning Path Card Images have been re-aligned
  • Japanese Localization for Macros Interactive Lesson updated
  • VSC Page Behavior updated to recognize logged-in vs. logged-out state
  • Font and Capitalization updated on all buttons/pages


March 2021 Release | March 31, 2021

  • Launched Community Redesign and Restructure
  • Recommendation Engine is now available
  • End of Blog text updated
  • International Support pages updated
  • The ability to 'Mute' specific threads when subscribed to a board is now present under the options in a thread


February 2021 Release | March 4, 2021

  • Academy Live Training Events
  • Updated Data Science Mixer Podcast Icons
  • Community of the Year CMX Award added to footer
  • Alteryx Advocacy link updated
  • Certified Partner title updated from spelling error
  • Users can now update their username within My Settings


January 2021 Release | February 4, 2021

  • Partner statuses updated to display both Partner standing and Community Rank standing 
  • Remove HTML from posts setting was removed
  • Use Case labels were updated
  • Launched Data Science Mixer Podcast


 December | No Release


October/November 2020 Release | November 20, 2020

  • Use Case Revamp 
  • Launched Alteryx product emojis 
  • Santalytics 2020


September 2020 Release | September 30, 2020


August 2020 Release | August 8, 2020


June 2020 Release | July 7, 2020

  • Launched AAH Hub
  • Hero and background card image refresh 
  • New and improved customer support landing page
  • Miscellaneous performance improvements


May 2020 Release | May 11, 2020

  • Improvements to the "What's New" carousel 
  • Updated button states to be consistent across the community with primary and secondary buttons
  • Tabbed components all look and feel the same so you can quickly and easily understand what they are meant to accomplish 
  • Toast Messages are now consistent, with red (error), green (confirmation or solution), or blue (update or general message) notifications
  • Filters all now have the same UI
  • Components now have the same look and feel and are consistent across the community 
  • Blog article refresh 
  • Intelligence Suite Learning Path 


April 2020 Release | May 11, 2020

  • Launched Alteryx For Good space
  • Launched ADAPT Program
  • Added social media options to profile settings and profile pages
  • Ability to change usernames
  • Academy - Reporting in Designer
  • Added tooltips to profile settings
  • Resolved an issue with incorrect breadcrumbs 
  • Fixed an issue with Interactive Lessons not loading in IE
  • Addressed a bug where certain file types could not be uploaded 
  • Added text below the CTA's on the landing page for clarity 

March 2020 Release | April 6, 2020

  • Launched Virtual Solutions Center

  • Multiple performance improvements 
  • Community homepage stats moved from "100,000 members" syntax to "100k members" syntax
  • Community Idea statuses changed to match Product Idea statuses 
  • Renamed "HELP" to "Community FAQ" in the profile dropdown

  • Fixed issue with TinyMCE / Editor where the body did not accurately display how it would look 

  • Resolved an Accessibility issue where users could create a post without any content (which in turn caused issues with Screenreaders)

  • Fixed issue with Use Case button not showing for anonymous users

  • Changed Spanish and Portuguese communities to have threaded format

  • Resolved issue where search bar 'blips' 

February 2020 Release | February 27, 2020


  • Launched Portuguese and Spanish Academies

  • Added Analyticon Discussion board

  • Updated Podcast author from Maddie to PodWizard, started showing Podcast author again

  • Search improvement- added contains and answered facets

  • Search improvement - added customer suggested idea of adding Youtube videos to search

  • Fixed issue with certification date being incorrect for some users

  • Resolved CSS issue on completed ideas component

  • Adjusted text keys in localized communities buttons so that they no longer stretch outside of the component

  • Addressed multiple issues of dark text on dark toast banners

  • Fixed issue of "back to top" button covering search options

  • Updated submission guidelines for Product Ideas 

  • Changed "New Topic" button to "Introduce Yourself" in the Community Hub

  • Fixed translations in Portuguese emails 

  • Removed title from Badge Award email templates that was difficult to read and so that emails all have cohesive headers and footers

  • Updated support SLA link

  • Fixed a bug where "knowledgebase" was showing up twice in various areas of the community 

