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Community news, customer stories, and more!
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

May the 4th may have passed, but we're always in for some good Star Wars references, particularly here in the community. And with as often as that franchise has been updated, it kind of thematically works here as well, since the community has also been updated with some new visual updates this month. It hopefully won't give uncanny valley vibes (looking at you, prequels) but will make things a bit easier on the eyes for everyone. So let's get into it!




Need to Know


We did a lot this sprint that can be bundled into one overarching theme, User Experience Refresh! Mainly we focused on streamlining and modernizing several specific areas, and while the changes on their own are small, all together they have a big impact. First, we changed our home page tiles and banner giving it a more modern feel.




We also updated the category pages in a big way, the tiles no longer have images, but they were replaced with colorful icons and easy-to-read descriptions, along with a new hover state.




Gallery also got touched up along with our carousels and many other small-scale pieces of the community. But the biggest heavy hitter was the font change. Across the community we updated our font size and type to give a more modernized and streamlined look just like our products.


We’re not done however, with a touch up as big as this, we still have many areas to touch up so keep an eye out for the new updates as we continue to work through this refresh.





Community News


We've got SO much happening in the next few weeks here - Inspire 2022 is just a week away and I know we on the community team couldn't be more excited to get to see many of you! There's still time to register, so if you haven't yet and need something to do next week, go here to register! Inspire is bound to be an amazing conference this year - we haven't all had a chance to get together since 2019, so you know we'll be pulling out all the stops! There's going to be a huge amount of content, learning, and networking you can do together. PLUS you can come hang out with the community team at the Community Hub (and even get to meet Dean during the welcome reception)!


We've had some really great contributions from our various community members (as we always do) but one that really stuck out to me was this blog from one of our ACEs, @MarqueeCrew. In it, he discusses how best to approach asking questions to really learn more in the Alteryx Community. Sometimes you just need a quick answer to question, but one of the biggest benefits of the community is the ability to learn from other experts that can help you really up-level your skillset - it's a great way to increase your aptitude for Alteryx (and impress everyone at work while you're at it).


We've also got some great stuff coming up in the next few weeks and months as well! Earlier I mentioned that our very own co-founder, @dstoecker, will be joining us at the Community Hub at Inspire for the welcome reception. We've ALSO got a great community event planned just a few weeks from now with Dean and a few special guests to discuss what the journey has been like for Alteryx, and reminisce about some of the incredible things that have happened at the company over the years. Stay tuned for more details but mark your calendars for June 1st for what's bound to be a can't-miss event!




Read and Listen


April was Earth Month! Did you know that only 1/3 of all carrots don’t even make it off the farm? Our podcast episode with Australia's top food rescue organization, OzHarvest, is full of these “fun” (if not shocking) facts about food waste and sustainability that will leave you motivated to “Use it up!”


And speaking of sustainability, how can consumers and businesses make sure they’re doing their part to help build a sustainable world? Pat Keyes from Green America joined us to share how they’re using the Alteryx Tech for Good program to help work towards this goal.


So many great April blogs but if I had to pick two CAN’T MISS reads, check out:


Why Alteryx Machine Learning? - A thorough walkthrough of Alteryx Machine Learning, part of the Alteryx Analytics Cloud, by Principal Engineer Raymond Peck.


Alteryx Because I Can – Snake Game - Owen Coyle introduces us to the Snake Game that he built with Python and Alteryx Designer. Leave your high score in the comments!




It's always a good time to get involved in the community, and now is no exception!  Inspire is about to happen, and we can't wait to hear what everyone has to say about their experience at the conference.  Plus, there's so much more coming in the next few months that we can't wait to share with you.  Things keep on getting better around the community, and it's all because you help keep it running! So keep on asking questions, getting answers, and sharing everything you can - you make our community the great place it is. Until next month, folks!




Will Machin
Community Manager

Will runs community engagement programs for the Alteryx Community and wants to ensure that all members get the resources, activity, and information they need. He is always open to hear feedback and ideas and loves connecting with everyone in the community to strengthen relationships and build strong ties.

Will runs community engagement programs for the Alteryx Community and wants to ensure that all members get the resources, activity, and information they need. He is always open to hear feedback and ideas and loves connecting with everyone in the community to strengthen relationships and build strong ties.
