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Option to update ownership to any other valid license holder as needed.


Use Case: Currently the canvas owner is marked by default as the user publishing the canvas to production.

However, we have seen instances where the person moves teams and would like to hand it over to another person.

As we continue to build Alteryx Workflows for the business, there is a continued need for an organizational structure for saving and storing Alteryx Workflows within the Alteryx Gallery. Organizing the workflow repository through a "folder hierarchy" will allow users to quickly navigate and find the appropriate workflow. Currently, the workflows are listed in alphabetical order and requires the user to remember the Alteryx Workflow name and click to the proper page. 


Any enhancements to the Alteryx Gallery organization structure would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you, 




I wish Alteryx had an Alteryx gallery not only for workflows but for pure data sources as well which we can access with;

  • freemium license for certain aspects
  • a specific monthly fee or
  • a prepaid model...


And I would like to be able to get weather data as a starter;

  • historical temperature data is one thing and can be found over the internet so this part may be the freemium one...

But especially the most needed aspects are;

  • cloud cover
  • relative humidity
  • average precipitation rate
  • barometric pressure
  • wind chill temperature
  • wind direction in degrees
  • wind gust speed

Obviously 5 day 3 hour forecasts for all these aspects are another thing and probably this will generate some revenue...


This information is so essential in order to accurately forecast

  • credit risk in agricultural lending to
  • planning electricity loads and pricing...

Mathematica (since version 7) and wolfram has this built in already!

This is the source of data;


Totally agree that maintaining a data source covering worldwide is not an easy task but I think will help Alteryx users and customers a lot...

We've purchased a server license and several designer licenses to publish analytics apps to customers via our internal/company gallery. Whether a user signs in or not, users should not be subjected to corporate Alteryx ads. This is a terrible user experience and detracts from our ability to deploy self-serve solutions.



Looks like the user inputs (check boxes, free text fields, drop downs, file uploads etc., ) to the app are "temporarily" stored during the course of the app "Run" time. These - especially the "uploaded files" get deleted from  the temporary folder after the successful run of the workflow.


Ex: user uploads 2 files to the app as inputs. see attached interface.


It is important that the user selections are persisted on the alteryx server for debugging, investigation, audit trail purposes.

Of-course - there are workarounds by some extra code/logic within the app. But - in-order for the "server" tool to be considered as robust/industrialized - it is critical to "log" the user interactions on the server side.


Is it something already looked into?







My idea is to facilitate scheduling through Gallery vs the separate scheduler built into Designer. The reasons for this:


  1. The current scheduler authentication with Alteryx server via token is a big security concern. This allows all users to see all schedules, workflows, output logs, etc. for the entire server.  
  2. It will better interact with the Alteryx 10 version contol. Current scheduler shows all prior versions in the workflow list.
  3. Allow the server/gallery admin to setup scheduling rules. Ex: No scheduling during certain windows (for maintance downtimes), max frequency of scheduling, prevent users from scheduling too many jobs at the same time, user level rules.
  4. Allow scheduled workflow output to be retrieved from the "Workflow Results" section by the user who scheduled the workflow. Ex: I schedule a workflow that takes 2 hours to run at 6AM each day, then by the time I arrive at the office at 8AM, I can login to the gallery and download the output. 






The current Alteryx user interface is displayed in a vertical orientation without the option for customization. To optimize space efficiency, it would be highly advantageous if the filters could be arranged horizontally, as depicted in the attached figure.


Additionally, there is a usability issue with the options list for interface tools like the list box. Currently, all options are displayed without utilizing a dropdown, requiring users to scroll extensively when multiple tools with numerous options are present within a single analytic app. Implementing a dropdown functionality for improved navigation would significantly enhance the overall user experience.



I have an existing app in my company's gallery. I updated the app in the gallery to not allow others to download. I just made changes to the desktop version of the app and saved it to the gallery, then went thru the steps of replacing my existing gallery app with the new version (this part I like). BUT, after updating the app, when I went back into the app settings, the option for others to download was checked again. To me, the app should inherit anything that was manually done to it in the gallery, like making it not downloadable. Is it possible to have this changed in a future release?



Aliases are a really powerful tool, particularly when you have multiple environments (EG Test, Prod) and need a published workflow to work without any code changes (In particular in an IT or Release/Change Control model).  By configuring a system alias on your Test and Prod servers, code will dynamically point to the correct server.

However, aliases can be somewhat cumbersome if you have a lot of databases on a server, and those database names change by environment.  Effectively, you end up needing an alias for each Database, which runs into naming convention and standardization issues.

Having the ability to configure a "database value" or a "database alias" would do a lot to help this.  This could either be a file that would be attached (allowing for easy config changes without risk of modifying the underlying code structure) or a secondary tier of aliases, so that a connection string might go from:

aka:SQLSERVER (contains sqlserver and database information)




aka:SQLSERVER||aka:database - so that at runtime Alteryx would evaluate the SQLSERVER alias and the database alias to create the correct connection string for that environment.



Hello, Alteryx users,


My idea is simple but would make things way easier for the analytical app users on the Gallery.


Currently, the order is ascending and we can see all the files from all the applications we have run before.


It would help a million to see the most recent files first and only see the files related to this workflow.



Thank you,

Fernando Vizcaino


Currently, DCM credentials appear to only be used in combination with a DCM Data Source.  


