Under the join ribbon, could there be a new tool added called Minus? This would behave similar to how SQL Minus works. I think this tool could closely resemble the setup found in the union tool and provide the following functions: Ability to manually configure fields Automatically configure by name Automatically configure by position Ability to (de-select extraneous columns) Option to either include ALL rows, or just the distinct (similar to the minus and minus all behavior in SQL) When doing validations in a workflow, this would provide a useful dq measure to use as a sanity check to ensure that for example loan numbers haven't been dropped from one point of the workflow to the next.
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To avoid some errors occurring during upgrade or even installation, it would be great to add an option in the installer to go with a fresh installation (remove any previous Alteryx Designer). If selected, option would: - Warn users that everything Alteryx related is going to be deleted - Generate a log of what is going to be removed - Rename folders and registry keys listed there: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer/Complete-Uninstall-of-Alteryx-Designer/ta-p/402897 (rename instead of delete to avoid "bad surprises") A similar option could exist when one would like to uninstall Alteryx Designer. This would remove the frustration of having to rely on a "white knight" when something happens in the middle of an upgrade or an installation. Thanks, PaulN
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Hi everyone! I have been trying to find a way to do this without creating a new idea, but I have decided to make it an official 'Idea' to see if there is anyone else that might appreciate a feature like this (or has found there own way to do it!) Do your workflows look like this... but you wish they could look like this? Well... they can with your help! Okay, I might be crazy...but its worth a shot. While I understand this is an extremely niche issue, in my experience, it can become very difficult to trace the data through unmanaged lines in large workflows. I think it will be great to cable manage canvas lines so workflows are easier to follow. Heck, while I am already at it, I think it we should all start calling these canvas lines cables... They don't carry electricity, but they sure do carry data! Here is an example I created in Alteryx using select tools and containers:
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When using certain tools, particularly market place tools like the SharePoint input/ output etc. it would be helpful to have a quick way to find out which version is being used in a workflow. Something along the lines of an option when you right click the tool, that displays the current version would be ideal. This would be helpful in several cases but primarily when handing over workflows. There are cases when I have multiple versions of the same tool installed so that I don't have any issues inheriting workflows. This does however, make things confusing when handing workflows back. Tool Version Labelling would solve this problem. Regards - Pilsner
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Anytime you create a formula in the formula tool, you get a data preview based on the values in the first row of data. However, if you have a complex "IF c THEN t ELSEIF c2 THEN t2 ELSE f ENDIF" formula then the data combination that gives a TRUE result will likely exist on another row. Therefore, you need to run the workflow, or place a filter tool upstream to isolate the specific row, to test if the formula result is correct. It would be easier if you could select the Input anchor of the Formula tool, then filter the data in the results window to isolate the row in questions, then the data preview would be based on that filtered data set. I believe this would save a lot of time in the workflow development phase.
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