Featured Ideas
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
When the name of a field is changed early in a workflow, all corresponding tools that use the renamed field should have the option to auto update the field name. This way I don't have to manully update the name of each effected field.
Dynamic Input should either:
(a) have the option of merging files with different field schemas
(b) Return a list of rejected filepaths
One of the problems I have with using Alteryx is the frequent need to input a bunch of files, but a few have an extra/missing field. The extra/missing field is often unimportant to me, but it means that the dynamic input doesn't work.
I really would appreciate the ability to store our templates in a Teams/Sharepoint (or whatever exists) folder. However, it doesn't work today :
Best regards,
There are several dozens of data sources... maybe it would be useful to have a search in it?
Best regards,
Hi there
My idea is to have an option to copy and paste a tools configuration to a different tool of the same type somewhere else on the canvas.
Say I have four summarise tools dealing with four different data streams, I envision a 'Copy Tool Configuration' option after right clicking on a tool and then a 'Paste Tool Configuration" which can be applied across the multiple instances of the summarise tool by overwriting. This would preserve the tools anchors incoming and outgoing connections.
This would increase the speed of developing workflows. Naturally this would be significantly quicker than copy and pasting tools, and then re-wiring anchors. Additionally, this would potentially reduce human error when iteratively developing workflows.
Regards - Rhys Cooper
Hi everyone! I have been trying to find a way to do this without creating a new idea, but I have decided to make it an official 'Idea' to see if there is anyone else that might appreciate a feature like this (or has found there own way to do it!)
Do your workflows look like this...
but you wish they could look like this?
Well... they can with your help!
Okay, I might be crazy...but its worth a shot.
While I understand this is an extremely niche issue, in my experience, it can become very difficult to trace the data through unmanaged lines in large workflows. I think it will be great to cable manage canvas lines so workflows are easier to follow. Heck, while I am already at it, I think it we should all start calling these canvas lines cables... They don't carry electricity, but they sure do carry data!
Here is an example I created in Alteryx using select tools and containers:
As of today, there are only few packages that are embedded with Alteryx Python tool. However :
1/Python becomes more and more popular. We will use this tool intensively in the next years
2/Python is based on existing packages. This is the force of the language
3/On Alteryx, adding a package is not that easy : you need to have admin rights and if you want your colleagues to open your workflow, it also means that he has to install it himself. In corporate environments, it means loosing time, several days on a project.
Personnaly, I would Polars, DuckDB.. that are way faster than Panda.
A client just asked me if there was an easy way to convert regular Containers to Control Containers - unfortunately we have to delete the old container and readd the tools into the new Control Container.
What if we could just right click on the regular Container and say "Convert to Control Container"? Or even vice versa?!
My request is to allow navigation to specific System settings without having to click through the entire process to get to the specific section of the settings you want to change.
Similar to the setting that you have in many individual tools (join, append, select, et al) where you can go to options and choose to "forget missing fields" it would be nice where you could go to options for the entire flow and "forget missing fields".
This would remove the headache that you have with large flows where you make a change(s) then have to go back through each and every tool to "forget" within that tool. Yes you could still do it individually, but if you chose, you could also do it universally for the entire flow all at once to all the 'missing fields'.
The TO field (and I assume other fields) in the Email tool seem to have a 254 character limit - this should be increased heavily as there are many distribution lists that will go above this character limit!
- Solved: Email tool recipients list truncating emails - Alteryx Community
- Solved: Email Widget: Cut off all the emails in the "To" r... - Alteryx Community
- Re: Email Address Truncated in the "To" Field - Alteryx Community
A distribution list works but is not ideal. Thumbs up if you like this idea!
Currently when a unique tool is used, and a field is removed upstream then the workflow fails to move forward. If you have one or two unique fields being used then it is no big deal, but when you have a very complex workflow then you have to click into each one of those tools in order to update. This can be very problematic and creates a lot of time following all the branches that is connected after the 1st unique tool is used. My suggestion is to make this a warning instead of a fail or have an option to select fail or warning like the union tool is setup. This way people can decide how they want this tool to react when fields are removed.