January 2020 Release | January 30, 2020
  • Improved federated search 
  • Improved Use Case filter to save parameters
  • Multiple performance improvements 
  • Adjusted alignment of navigation bar to match the community header
  • Fixed an issue where avatars were misaligned in user groups in mobile view
  • Addressed a bug with group private messages
  • Fixed multiple Portuguese translations
  • Updated the social media icons in the footer of the Japanese community
  • Fixed issue where the category page "cards" bled into one another 
  • Updated link to Welcome and Getting Started in the footer of the Portuguese community 
  • Improved Interactive Lessons by adding a "Back to Lessons" button 
December 2019 Release | December 18, 2019
  • Introduced new Introductions 
  • Updated Academy landing page 
  • Added Input Blog to left navigation 
  • Navigation pinned by default
  • Updated the translations on the French registration / username selection page

  • Improved a handful of text keys in the Portuguese area of the community

  • Improvements to the Certification page

    Updated a link in the German footer

November 2019 Release (v19.9) | November 26, 2019
  • Improved Landing page Buttons 
  • Reorganized community structure by interaction style 
  • Updated category landing pages
  • Improved category message feeds 
  • Alter.Nation changed to Programs
  • Removed "posts" from profile dropdown/notifications count
  • Localized the Use Case titles 

  • Fixed an issue when using Interactive Lessons and Full Screen mode was "stuck"

  • Addressed an issue where titles of topics bled into the post date

  • Our vendor fixed a bug where the Idea Status filter was showing incorrect results

  • Updated the ACE Nomination survey for 2020

  • Updated board selector to include additional discussion boards

  • Removed more text from the mobile experience - working to push more content above the fold 

  • Improved case portal submission page and case layout 
October 2019 Release (v19.8) | October 31, 2019
  • Rolled out Learning Paths Beta 
  • Implemented Polling feature 
  • Improved Ideas Labels 
  • Removed notification icon when you have zero notification
  • Fixed broken link in accepted solutions reminder email template
  • Addressed issue with Help Guide showing incorrect text keys
  • Updated assets on the Academy Overview page
  • Removed outdated translation components to improve community performance
  • Completed adjustments to improve SEO
  • Adjusted UI on Use Cases to show more Use Cases above the fold
  • Removed redundant Company field from registration process
  • Fixed intermittent issue with links not working in mobile view
  • Updated "What's New" feed to respect user settings with time stamps
  • Fixed issue with the topic preview wasn't showing the entire preview of your message
September 2019 Release (v19.7) | September 24, 2019
  • Changed Stars to Likes
    • Updated text from star/stars/starred to like/likes/liked
    • Updated from star icon to thumbs up icon
    • Adjusted badge titles and assets for impacted badges
  • Logic created to revert certification badge after 2 year expiration to keep badges current with certifications
  • Carousel ordered by topic/article post date instead of latest comment
  • Created "Community Hub" to it’s own location in the navigation to help organize the structure
  • Removed statistics underneath product lines on landing page 
  • Updated ToS links in the footer to link to localized articles when in the respective language
  • Updated Community Guideline links in the footer to link to localized articles when in the respective language
  • Interactive Lessons are now available in full-screen mode
  • Fixed issue in IE with “Back to Top” button not working as expected
  • Updated carousel so that “read more” link appears regardless of content type
  • Addressed issue with timestamp bleeding out of “cards” in Use Case category
  • Fixed issue with mobile navigation and green highlight not extending across the node
  • Adjusted alignment of Post and Cancel buttons
  • Removed “Associated Products” metadata field from quilts
  • Fixed “auto save” UI error on the case portal
Version 19.6 | July 31, 2019
  • Introduced a redesigned home page based on survey feedback and user testing gathered at the 2019 Inspire in Nashville
  • Restructured Community boards so that content is bucketed intuitively by type of post and associated product
  • Redesigned the navigation bar so that it may be toggled into a collapsed 'hamburger' style menu, or pinned to remain fixed to the page
  • Designed and implemented a "What's New" component on the home page to spotlight featured content
  • Adjusted the max width of category (parent) pages in the Community to reduce the busyness of the design
  • Implemented an Ask a question button on the home page that allows posting a discussion topic directly to a product discussion board
  • Created a Community Hub that brings together everything users need to get started on the Community
  • Reconfigured the programming languages that may be selected in the code sample tool  code sample.PNG in the text editor
  • Improved navigation for accessing native-language User Groups in the localized communities
  • Added a link to the Alteryx Analytics Gallery in the Community footer
  • Updated translations in the Japanese Alteryx Academy
  • Fixed a bug in which the "Tweet Group Message" button showed up twice on User Group discussion boards
  • Minor improvements such as adjusting CSS styling on a few pages including the Profile Page, IdeasSettingsCase Portal, ACE Program, Use Cases, and Private Messages
  • Improved how Stars are displayed in certain components across the Community
Version 19.5.2 | June 27, 2019
  • Updated the Case Portal to support 2019.2 version cases and modified the severity selection for partners
  • Fixed a display issue when visiting the Advocacy.Amplified page on mobile
  • Moved the announcements banner on custom Academy pages
  • Updated translations in the Japanese Alteryx Academy
  • Improved how Stars are displayed in certain components across the Community


