Alteryx Server Ideas

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Allow Gallery/Server Admin to see ALL schedule results regardless of user

I would like to be able to view all schedule results from all users in my Gallery.  Currently, I can see the "Workflow Results" for any schedules I create.  But I cannot see them for users unless they share them.  As admin, I want an option on the Gallery Admin screen just like there is on the Gallery user screen to see "Workflow Results" for every schedule that is in the Scheduler Database, regardless of who the user shared it with.


Currently, the only way to accomplish this is to go to Designer, View Schedules, connect to the Controller, and go to the Results tab.  This should be built into the Admin screen in the Gallery.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @mbarone Thank you - we appreciate all the feedback we get and are working to review and respond to all ideas that have met the criteria to be brought to our product team.

8 - Asteroid

This would be very helpful in my org.

7 - Meteor

Double thumbs up for this!


Cant understand why this isnt a feature already!

6 - Meteoroid

This is a great idea.  My team is struggling to get an idea of user-scheduled workflows and their workflow execution results if they were run in ad-hoc mode on the server.  

It should be a must-have feature without any confusion. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned

hi @mbarone, allowing admins to see all workflow results, regardless of user, breaks a security model best practice of "need to know" basis, especially where users don't want admins to know private or protected info. We may attempt something similar in the future, and if we do, we will update this status. Thank you for your idea!

8 - Asteroid

@mbarone , admins already have access to this info, as this is available in the Mongo DB tables (not easily of course). Global workflow results for admins will help tons finding out peak times and pinpointing long running workflows. It would amazing if Alteryx reconsiders this idea. Thanks.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@mestevez1 - yep, I use Mongo extracts for many different things.  I would, however, like to see all schedule results for all users exactly as I can see them in my own non-admin sign in.


@CristonS - thanks for the update.  I guess I see it differently - as an admin, I am the one that allows people to use the gallery.  I'm the one that the "higher ups" come to when they want to know what's failed and why.  I certainly understand the concept of need to know, but there's always an admin that can see what ever user is doing.  I thought the admin role for Gallery/Server was the same idea.  What you describe is more of a "elevated user" role, not true admin.  My admins can see whatever I schedule on our enterprise DBs (Oracle, SQL Server, Netezza, etc.), and the results.  

Further, it doesn't make sense because as @mestevez states, I can go into the log files and parse through them to get the results of ever user anyway.  Why not serve that ability up to admins in an easier way, like the Gallery - the functionality is already there.

7 - Meteor

The argument provided by product team is indeed strange, because the information is there already and accessible, like @mestevez1 has put out.


It is important that from a Security Model perspective and governance, the server is seen as a corporate asset, managed by a IT department/responsible, and not something without authority/governance that is just there to work as a carrier for Artisans, and has some Curators to manage it when needed.


When your business is dependent on a process, and the only user that controls it, is on vacations without network, do we stop the company business ?

Alteryx Server should be seen as a corporate asset, not a user asset.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Totally agree @jforte .

7 - Meteor

My role as Admin also requires me to more easily retrieve others' output -- +1 from me.