Currently if I have a connection between two tools as per the example below:
I can drag and drop a new tool on the connection between these tools to add it in:
And designer updates the connections nicely, however if I select multiple tools and try and collectively drop them inbetween, on a connection then it won't allow me to do this, and will move the connection out of the way so it doesn't cause an overlap.
Therefore as a QoL improvement it would be great if there was a multi-drop option on connections between tools.
Hi! I noticed that there is currently no way to use the debug function when working on an analytic app workflow that contains control containers. I'm running 2024.1 and I use the debug feature in my workflows that currently do not have control containers for me to troubleshoot when data changes in a dynamic workflow. Currently, when running in test mode, I have no way to review the data step by step in the flow when selected dynamically through the interface apps. I can only view the final output and make tweaks.
To increase Performance on some old Buissness Logic, i am trying to switch an existing system to In-DB tools. This has given me a lot of headache because there is no Multi-Field Formular Tool in the In-DB section. It is a very tedious job to run through every workflow to manually set the same regex for a table with more than 20 Fields.
I have had the idea to implement such a tool myself but i think this could be helpful for other developers in Alteryx Desktop too, so i am bringing this up here.
The Idea is to have a similar approach to the new Multi-Formular Tool like the other already existing Tool in Preperation.
The idea is quite simple. I am sure a lot of Alteryx enthusiasts use containers frequently. These can also be color coded for better overview and readability of your workflows. However, while connections between tools can be named, they cannot be colored.
Therefore, this idea is very simple. Adding an option to color these connections. This would allow for even more readability of workflows. Especially if a workflow contains multiple separate streams of data, this could help to navigate and keep track of how and where data is flowing.
Dear Alteryx,
One day, when I pass from this life to the next I'll get to see and know everything! Loving data, one of my first forays into the infinite knowledge pool will be to quantify the time lost/mistakes made because excel defaults big numbers like customer identifiers to scientific notation. My second foray will be to discover the time lost/mistakes made due to
Unexpanded Mouse Wheel Drop Down Interaction
Riveting right? What is this? It's super simple, someone (not just Alteryx) had the brilliant idea that the mouse wheel should not just be used to scroll the page, but drop down menus as well. What happens when both the page and the drop down menu exist, sometimes disaster but more often annoyance. Case in point, configuring an input tool.
See the two scenarios below, my input is perfectly configured, I'll just flick my scroll wheel to see what row I decided to start loading from
Happy Path, cursor not over drop down = I'll scroll down for you ↓
Sad Path, cursor happened to hover the dropdown sometimes on the way down from a legit scroll = what you didn't want Microsoft Excel Legacy format?
And you better believe Alteryx LOVES having it's input file format value changed in rapid succession., hold please...
Scroll wheels should scroll, but not for drop down menus unless the dropdown has been expanded.
Oh and +1 for mouse horizontal scrolling support please.
The idea behind encrypting or locking a workflow is good for users to maintain the workflow as designed.
However, when a user reaches a level of maturity equivalent to that of the builder or more, or even when changes are required - the current practice is to keep a locked and unlocked version of the workflow so that it allows for a change in the future.
It would be much simpler if we can have the power to lock and unlock workflows with a password. Users can then maintain and keep the passwords so that they can continue with the workflow.
Not everybody is on Server yet so this feature is very helpful for control before Server migration. Otherwise it’s just password protecting a folder containing the workflow package, then re-locking a new save file each time a change is made or when someone new takes over on prem.
for iterative macro, generally it had 2 anchors, one if it is for iterative, and it normally no output (whether got error or not)
it good to have option to remove this anchor when using it in workflow.
so other user no need to identify which one is the True output and which one is just iteration.
additional, if this can apply to input anchor.
(i just built one macro where i don't need the start input, but the input need to be iterate input)
In the tools that embed the "Rename" option (Select, Append Fields, Join, Join Multiple), copying the new name will copy all the information of the field configuration : tick/untick, original field name, type, size, new name and description.
Renaming the field "Rename_Field"
In my opinion, it should copy only the new name. This would be useful, especially because when you change the name of a field, it isn't automatically changed in subsequent tools, so copying it to replace it in those tools is faster than retyping it every time.