Version 19.5.1 | June 24, 2019
  • Upgraded the TinyMCE text editor to v2
  • Resolved a bug preventing syntax highlighting from displaying properly in code snippets
Version 19.5 | June 5, 2019
  • Customer Idea: Baked cookies so that users can stay logged in to Community longer
  • Customer Idea: Added "My Bookmarks" to the user menu
  • Customer Idea: Started reporting on the number of new certifications awarded in Community Highlights
  • Converted the Live Training into a Videos repository
  • Made improvements to the upload and display of company logos in the Alteryx Use Cases
  • Localized Case Portal across all supported languages
  • Adjusted the navigation bar to display in the language of the page being viewed, even when the user's profile language is different
  • Added a banner notification for users viewing a page in a different language to help them set their profile language or return to the English community
  • Updated mistranslations and missed translations in the localized communities
  • Resolved a bug that was preventing the HTML edit tab of the text editor from loading correctly
  • Resolved a bug in the @ mention functionality that was hiding certain community members from the autofill list
  • Resolved a bug with the Twitter integration where a specific role permission was preventing individuals with that role from tweeting user group messages
  • Minor bug fixes and design enhancements


Version 19.4.1 | May 23, 2019
  • Removed the machine-translation toggle and disabled the automatic translation of posts and comments
  • Implemented transliterated urls for the localized communities
  • Resolved a bug preventing the HTML and Preview tabs of the Blogs text editor from loading correctly
  • Resolved an issue where a "recommendations" component was hanging on certain pages
  • Resolved a bug that had broken the document preview feature of attachments on posts
  • Fixed broken links, mispellings, and mistranslations


Version 19.4 | April 30, 2019
  • Released a brand new Spanish Community
  • Released a brand new Portuguese Community
  • Patched a defect preventing a subset of users from accessing the Designer Advanced Certification exam
  • Added new prep materials to Certification, including an Interactive Lesson style practice exam
  • Refactored code on the Advocacy.Amplified to allow users to sign in faster
  • Fixed a minor bug in the email notifications in which the recipient's username was missing
  • Minor text changes such as misspellings, mistranslations, and clarifications
  • Minor improvements such as adjusting CSS styling on the user profile hovercard and DataCamp widget, and making content more responsive to less common aspect ratios


Version 19.3 | April 18, 2019
  • Enhanced the Support Case Portal with a more robust case submission page, sorting and filtering options, and an improved Case Details view
  • Launched Use Cases in the French, German, and Japanese Communities
  • Launched new Blog sections in the French and German Communities
  • Enhanced the Use Case submission page with new fields and helpful instructions
  • Integrated a more secure method of accessing Certification exams in Alteryx Academy
  • Added a new tab in the Use Case section dedicated to the Advocacy.Amplified program
  • Implemented support for embedding DataCamp Light interactive code widgets in Knowledge Base and Blog articles
  • Localized Community-wide badges to German and French
  • Added a reel of featured articles to the User Group Leaders' private forum
  • Provided partners with the ability to display their company under their usernames on profile pages
  • Increased the maximum capacity of Interactive Lessons to support future learning content
  • Resolved a bug with multi-byte characters that was interfering with the Japanese Designer Core Certification exam
  • Resolved a bug where clicking on a link to a rank on the user profile hovercard sent authenticated users to the login page
  • Resolved a bug where under certain conditions attachments would appear to the right of an article body rather than underneath the article
  • Minor improvements such as fixing broken links, adjusting CSS styling, and making content more responsive to less common aspect ratios


