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Schedule Alteryx Workflows & Apps Through Gallery



My idea is to facilitate scheduling through Gallery vs the separate scheduler built into Designer. The reasons for this:


  1. The current scheduler authentication with Alteryx server via token is a big security concern. This allows all users to see all schedules, workflows, output logs, etc. for the entire server.  
  2. It will better interact with the Alteryx 10 version contol. Current scheduler shows all prior versions in the workflow list.
  3. Allow the server/gallery admin to setup scheduling rules. Ex: No scheduling during certain windows (for maintance downtimes), max frequency of scheduling, prevent users from scheduling too many jobs at the same time, user level rules.
  4. Allow scheduled workflow output to be retrieved from the "Workflow Results" section by the user who scheduled the workflow. Ex: I schedule a workflow that takes 2 hours to run at 6AM each day, then by the time I arrive at the office at 8AM, I can login to the gallery and download the output. 






Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted

Hey Ryan,


We couldn't agree with you more! Gallery-based scheduling is something we are looking at, including a lot of the feature requirements you've listed out. I've changed the status of this idea to "Planned", but would love to hear from as many as possible about additional feature requirements in the scheduler-world. The ideas we have here is that connecting to the scheduler from the Designer is similar to connecting to a gallery for saving a workflow, needing just the URL and your credentials (no machine name, token, etc.). This would also allow us to make the view specific to the user - seeing only the workflows and schedules they have access to. All of this same functionality would be exposed in the gallery web end too - along with schedule administration capabilities inside of the Gallery admin panel.


Long story short - we've got a lot planned here! Keep the feedback coming!

7 - Meteor



This feature is needed in order to improve security for enterprise wide rollouts,the single token for an entire organisation doesnt quite do it.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

Hi all - just updating this post to be current as we released Gallery scheduling with 11.0.  We're actively looking at continued enhancements to build on what we've done so far but marking this post as complete.  Thanks!