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Currently we can create static pages on the gallery from the Admin view using the Pages tab. I haven't been able to add in custom HTML code and would like to have such a page dynamically updated from the output of an Alteryx workflow Render tool (or similar). Ideally it would allow as much functionality as possible so that arbitrary HTML features could be implemented. Partly suggested by a prior idea:


The page title never changes from Gallery when navigating through it. This is quite frustrating if you are trying to go back to a specific page or searching for something on the browse history.




Experts - 


I think the user experience in the "Workflow Results" area could be vastly improved with a simple tweak: rather than having 1 record per job we could have 1 record per workflow, with the ability to then expand each workflow to see all associated jobs, and then expand each job to see all the associated messages.  


Even better: add the ability to toggle sorting by job or workflow!


Most of the time I need to find a particular job (and we may run each workflow a lot during testing) so seeing a long list of workflows with the same name is sort of clunky, and then having to go page by page looking for the job in question makes it even clunkier.  


Thanks for the consideration!


I think it would make sense to let user have more flexibility when they want to schedule. 

For instance, we should be able to set a schedule every 2 hours for a certain time range on certain days. EG : Every 2 hours from 8am to 6pm from Monday to Friday.


Right now, this is not possible. 


Hi folks


There are quite a few very useful Alteryx items I have been using recently that I have found on the help pages / public gallery. However, when I searched for them, I didn't quite use the correct search terms so this took longer than I had hoped and I was on a tight deadline. An example is the "Server Pre-Upgrade Checks" workflow used during Server upgrades.


My idea is to put these utilities in the Download portal in the same way that the Server Usage Report is. 


Of course, there should be a limit as to what goes in there but, like the Server Usage Report  can be done on a case-by-case basis. 


Cheer, jonna


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