Version 19.2.2 | April 3, 2019
Version 19.2.1 | March 15, 2019
  • さあ、始めましょうか! Launch of our Japanese-language Alteryx Academy, including Interactive Lessons, Live Training, Weekly Challenges, and the Designer Core Certification exam
  • Localized the astronomical user ranking system to French, German, and Japanese
  • Changed the Ideas card on each of the product hub pages (Designer product hub) to display the number of Ideas in the "Implemented" state rather than the "Accepted" state
  • Fixed a bug introduced in our 19.2 release that caused sections of the Live Training calendar to become difficult to read
  • Fixed an edge-case bug in the Use Case filter that allowed the user to get stuck in state where all Use Cases have been filtered out of view
Version 19.2 | March 8, 2019
  • Modified the scoping of Community Search so that it will (by default) return only results from the area being searched in, rather than from across Community
  • Alteryx Certification exams may now be taken live from the Community (some restrictions apply)
  • Restructured the French, German, and Japanese Community sites to improve user experience and lay the foundation for two new sections: Use Cases and Blogs
  • Alteryx Use Cases have been revamped with a fresh new look, including enhanced sorting and filtering, to support the launch of the new Advocacy Amplified program
  • Added a “Subscribe” button to the top-left of the Blogs
  • Introduced a feedback collection survey to Interactive Lessons
  • Exposed more editing controls in the message editors
  • It's now possible to copy-paste an web-based image into a post by right-clicking on the editor and using pasting from the context menu
  • Knowledge Base articles now display the last modified date in the top-right, and show the originally posted date in a hover tooltip
  • Minor improvements such as fixing broken links and making content more responsive to less common aspect ratios
  • Reposted the Tool Mastery Index due to a bug that was causing the page to become unresponsive
  • Resolved a Community-reported issue in which the “Latest Topics” area on the homepage was showing replies in addition to topics
Version 19.1 | January 17, 2019
  • Released a brand new Japanese Community
  • Refactoring of Community assets to improve page load times, especially for our international Community members
  • Localized the hover-card that shows Community user information into French, German, and Japanese
  • Restructured the side-nav so that the Support resource page is easier to find
  • Made improvements to the Support Case Portal to streamline the submission of a new support case
  • Improvements to the design of the community system email notifications
  • An improved "Welcome to Community" email with links to great content for new Community members
  • Moved the Location Data Knowledge Base to a public area of the Community
  • Updated banner artwork for the Alter Everything Podcast blog
  • Revamped the ACE Program page with tabs for Selection Criteria, Rewards and Benefits, and a Nomination form
  • Added an Alteryx Partner Certification registration card to the Alteryx Product Certification Program page
  • Resolved an issue in which the Community search-bar text would overlap with the search scope selection for certain screen resolutions
  • Minor improvements such as fixing broken links and making content more responsive to less common aspect ratios


New Versioning Notation! | January 1, 2019

  • Switching to a new release process centered around 6-8 week cycles
  • Version Notation:
    • Major Release: YY.N – where YY is the 2-digit version of the year, and N designates the nth release of that year
    • Minor Release: YY.N.m – same as for the major release above, with a further distinction m for the patch release


Version 5.7.1 | December 21, 2018
Version 5.7 | November 29, 2018
  • Released a brand new German-language Community
  • Improvements to the design of community system email notifications
  • Updated the Legacy Downloads page with a new stable release of Alteryx version 11.7
  • Resolved a bug where the magnifying glass icon was missing from the Advanced Search page
  • Restructured the Developer Community so that Dev Space is more accessible
  • New Dev Space Founder Badge to celebrate the Developer Community Anniversary (Nov 28, 2018)
  • Unveiled the Inspire 2019 | Buzz forum - the go to community resource for Inspire Nashville conference attendee's


