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Submission GuidelinesHello all,
This may be a little controversial. As of today, when you buy an Alteryx Server, the basic package covers up to 4 cores :
I have always known that. But these last years, the technology, the world has evolved. Especially the number of cores in a server. As an example, AMD Epyc CPU for server begin at 8 cores :
So the idea is to update the number of cores in initial package for 8 or even 16 cores. It would :
-make Alteryx more competitive
-cost only very few money
-end some user frustration
Moreover, Alteryx Server Additional Capacity license should be 4 cores.
Best regards,
I would like the ability to "favorite" Public flows that are on the server and then have a separate "Favorites" section. As the volume of Public flows on the server increases, It would allow for users to be able to navigate to frequently used flows much faster.
Currently, failed job results stay in the Mongo DB forever. Please either make it adhere to the same coding in the Server Settings for "Delete queue and results after (days)" setting, or make it a separate option for failed jobs.
after run workflow in server, it has to download output files one by one. it very annoying when the number is huge.
please change like other platform like SharePoint etc. enable select all options and/or download all options.
Most companies work on a period level basis and that is every 4 weeks. There is no way in Alteryx currently to schedule workflows to run only every 4 weeks, the monthly options do not match this cadence. If the option was added to select "every X week(s) on X day" this would also encompass biweekly scheduling as well. Outlook currently has exactly what would be needed (screenshot attached.)
I might be missing something here but as far as I know there is no feature (user or admin) providing a list of data connections being used by a specific workflow. And conversely, which workflows use a given data connection. This should work for both 'Standard' Data Connections as well as the DCM.
An example would be where a user has a scheduled workflow that runs at regular intervals and they might want to look at the logs from the results from a specific date. Having the ability to filter the date column would help with this, as the only other alternative at the moment is manually working through the pages.
Issue: When Workflow names have similar beginnings on server a user cannot distinguish between them because the columns on this GUI are not expandable as would be expected. A user has to make their browser larger and all columns open proportionately.
Solution: Change column settings so users can drag column widths to make changes. A bonus would be to allow a user to set a default along with an option to always auto expand all.
Hi everyone,
Since the Home page has been replaced by the My Workspace page as the main page on the Gallery, end-users are getting confused or at least uncomfortable with this transition.
It would be amazing to change the default main page to the Public tab or even remove/deactivate the My Files tab for these users.
Removing /deactivating the My Files tab will also correct an issue generated when an Artisan is downgraded to an end-user. Currently, these users can see their workflows in the My Files tab but can't access them.
Idea based on @phottovy 's question:
Good Day.
We would like a built-in process that would search or, and resolve, workflows that are stuck in the "initializing" state. These seem to happen for various reasons but communication problems between the controller and workers .. usually a socket timeout.. which appears to be most problematic. It seems that these type of errors should be expected in all but the most stable environments,
Currently, the only tool that we have to solve this problem is to restart the Alteryx Service on the controller and while this works there tendency to cause some collateral damage in workflows ...erroring or restarting from their beginning.
There may be a way to solve this without restarting the service by editing Mongo using a tool like Robo 3T but that is unproven and has its own risk.
After dealing with this issue and struggling for quiet some time we think that the best option is to implement a "clean up" DB process that will run every 5 min or so, capture a list of workflows in the "initializing" state , then compare that list to one in the next 5 min cycle and fix any workflows that appear in both lists. We think that returning any stuck workflows to the queued state would be the best Fix option.
We just don't want to continue to use Restart the Service process to solve this issue and accept the collateral damage.
Thank you for your consideration
Tom D
We have situations where some workflows that are scheduled end up having intermittent connection issues to other databases that result in the workflow running to timeout. The timeout settings are set in the server, but it would be nice if you could set an override value for a lesser timeout in the runtime settings for individual workflows and basically use the server setting as a not to exceed value. We have a multi-node environment with multiple worker nodes and about 250 artisans. We have some regularly scheduled workflows taking the full amount of time in the timeout setting and obviously if a couple of normally quick running workflows ran to timeout that causes issues with the queue.
While in a workspace or collection, it would be great to be able to select multiple workflows and perform a bulk action on them (e.g. delete). This would help cleaning up unused workflows quicker.
Thank you
Sometimes a schedule is enabled that we want to disable. We edit the schedule, click the button to disable the schedule, click "Save". Then refresh the page and it's enabled still. The schedule will not disable in some cases. In the cases where it does get disabled, clicking the "Save" button appears to have no action. There's no confirmation and the screen stays static. Two suggestions:
My question is, is there a way to see after a job is executed how much memory it consumed in total? Today we have monitoring set at server level that records memory consumption over time but it doesn’t tell which job caused the spike unless we manually go and check list of jobs executed around that time frame. Even with that we cannot know for sure which job is causing the spike.
Today there is no realtime inbuilt job monitoring tool that can answer questions like above.
When a render tool is run on Designer pointed to a temporary file the log gives you a clickable link to access the output. When deployed to the Gallery unless you have given it a specific output destination with %temp% in the filename you get... nothing.
What did I expect? The pdf or other temp file to render on the screen or at least download for me. Or give me a dropdown selection of the various files render could create for me.
I was recently hired by a fortune 500 company to eliminate use of their Access DB's by replacing them with Alteryx solutions. My first step is to understand the old DB's so I know what type of workflow to build. I'd love to have an ERD tool built in Alteryx to drop right after the input data tool. The closest I've found is the Network Analysis tool, but I don't see that giving me the desired output.
I would like to see how tables are connected, what manipulations are being done, when a query/view/macro was last used, what outputs being delivered.
Hi Alteryx Team,
I understand that the Timeout feature on all Workers is only available for the workflows scheduled on Alteryx Server.
In a heavily used server environment and depending on how workflows are configured, can we have a timeout feature available for non-scheduled workflows (adhoc workflow runs/manually triggered workflow runs) as well on all the Workers on Alteryx Server ?
Thank You,
Nishi Jain
Results page keeps defaulting back to 50.
I would like that each user for the gallery can default his own amount of records show on the gallery ui .
At the moment i go in a set it to 100 but as soon as the gallery completes a job it then defaults back to 50. i want to be able to go into settings and have a function that says default view and it remembers that every time i open the gallery.
I think it would be nice to have a user-defined name for events in the Workflow - Configuration - Events tab. You can see in my image that the default view is not super helpful. It would be nice to label the steps so a user can edit more easily.
It would also be nice to more easily disable or disable these items - a batch select to enable for instance.
Gallery admin enhancement. Ability for Gallery admins to have superadmin/god mode rights. This would allow admins to see all run results for all Gallery users. With superadmin/god mode they should also be able to see/track workflow version history.
When a user saves an APP and that APP contains macros with embedded macros (2 to N layers deep). Make package with ALL subroutine/macros included an option. This is a PAIN for users to try to manage otherwise.
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