Alteryx Server Ideas

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Enable Multi tenancy by Installing Multiple AlteryxService.exe on single machine

There are some products in the Market whic allows to install multiple services as Windows service on a single server. 

In large organizations it is found that when we are running ALteryx Server in multi node setup at that time 1 worker server has only one Alteryx service installed and runs as single windows service. If we have configured FID with log on as a service FID in that case if one FID reached to its shared path mapping capacity 1018k then it stops authentication and windows service is not able to start.

If we have multiple services installed on the same server then we can configure like :

AlteryxService.exe : FID1

AlteryxService2.exe : FID2

AlteryxService3.exe : FID3

In this case we can utilize the server compute and enhance the multi tenancy instead of adding more additional server.

1 Comment
7 - Meteor

Same post i had written some 2-3 years back but i am not able to search those.