Alteryx Server Ideas

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Hey Sever Gurus - 


There might times where it would really nice to have a group of workflows that were logically related that you wanted to run without having to invoke a 'run now' for each workflow individually.  Sure, you could technically get there with the Runner macro, but in my case, there are intermittent scenarios in which I'd like to be able to run a set of related workflows to kick the tires, but they run at different schedule frequencies during normal operations.  As it stands now, I have to go hunt through 39239 different workflows, find the 12 associated with project X and tell it to blast away individually.  This brings me a great sadness.  


So what I'd like to be able to have is some flavor of named / logical grouping I could attach to a workflow at upload to scheduling time, I could then tell the scheduler to show me / run everything attached to that grouping.  





Enhance the USER tab in Gallery for showing the active user status, last login time


Easy to filter out the active user

Allow Admin to kill user session 

There should be a way to set limits on Gallery so users are not able to set up to many scheduled apps to run. Currently you can either allow all users to add as many scheduled jobs to the run or none at all. If one user sets up whatever number to run, keeps other users from running their jobs. Either allow Admins to set limits or have server shift jobs around so one user cannot lock a gallery to only run his/her jobs. A combination of both a set limit per user and better job management by gallery should also solve the problem.

I would like to request a way to manage API connections. This would mean that API connection strings can be administered in the gallery the way data connections can be created, saved and assigned in gallery. This would help in large organizations, to administer API's within specific groups. This will also help the usage report




If you get server up and running and develop  200 workflows and then schedule them, and then want to change the schedule on one of them, it is a total hassle.  What did I call that workflow? you sit there wondering as you look through a huge list of workflows.


It would help a lot to have the concept of projects / folders / some type of logical grouping so I say, What did I call that workflow? while only looking in the public safety, or HR, or Accounting, or whatever subset of workflows.  I mean, we don't have to go all crazy and have collections, districts, and private studios, but at least one layer of categorization would go a long way in making a proliferation of workflows more manageable. 




I have my  component set to email me if it errors, which is great.  But then when it does bork, I get a 6M email that is impossible to scroll through on a mobile device.  Maybe give an option to only email the error line / tool identifier so you have a better idea of what happened, but don't get war and peace as told by info logging.  



When opening an workflow from the Gallery in Designer, I'd like to be able to filter the search by collection

A little 1 I know, but I'd like an icon on my toolbar where I can open workflows from my company's gallery.  The amount of times I hit the open workflow icon,  to then have to browse the disk.  All my workflows are stored in my company's gallery.

Hello Alteryx,


I know that it wasn't intended to have a long list of people under permission, but because changing a default to viewer, effects everyone we have to manually input everyone we want to have as an artisan.

With this long list it would be nice to sort them accordingly


Permissions tab needs a filter and Sort options.jpg


Thank you

Because of sensitive nature of data we deal with, all of our infrastructure is located in a restricted area. As a result, our Alteryx server can only be accessed on machines with a corporate-built system connected to corporate network unless the access has been authenticated.

What this means is that while I am on my corporate-built laptop, I can access the Gallery node from anywhere as we use Windows login for authentication. However if I wanted to schedule a workflow while connected to a non-corporate network (eg when working from home) I wouldn’t be able to do it because the controller server can't be accessed - it uses http protocol without authentication.


Currently there's no workaround and the situation creates number of challenges for colleagues using the scheduler. It would be great it it was possible to use DirectAccess or alternative way of identifying that the connection is coming from a corporate client.

It would be great for Alteryx to provide the UI to allow the user to maintain the data on the target table through Alteryx. The workflow application would be a standard way to maintain reference data.


This would allow us to deliver a quick way to interface with relational tables. Something similar to the following projects:


- django admin site

- phpgrid

- etc.



This would avoid using Microsoft Access for example for quick table edits and using the simplified Alteryx app instead

I've created a few apps for our company's private gallery for users. These take a couple of minutes to process. Also, some of them have very long lists to choose from. If the user doesn't make all of the selections because they don't realize there are more questions at the bottom, the app fails--but, only after running through the long process time. It would be nice to have:


1) a pop up message that lets them know they haven't answered all the questions ("STOP! You've a few more questions at the bottom to answer before this app can run.")

2) a customizable pop up message once the app is ready to run. These users don't actually use Alteryx, and aren't necessarily tech savvy or patient. Something along the lines of "OK. Now, stand up, stretch, grab a cup of something warm and come back in a minute or two while your app is processing." would be very nice.


Smiley Happy


The idea is that we could grab a workflow that had been placed in the scheduler db and then if the workflow is lost as a file then it could be reclaimed from the scheduler db

It would be nice to connect multiple Databases from different servers, without configuration of Linked Servers


As part of the Persistence Expiration processes, within Designer we have the ability to set a retention threshold of the results tab.   i.e. 30 days.

After enabling this - all completed results are purged  but all the "error" results remain.  And this depending on the original count can run into the thousands, such as in my environment.   Id like to see the "Error" results become part of the clean up processing because of the following reasons:

1.  We do not have dedicated admins that have time to manually or by group delete these error result items.

2.  Most if not all - errors are resolved immediately.   if there were to be kept as a reference, a screen shot of the results are normally taken and filed away.


Support says this is intentional for resolution tracking purposes - but to counter - as I stated in item 2 - most errors are immediately looked at and worked on. So there is no reason to keep errored results. Especially when they are time-stamped dates greater than the expiration values selected.



Currently only 5 workflows are displayed per page in a collection.  Currently we have about 30 workflows (soon to be about 100) and paging through workflows to find the one you want to run is time consuming.


It would be great if there was an option on the page so the user could select the number of workflows per page.


If you are viewing schedules, on the Queue Panel, you should have the option to refresh the information to get an idea how far things are progressing.  If you swipe back and forth between panels you get updated % done information, so it is definitely available.  Not the most pressing need, but a very easy fix. 


Ninja Edit:  Did not know there was a dedicated server ideas forum so I removed a part. 


I am running version x of Alteryx locally and my server is running x-2. If I publish a workflow with error reporting via email, the server is not able to recognize that my workflow has error logging because it automatically kicks a version error. The events portion of the XML should be read regardless of the server version and trigger an error when this happens.


I am looking for a way to secure the server In-DB Connections either based on individual user or using an AD group.





What is the Purpose of Server when there is no Sharing?


Alteryx Server/ Gallery Lacks a Basic functionality, All Studio Users should be able to see Workflows published to that Studio.

The Legacy tool has atleast controller key where everyone can see all workflows on the server , but in new versions, we can only see if we are the owner of that workflow? how does this make sense in an Enterprise?


Idea : 


Enable to see server scheduled workflows by all studio users in a studio.