For ease of use for my end users (non-Designers), I would like my end users to be able to save a user ID and password as a standalone DCM credential.  Then, I want the user to have the option to select that credential for use in two places:

  1.  Run-As - when running a workflow on demand, the user should be able to choose their saved DCM credential.
  2. Credential injection into Input Data or other relevant tools in Analytic Apps - I want to use the DCM Connection tool to build Analytic Apps that prompt my users to select their DCM Credential (NOT a full DCM Connection with data source - I don't want my users to have to set that up.)  When the user selects their Credential, their user ID and password should be securely encrypted and inserted into the existing connection set up by the App designer.


Having this functionality would remove administrative burden from both our Designers and the end users they support.

Currently when we need to disable/enable schedule on API,we need to update all the schedule info,could you provide only one attribute to disable.


Can we just update on parameter


"enabled": true, --> "enabled": false


current update example,we need update all


"workflowId": "string",
"ownerId": "string",
"iteration": {
"iterationType": "Once",
"startTime": "2022-09-06T08:01:52.717Z",
"endTime": "2022-09-06T08:01:52.717Z",
"hourlyContract": {
"hours": 0,
"minutes": 0
"dailyContract": {
"runOnlyWorkWeek": true
"weeklyContract": {
"daysOfWeek": [
"monthlyContract": {
"simpleDayOfMonth": true,
"dayOfMonth": 0,
"occurrence": 0,
"dayOfWeek": "Sunday"
"customContract": {
"daysOfMonth": [
"months": [
"name": "string",
"comment": "string",
"priority": "Default",
"workerTag": "string",
"enabled": true,
"credentialId": "string"

Hello all,

As of today, if you want to give the Alteryx Gallery user an Excel with your data out of your worfklow, you MUST design an Excel Report with Report tools.

However :
1/ It's highly time consuming to design the report
2/ It leads to many errors, especially on column size : a quick research on Alteryx community gives you several hundred topics
3/ the excel output works really fine

This is frustrating as hell for users !




Best regards,


Enhance the v3 APi for workflows - /v3/workflows/{workflowid} - to get information for first n versions and/or last n versions of the workflow.


The problem

The current API will return information about all versions of a workflow. If a workflow has several hundred versions, you'll get all version information, much of which is useless and can take a long time to process.


The (potential) solution

Allow the API to take parameters like first n versions and last n versions. This will allow the API to return only the respective version information that would be of interest to the user.


The red box in the image is the enhancement in swagger:




Hi all,


I've found, i guess, a bug on the Gallery. It's not really an issue as we've found a workaround for it. 

Whenever you're in need to delete a workflow that is owned by your co-worker, the Gallery doesn't let you instantly delete it (yes, we're in the same private studio) (screenshot 1).

To work around this issue, you just have to replace the specific workflow by a random workflow you own (basically i just upload a workflow with a browse tool in it, screenshot 2). 

When replaced, you get the god power to delete the workflow and thus also deleting the workflow of your co-worker. 

It would be convenient if i could just delete the workflow without this workaround tough :-)!.


Screenshot 1 - Not being able to delete a workflow owned by a co-worker.




Screenshot 2 - After replacing the workflow by a random workflow....





Today the v3 api requires curator access.  V3 has Getters that should work for users with API permission.  The Getter should return the objects that user has access to.   Example:   GetCredentials for a normal user with API access should return credentials that the user has access to.  Today they get a 401 auth error.


We don't want to make these users curators just to let them access the V3 api.

in the current alteryx gallery if we need to disable of enable the schedules workflows we need to manually enable or disable them.

example if we have 100 scheduled workflow. and we want to disable all of them and then enable them later. currently we spend hours to manually disable and enable each of them.

By adding a feature to select the workflows in scheduled to enable of disable the selected one at one which will save hours of time.

On Server Version 2019.4 I was able to use a SQL query as an external data source for my analytic app options for a drop down menu, tree, list, etc. When we upgraded to 2022.4, this capability was lost and according to the article below a chain analytic app is the best, but unnecessarily complex work around.

Tool Mastery | Drop Down Tool - Alteryx Community liste déroulante dropdown

Currently when administrating the Alteryx Server, within the 'users' page, I can see that new users will be setup as 'default'. 



This will display as 'default', which can be confusing, as I need to navigate to the configuration page to remind myself what the default role is. Additionally, they may be part of a group, either in AD or within the server, that upgrades their default rank, for instance if they are part of a group set to be curators. They will still always display as 'default'.


I would like to suggest the following:


This would allow me to see much more clearly who is set as what rank on the Server, but also which users are set to different ranks as part of an AD group.

In the example given, there are four scheduled jobs running in the server at the moment and one manual job is being triggered by the user and is in a queued state for more than 30 minutes to start running. However, in MongoDB, when a job is triggered, that time is captured as the start time (not considering the queue time). If we consider the start time of As_Queue in our workflow, we ended up with a mess. Since that manual job is queued for 30 minutes and running for only 3.30 hours, it is being killed by our workflow. It should only be killed after 4 hours.  


  • How did we determine the total queue time & the execution start time for the running/queued jobs? 
  • How do I kill this job automatically after four hours while taking queue time into consideration? 
  • Is there any other way to kill the manual jobs after four hours? Please note that scheduled jobs will be killed automatically by the system after four hours.
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