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Alteryx Gallery - Updating an Existing App



I have an existing app in my company's gallery. I updated the app in the gallery to not allow others to download. I just made changes to the desktop version of the app and saved it to the gallery, then went thru the steps of replacing my existing gallery app with the new version (this part I like). BUT, after updating the app, when I went back into the app settings, the option for others to download was checked again. To me, the app should inherit anything that was manually done to it in the gallery, like making it not downloadable. Is it possible to have this changed in a future release?



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Hi @Eli_B - it would definitely make sense to have these settings carry over so thanks for posting this!  I'm marking it as under review and we'll definitely keep this in mind as an improvement for a future release.  

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Updating this idea's status back to Under Review, to be in line with past product updates.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepted

Thank you for submitting your idea to the Alteryx Community! This idea has been accepted by our product development team and will be added to the product. We'll update the status again once we get close to the launch of this feature.