Version 5.6 | October 31, 2018


Version 5.5 | September 28, 2018


Version 5.4 | August 27, 2018
  • New Interactive Lessons released: Creating Analytic Apps
  • Updates to Alteryx Certification page, including new Core & Advanced Certification Exam Prep Guides
  • Improvements to Private Messaging Interface
  • Mobile search UI improvements
  • Latest Topics & other Community content feed updates
  • Layout improvements to Article & Topics pages
  • New Message guidance added to Alteryx Connect Discussions
  • Weekly Challenge automation improvements, including updating the Index and leaderboards on a daily basis
  • Live Trainings scheduled through November
  • Updated color of UG Leader profile links on User Group pages (original idea by @ydmuley)
  • Fixed issue with Featured content display
  • New Badge ready for 3-year Community Anniversary (Sep 4th, 2018)
Version 5.3 | July 27, 2018
Version 5.2 | June 28, 2018
Version 5.1 | June 1st
Version 5.0 | May 24, 2018
  • Restructured community for better alignment with Alteryx platform and easier content discovery
  • Enhanced visual navigation to present clear paths and enable more fluid movement throughout the site
  • New Getting Started area
  • New Alter.Nation area
  • New Culture & Events area
  • Rollout of our fancy new brand look and feel!
  • Kicked off the Python Tool Contest on Dev Space
  • New privacy features, including GDPR support
Version 4.4.1 | March 22, 2018
Version 4.4 March 6, 2018
Version 4.3 | February 14, 2018
  • New Contest: Road to Inspire 2018 (Anaheim) has been launched. Participate to obtain the badge and a chance to win a video spotlight, a free pass to Inspire 2018 Anaheim and other great prizes!
  • Certification information added to Academy Overview page
  • "Report Content" under the Message Options menu has been updated to "Notify Moderator" and more guidance is being provided on what to flag to the moderation team. (original idea by @DultonM)
  • Online status now appears on community members' profile hover cards (original idea by @JoshKushner)
  • Matching search terms in search results are now highlighted in both the title and body text in the Community search results
  • Several styling and bug fixes
Version 4.2.1 | January 8, 2018
  • Additional information about Advanced Certification has been added to the Certification page and a new badge is available for those who get certified.
  • The 100th Weekly Challenge has been posted, and there's a brand new #100 badge to earn
Version 4.2 | December 13, 2017
  • Introduced new Content Translation Feature to discussions, blogs, and the Alteryx Knowledge Base (Languages include: French, German, & English)
  • New Interactive Lessons in Alteryx Academy: Writing Expressions
  • #SANTALYTICS 2017 kicks off with a special announcement
  • Launched the Inspire 2018 | Buzz forum - the go to community resource for conference attendee's
  • Alteryx Developer Community GA Launch
  • New Badge granted to Inspire Europe 2017 attendees
  • Resolved issue with user profile links on Mobile
Version 4.1.1 | November 30, 2017
Version 4.1 | October 31, 2017
  • Alteryx Certification moves to Academy! Begin your journey to becoming an Alteryx Core Certified Professional.
  • Early-release of the Alteryx Developer Community: Get a sneak-peek on what we have been working on prior to the official launch date.
  • New Tool Mastery Index makes discovering individual articles a whole lot easier!
  • Incorporated Latest Photos component on User Group pages
  • New badge for Tableau Conference 2017 attendee's
  • New badge to recognize members who successfully completed the Alteryx Core Certification exam
  • Resolved issue with idea status updates along with other minor bug fixes


Version 4.0 | September 26, 2017

  • Launch of Alteryx Academy!
    • Immersive experience
    • Enhanced content and introduction of tracks
    • Progress tracking
    • Fully responsive so you can learn anywhere, from any device
  • Launch of Alteryx Community Highlightsan on-going blog series aimed at helping you make the most of your time in the community!


Version 3.5 | May 29, 2017

  • Improved navigation on the User Groups landing page.
  • The breadcrumb has been fixed so that you can easily navigate back through all levels of the community
  • Updates to the Alteryx For Good page: new forms, layout and details about joining our volunteering network
  • New Inspire 2017 badges
  • Various styling fixes


Version 3.4 | May 8, 2017

  • User Groups are expanding to industries! A new Healthcare User Group is now available
  • We've laid the groundwork for Alteryx Academy, which you will be able to preview at Inspire.


Version 3.3.1 | April 14, 2017


Version 3.3 | March 30, 2017

  • Alteryx Uses Cases are now available to browse by department and industry
  • Leaderboards have been added to the Partner Community to recognize participation
  • Added call to action to sign on on Live Training modules
  • Several minor bug fixes


Version 3.2.1 | March 9, 2017

  • New Live Chat experience on the Support page
  • Idea Exchange Options that were previously missing have been re-added to the page
  • Live Training title and description have been moved above the calendar


Version 3.2 | March 2, 2017

  • 2017 Alteryx Analytics Excellence Awards are open for submissions.
  • Live Training sports a new calendar where you can get a quick view of upcoming sessions, and download calendar invites.
  • New Weekly Challenge Index to view challenges in order 
  • Pagination has been re-added to forum topics.
  • New badge for Women's History Month. Participate in any of our Women of Analytics or #BeBoldForChange activities in March to earn it.
  • Resolved issue with missing signatures on posts
  • Several additional minor bug fixes.


