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Hello Community members!
A solution to last week’s challenge can be found here.
Thank you, @Qiu , for creating this fun challenge. Your submission was so extensive, we had to divide it into two parts! We appreciate your contributions to our Weekly Challenges!
Welcome to the first of two challenges where you will dive deep into the world of LEGO®! Get ready to uncover some cool facts about LEGO sets, themes, and part counts. Use the provided datasets to solve this challenge. Let’s go!
The datasets contain the following information:
sets.csv: Data on LEGO sets, including a unique set number, name, release year, theme ID, part count, and image URL.
themes.csv: Data on LEGO themes, with each theme having a unique ID, a name, and a reference to its parent theme when applicable.
You have three tasks to complete in this challenge:
Determine which LEGO set contains the largest number of parts.
Determine which LEGO theme has the largest number of sets.
Calculate the average number of parts per set for each year. Use integer as the data type for this task.
Good luck!
The Academy Team
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Data Sources:
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Hello Community members,
A solution to last week’s challenge can be found here.
This week’s challenge, submitted by Alex Abi-Najm ( @alexnajm ), is a fun puzzle for you to practice your parsing and formula skills. Who is up for the challenge?
The dataset contains three rows of data. Your task is to mask every other letter in a word with an asterisk. So, for example, if the rows contain the following data:
The result should look like this:
*A*P* *O*I*A*S
*E *O*F*L
Make sure you don't mask any spaces!
Need a refresher? Review the following lessons in Academy to gear up:
Changing Data Layouts
Multi-Row Formula
Good luck!
The Academy Team
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A solution to last week’s challenge can be found here. "Pumpkins Halloween 2013" by Mod Mischief is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Pumpkins abound, and squirrels are happy. It’s that time of the year! Halloween is in just a few days, and you need to get candy for trick-or-treaters.
This Halloween dataset contains 85 types of candy. Take a closer look at the columns: - sugar percentage - The percentile of sugar it falls under within the data set. - price percentage - The unit price percentile compared to the rest of the set. - favorite percentage - The overall win percentage according to 269,000 matchups.
Your house is going to be a hit if your candy basket includes the following: - The 5 candies with the lowest “sugar percentage”. An average trick or treater consumes 7,000 calories worth of candy, so you want to offer some healthy options. - The 5 candies with the highest “favorite percentage”. Your neighbors know you are a people pleaser! - The 5 candies with the lowest “price percentage”. The giant tarantula inflatables you bought weren’t cheap, so you need to save some money on the treats.
And no peanut or almond candies. The teal pumpkins at your front door communicate that your candy basked is allergy-friendly. (Did you know that’s a “thing”?)
Make sure to filter out all candies that are not allergy friendly first.
Among the 85 types of candy from the dataset, what are the 15 candies to have in your basket?
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Hello Community Members,
A solution to last week’s challenge can be found here.
This challenge was submitted by Jacob Ward. Thank you, @SauronsBane, for this excellent contribution.
As the year wraps up, your role as a business analyst at a rapidly growing start-up takes a new turn. The VP of Finance has reached out, seeking help with the massive general ledger (GL) data that has grown beyond what the financial analysts can manage in Excel. Your task? Automate the workflow to create a consolidated Profit and Loss (P&L) statement for monthly reporting.
You have been provided with 2024’s GL data and the chart of accounts. Now, it is your job to organize the transaction data monthly according to the GL classes to streamline the financial reporting process.
Need a refresher? Review the following lessons in Academy to gear up:
Summarizing Data
Changing Data Layouts
Happy new year!
Data source: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/irfansharif/generalledger (adjusted for challenge goals).
The Academy Team
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Hello Community Members!
A solution to last week’s challenge can be found here.
This challenge was submitted by our valued ACE, Yughandar Muley. Thank you, @ydmuley for this excellent contribution!
The holiday season is just around the corner, and it is the most magical time for businesses to thrive—and for seasonal employees to earn some extra money!
Meet Tom, a student who is looking to make some holiday cash. His family runs a homemade cookie business, and they need someone to pack orders during the bustling season.
Tom works 6 days a week and is paid $15 per hour, working 4 hours a day on weekdays, and 10 hours a day on weekends. He has Thursdays and holidays off, including Christmas on December 25th and New Year’s Day on January 1st.
Your challenge: Calculate Tom’s earnings for weekdays, weekends, and his total pay for the contract period! His start and end dates are provided in a Text Input tool in the workflow.
Let’s spread some holiday joy and solve this festive challenge!
Need a refresher? Review the following lessons in Academy to gear up:
Diving Into Expressions
Changing Data Layouts
Have a wonderful holiday season!
The Academy Team
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