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Interactive Lessons

Dive into new analytics techniques with lessons that incorporate videos, hands-on activities and quizzes to assess your knowledge.

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First time using the Alteryx Designer? Start here!
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Learn about different data types and why they are important for your analysis.
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Create a simple data set or modify an input dataset on the fly with a Text Input tool.
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Learn the one tool that can quickly transform column names, order and data types.
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View your data in Designer as it transforms throughout your workflow.
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Combine columns of similar information into a single data stream.
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Quickly filter your data to remove or isolate rows that fit your criteria.
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Associate rows in two different datasets with a Join tool.
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Arrange data values in ascending or descending order with a Sort tool.
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Why connect to one sheet four times when you can connect to four sheets at one time?
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Creating relationships across a number of sheets can be time-consuming, to say the least. Save time. Take this lesson.
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Splitting values into multiple columns or rows doesn’t have to be a pain. The Text to Columns tool makes it almost too easy.
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Learn how to pivot your data between rows and columns! 
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Need to create a subset of your data?  The Sample tool can help with that!
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Identify the unique data values in your dataset
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But what does it all mean? Summarize your data quickly and easily to derive meaning from large amounts of information.
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Output your data to a variety of file types once you’ve finished processing your data.
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Ready to get started with writing expressions? Dive on in and take your analytics to the next level!
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If you give the Formula tool some data, then it'll want some conditional logic to go with it!
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Is that data value half empty or half null? Either way, Null and Empty values can be important components of expressions!
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Want to feel like you've got the world on a string? Learn to cleanse and prepare data with string functions!
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Crunch some numbers with Numeric Functions!
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Time flies when you're learning about DateTime functions, and having fun while doing it!
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It's all about location, location, location…and the functions that help you analyze that!
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Regular Expressions are extremely powerful tools, but you don’t have to use a RegEx tool to harness that power.
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Despite how we carry out much of our data analysis, gaps in your data are not good. Learn how to use Alteryx to fill your data.
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One formula, many columns, no problem. Learn to apply a formula to multiple columns using one tool.
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Where do we start with spatial analytics?  From the beginning, of course!  Input, view and explore the spatial objects in your data.  
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Explore how different attributes may be extracted from spatial objects, and how these attributes may be leveraged for analysis!
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No spatial objects in your dataset?  No problem!  We can create points, lines and polygons in Designer! 
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Build a trade area?  Eliminate overlap? Create doughnuts for analysis?  The Trade Area tool can do it all!
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Need to split a spatial object into smaller components?  Look no further than the Poly-Split tool!  
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Calculating distance is an important aspect of spatial analytics.  The Distance tool in Designer makes this task easy! 
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Spatial objects can interact in space.  Learn how in this lesson!
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Ever wonder what else is out there?  Learn to identify the nearest objects to a location!
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Match data based on the relationships of spatial objects! 
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Learn the fundamentals of creating, using and sharing analytic apps! 
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Design app interfaces to create magical end user experiences!
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Pull a rabbit, er…insights out of a hat with a File Browse interface element!
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Break the chains of prescribed inputs to enter free-form text in an app interface!
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Selecting a value with a Numeric Up Down?  That's almost as magical as levitation!
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Pick a card, any card…Choose an option in a Drop Down interface element!
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It's no illusion!  Select app values from a List Box!
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Drop the proverbial house on an app user with a customized error message in the app interface. 
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You shall not pass...through this part of the workflow for your analysis!
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Link a series of apps together in a seemingly unbreakable chain! 
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Learn how regular expressions are a powerful parsing tool for string data.
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Identify string data values that match a pattern defined by a regular expression.
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Use regular expressions and marked groups to replace values in string data.
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Split a block of string data into columns or rows based on a pattern in string data.
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Separate string data values into columns using a regular expression and marked groups.
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Parse and retrieve values from eXtensible Markup Language data.
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Parse and retrieve values from JSON data.
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Learn what Predictive Modeling is, what you can do with it, and what it takes to create predictive models.
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In this lesson, we discuss the fundamental concepts you'll need to know when creating and evaluating predictive models.
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A brief introduction to Data Investigation techniques and tools which are crucial before creating any predictive model.
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A tour of common issues and some techniques for dealing with those issues, including a hands-on practice workflow.
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An overview of the process of creating a predictive model, with explanations of common modeling algorithms.
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Learn about the Reporting tools in Designer and the snippets they create.
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Construct tables in Designer and format the results to customize your output.
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Use maps to tell your data’s story in a more compelling visual.
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Learn how to generate interactive charts to display your data in creative ways.
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Use the Reporting Text tool to add captions, headers, subtext and more to your reports.
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Explore the possibilities for positioning the elements of your report when showcasing your findings.
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Customize the headers and footers of your report by adding custom images, disclaimers, & page numbers.
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Utilize the Render tool to share your finalized report in various formats.
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An overview of the forecasting process and some distinguishing features unique to time series.
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Understand the minimum requirements of datasets and some best practices too!
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Investigate two of the most prominent modeling algorithms and how to use them in Designer.
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Evaluate model performance and create multiple models automatically.
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Learn what a macro is and why you might want to use them.
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Explore the common types of macros you can create in Designer and how they differ.
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Create the most basic macro to condense a workflow into a single tool.
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Customize your macros by adding interface elements for configuring your macro.
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Use Batch Macros to process groups of information in distinct ways.
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Develop Iterative macros to repeat your process until specific conditions are met.
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Share your macros with others to save time and standardize results.
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Explore the Predictive Grouping tool palette to organize your dataset efficiently.
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Explore the Predictive Grouping tool palette to organize your dataset efficiently.
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Find the most similar datapoints in a dataset to make sensible comparisons.
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Use PCA to reduce the number of dimensions in your dataset while keeping the info.
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Diagnose why your incoming data might be causing issues in your workflow.
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Explore the most common errors and best practices associated with expression editors.
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Learn about the unique properties of two of Designer’s most used tools.
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Make your workflows easier to understand and accessible - for you and others.
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Understand how to read error messages and save time while testing your workflows using runtime settings.
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Let's learn what types of analysis Alteryx Auto Insights can offer you in this introductive interactive lesson!
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Dive into each feature and learn how to understand the data with Alteryx Auto Insights!  
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Define the concept of machine learning and the process of building machine learning models.
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Recognize the importance of asking a good initial question and how to identify the types of problems solved by machine learning.
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Identify the types of data used and manipulations required for machine learning.
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Identify the importance of selecting an appropriate machine learning model and list various options for sharing new insights.
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Take your first steps in building a workflow and configuring tools in Designer Cloud.
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Discover why data is a key component for any decision.
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Ease into a deeper understanding what counts as data.
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Cover the basics of the hardware and software you use every day.
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Elevate your data administration skills with practical guidance on how to upload datasets efficiently.
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The name really says it all.
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Data can be messy, but that shouldn’t stop you!
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Demystify the Cloud with a brief overview of key technologies.
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