Alteryx Server Ideas

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Our team is still fairly new to the Gallery, so if there's something existing that I'm missing, I'd be glad to hear it.

I recently found the following thread :


Which included a text box input with a title of "_cloud:UserID".  I was able to use this to pull in things such as the users login information, email address, etc.

I would like to be able to use a function similar to this in order to generate user-specific usage reports, or dynamically update a "Send Email" tool with the email of the running user.

However, when I inquired about this "_cloud:UserID" API call, I was told that it is an undocumented and unsupported call.

Ideally, I'd like an application/macro tool that does something similar - which takes the user's credentials automatically from the gallery and runs the Application based on those credentials.  This could modify Emails or filter the output of the Workflow.  I'm sure there are other use cases as well.  I think having an officially supported tool to manage this would allow for a wide variety of dynamic applications on the gallery.


One needs to obtain a designer license in order to have a server license.

It may be a good idea to package those two don't you think, and now it's ok to install designer on a Server OS.


It would be awesome if you automatically have a virtual desktop environment to connect to...when you get a server license,


The following is a slide from Inspire 2016 and the client's are already doing this

1. For keeping the running workflows unaffected by docking undocking workstations

2. It also increases the performance by getting the designer closer to the data

3. It would also be safe to share company analytics capabilities with outsider without giving them direct access to downloadable data etc.




 We need a way to figure out at which tool alteryx workflow is currently at (i.e., workflow execution progress log) when the workflow is running on the alteryx server scheduler.

This is very useful especially if you have analytical workflows that take long time to run (say 4-6 hours) and at the moment there is NO WAY to figure out at which stage the execution is at from the scheduler.

We can't open the log file on the server as the workflow is IN PROGRESS (we get the standard The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process) . We can't see the underlying progress log under Scheduler Queue tab either.

It will be useful to capture that information in MongoDB or somewhere so that we can read the In progress log in the real time..



In the Private Server settings, you can "Run As", but it is all or nothing -- anything on Scheduler will "Run As" the user coded (or you can leave it as the default which is the machine).  It would be helpful if functionality existed like the Gallery - where you can dictate "Run As" for each individual module.

Sometimes when using someone else's Gallery App which has a long list of options to select from, I will hit Run before realizing that I haven't set all of the options.  Then, the App fails (obviously).

Rather than just getting a message that my app run failed on the Gallery, it would be nice to have a link then that automatically re-loads the previous options I had set so I would be able to see which option I didn't fill out properly.


While working with Alteryx Server, I noticed that there is no way for an Premium Artisan to organize the workflow results. With processes that are running hourly, each day, the workflow results gets very cluttered with the same things, and it takes some time to clean up. It would be nice to add a search bar that would filter out workflow results dependent on what you are entering in the textbar. Below is a very lo fi mock up. The spot where I entered "dispositionReport" at the top is the text bar that filters the workflow results below it. The red lines are simulating the removal of said records. Then offer a select all option to then delete all of the workflow results records. 



Can we make the ability for a developer using Alteryx Designer and having a workflow using in-DB tools to pass along their credentials with the workflow when scheduling to run on Alteryx Server.  An individual user may have access to only certain tables in Teradata for example and the ODBC connection on Server may not have access to the same tables so we need to be able to pass along the encrypted credentials.  THanks!

While Alteryx is a self-service tool for the business there is a need for administrators to get a little more insight to the usage of the installation on the server. Each customer is forced to create their own monitoring tools. I understand NewRelic and Cloudwatch can easily be used but there is a need to split the admin view by organization departments since each dept needs their own resource utilization and workflow report. Logical split view reporting should be facilitated by the Alteryx server product.

I was trying to embed the javascript share embed source or an <iframe> tag from our Tableau server into the Pages functionality of Alteryx Gallery Server admin section. What I like to do is be able to show inside the Gallery pages the Gallery Usage and Scheduler setup, usage and results from a Tableau workbook we built of the MongoDB. In this way our Alteryx server users can view their usage and Admins/developers can see what is scheduled and results over time.


In general embedding webpages besides a link as iframe or javascript embedding would be a nice feature. We have an Alteryx Community page internal with various collaterol pages we can embed and share for training purpose directly on the server if that could be enabled.


Currently the BODY element of the editor does not allow for javascript or the <iframe> html tag.

Currently, Alteryx Server has a setting for how many days to keep Results from scheduled workflows, which prevents your Results log from getting too large.


Unfortunately, this setting is universal to all workflows, regardless of schedule.  If you have monthly jobs sharing a server with jobs that run every 5 minutes (which we currently do), and you set your limit to 30 days, you get at most 1 result from monthly jobs, but 8,640 results from your 5-minute jobs!