Version 3.1 | February 2, 2017


  • Live Training moves to Community! Browse our ever growing library of instructor-led, training sessions focused on practical use cases
  • New set of badges to reward participation in our Weekly Challenge
  • User Group Members can now invite other community members to join User Groups they are part of
  • Disabled community platform spellcheck to favor more robust browser spellcheckers instead
  • Updated Meet the Community Team with new members. Watch their 30 seconds Community Confessions!
  • Alteryx | Support can now be accessed via Alteryx Resources
  • Several UI improvements and fixes related to community search and the document viewer experience

Version 3.0 | December 15, 2016


  • Fully responsive community that provides a consistent experience on any device. It's resolutionary!
  • New persistent navigation, search, and user controls build to be convenient, fast, and fluid
  • Improved rich media experience & features enable faster sharing and better discoverability
  • Launch of the new Training category, and dedicate space for our Weekly Challenge
  • Full-site SSL so that you can browse and engage with peace of mind


Version 2.7 November 17, 2016


  • New badge to recognize Alteryx Certified Partners
  • New set of badges to reward contributions to our blogs
  • Improved Community Experience Survey to capture your feedback and improve your experience
  • #SANTALYTICS 2016 kicks off with a special announcement, and its own event area: Help an elf get Santa around the globe!
  • Several bug fixes
  • Ground work for big changes to come!


Version 2.6 | May 20, 2016


  • Open Beta: Profile Plus  (+Activate the new Profile Plus badge!)
  • The Alteryx Partner Community is now live! Contact to request access.
  • Alteryx | Hangouts have been moved to their own section under the Events category
  • Eventbrite links on the User Groups calendar are now clickable
  • Adjusted styling of attachments, thanks to this idea


Version 2.5 | April 12, 2016


  • Ranks Asteroid and higher will now have access to an Unanswered Posts tab on the community homepage
  • Ranks in the profile hover cards will now take you directly to the User Ranks FAQs
  • New Alteryx User Groups launched 4/6, check out their events calendar for a meetup near you
  • New time limited User Group Trailblazer badge
  • Global notification will now display important messages at the top of every page of the community
  • Link to Welcome & Getting started added to footer
  • Closed Beta for Profile Plus


Version 2.4 | February 29, 2016


  • Restructure of the community to simplify paths to content and bring more consistency
  • Updated navigation to accommodate deeper levels in our community structure
  • My Accepted Solutions module has been added to user profile pages
  • Placeholders will now auto expire and disappear after 7 days to help avoid clutter across the community
  • New badge to identify those who are registered for Inspire 2016 & posted on the Inspire | Buzz
  • New time-limited Leap Day 2016 badge 
  • Updated available statuses, submission guidelines and tips for the Alteryx Product Ideas Exchange
  • Several bug fixes and styling enhancements


Version 2.3 | February 3, 2016


  • Find what you're looking for faster by changing the scope of your search right from the search bar
  • New badge to identify Alteryx User Group Leaders in the community
  • New badge for users that change their avatar (yeah, it's a ninja)
  • Be heard! We've introduced new polling functionality in select areas of the community
  • Relative dates will now only display for 7 days for clarity of when content was posted or updated
  • Bug fixes, styling enhancements, and behind-the-scenes infrastructure upgrades


Version 2.2.1 | December 15, 2015
  • Events category expansion
  • Accepted Solution reminder email will now go out after 3 days instead of 7
  • 7 Alteryx ACEs have been added to the program
Version 2.2.0 | November 24, 2015
  • We've achieved escape velocity and are no longer in Beta!
  • Updated sign in and registration experience
  • Created a Getting Started guide for new users 
  • Ability to @mention other users is now available to rank Asteroid and higher
  • Enhanced Stars image states
  • New Blog Authors bio widget on blog articles
  • General design tweaks and enhancements
Version 2.1.4 | October 22, 2015
Version 2.1.3 | October 9, 2015
Version 2.1.2 | September 25, 2015

  • Bug fixes related to Document Viewer and Sign In


Version 2.1.1 | September 23, 2015

  • Accessibility improvements
Version 2.1 | September 18, 2015
  • Native Document Viewer
  • My Bookmarks widget
  • Home page side navigation widget
  • Design tweaks, bug fixes, and general improvements
Version 2.0 | September 3, 2015
  • Beautiful new user interface
  • Streamlined registration/sign-on experience
  • Advanced gamification, reputation, and recognition features
  • Rich user profiles, real-time notifications, e-mail subscriptions, and private messaging
  • Upgraded content classification tools: Labels, Stars, and Accepted Solutions
  • Enhanced search functionality and dynamic content recommendations
Version 1.0 | July 2013
  • Liftoff!