A better option would be to keep the most recent X results from any schedule (where X is user-configurable).

We've noticed on our Server Gallery that users must click 'Run' two separate times when running an app.  The first time they see 'Run', its really taking them to a configuration screen, rather than actually executing the tool.  What if that first 'Run' button was changed to 'Configure'?  We've seen that users hesitate to run apps because they aren't sure what they're getting when they click 'Run' the first time.




I think it would be a great feature to include the performance tuning logs as an optional output in Alteryx Server. 

 - This would allow me the ability to leave performance logging turned on, so I could see what was happening during an automated scheduled run of the workflow. 


Performance Log :   <Link> (or attachment)


I would also like to see a tool (or tools) as optional outputs such as:

File(s) Generated:  

    <List of Files:    <Link to Files>    <Size of File>


These type of outputs would be greatly beneficial options instead of "This Workflow produced No Output"


Thanks for reading





When trying to move and order the districts, it gives the impression that you can organize them in a particular order..

Districts Don't change order.jpg


But what comes out on the Gallery side remains in Alphabetical order..

Districts Don't change order2.jpg


Can this bug be fixed please

When you create an App/Macro locally and give it a custom icon, that icon should follow the App/Macro when you load it into the Gallery.


Using a few designers and registering to the Alteryx Gallery are good fits for micro and small enterprises, from investment vs capability stantd point.

Alteryx Server is suitable for medium to large enterprises with at least 45K USD budget yearly and many alteryx users possibly more than 20...

Don't you think there is a need for something in between? I propose Alteryx mini-server (well we can find a better name hopefully :)



Many Alteryx clients seem to utilize Alteryx designer for ETL,

then some of them further enrich data and model forecasting or predictive modelling.

Before even considering a server they output to a BI server like

  • Qlik server or
  • Tabelau server or
  • PowerBI

If there is a need for automation Alteryx designer + Scheduler does all the trick needed.

Once you update everything in a repetitive fachion 100s to 1000s of Qlik or Tableau users can reach to the most uptodate content and discover dashboards...

I believe we can do a similar thing with a mini server...


What to do:



Currently, many of our most useful apps in the gallery utilises blocked tools (download tool, R tool etc). Every deployment or even minor updates to these apps require emailing the Alteryx Curator account for exception requests. This process is quite cumbersome, although the need for it is understandable. However, given that not a single app from us was ever rejected (and we submitted dozens of requests) , it would be great to have a process in place to apply for a permanent whitelisted status. This would give trusted app authors the ability to deploy apps with blocked tools without emailing the Curator. 



Option to update ownership to any other valid license holder as needed.


Use Case: Currently the canvas owner is marked by default as the user publishing the canvas to production.

However, we have seen instances where the person moves teams and would like to hand it over to another person.

I think it would be good to arranged the Workflow results into tabbed pages by completion status, e.g. a tab for failures, warnings, success, all.  We run about 200 jobs in the morning and have to page through all the workflow results to find failures.  


Also would be useful to search workflow results by completion status, e.g. find all workflows that have failed.

In prior projects (before the gallery started acting more like a management console (still would like to see a few more features there too ;) ) , we were able to automate the deployment of the workflows. But there's no good way to automate the deployment of the schedules.


The best I've heard is doing a complete dump of the mongo instance on the lower environment and moving that file and ultimately restoring that to the prod environment (messy).


Even using the Gallery, there will still need to be an admin who goes through the process of setting up schedules to deployed apps. 


There should be a REST call to export and import schedules of apps from one environment to the next within the gallery. 




I wish Alteryx had an Alteryx gallery not only for workflows but for pure data sources as well which we can access with;

  • freemium license for certain aspects
  • a specific monthly fee or
  • a prepaid model...


And I would like to be able to get weather data as a starter;

  • historical temperature data is one thing and can be found over the internet so this part may be the freemium one...

But especially the most needed aspects are;

  • cloud cover
  • relative humidity
  • average precipitation rate
  • barometric pressure
  • wind chill temperature
  • wind direction in degrees
  • wind gust speed

Obviously 5 day 3 hour forecasts for all these aspects are another thing and probably this will generate some revenue...


This information is so essential in order to accurately forecast

  • credit risk in agricultural lending to
  • planning electricity loads and pricing...

Mathematica (since version 7) and wolfram has this built in already!

This is the source of data;


Totally agree that maintaining a data source covering worldwide is not an easy task but I think will help Alteryx users and customers a lot...