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Submission GuidelinesHello all,
This may be a little controversial. As of today, when you buy an Alteryx Server, the basic package covers up to 4 cores :
I have always known that. But these last years, the technology, the world has evolved. Especially the number of cores in a server. As an example, AMD Epyc CPU for server begin at 8 cores :
So the idea is to update the number of cores in initial package for 8 or even 16 cores. It would :
-make Alteryx more competitive
-cost only very few money
-end some user frustration
Moreover, Alteryx Server Additional Capacity license should be 4 cores.
Best regards,
When posting an app to the Gallery, if the app has, say, one PCXML output for the user to see, and one Excel file for the user to download, it would be helpful for to be able to specify which shows first to the user. For example, I have a PCXML that gives the user summary tables, and instructions on how to go to the drop down above and select the second report, click on the Excel icon, and download it. But if the Excel report shows up first, then there is no ability to give them instructions and many simply won't be savy enough to go find the PCXML in the drop down.
When scheduling an analytical app on Gallery, there is no UI for submitting app values. This significantly limits the value of scheduling workflows and using analytical apps. With this feature, it would allow our users to have more flexible scheduling while also simply maintaining one workflow. Because this feature doesn't exist, we have had to build workarounds by either creating multiple workflows or utilizing APIs.
Since this feature is already available for manual runs and APIS (shown below), it shouldn't be a reach to also have this feature when scheduling a run.
Manual Method:
API Method: GET /workflows/{appId}/questions
Scheduling Method (no app questions):
The shared data connections from the Gallery have been very helpful in centralizing data connection information between desktop users and their workflows when saved to the Gallery. The In-DB tools currently cannot take advantage of the Gallery Data Connections and require a completely separate setup that is both confusing and adds additional connection management work for creation/password changes.
It would be a great enhancement to Alteryx if all connections for the different types of tools could be centrally managed from the shared Data Connections manager found in the Gallery.
Best regards,
As the title says: please make the date modified data more granular e.g. yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS and not 6 months ago
The current behaviour is the same in designer & browser, but is more important in browser (first screenshot) as there isn't an indicator or method or sorting the order.
I'm really enjoying the new Save As functionality to push to the gallery, but had a request that would make it even more useful for me.
I saw that you can open workflows directly from the Gallery and edit them with version control, but it would be nice if it was possible to do a Save As on a local workflow and point it at an existing copy on the server. I need to maintain a local copy of my workflow for dev/prod separation, but currently my way to push to prod is to do a Save As to my Private Gallery, remove the existing copy from the company gallery, and then share my newly created workflow into the company gallery. This causes some headaches like no version control, switching out icons everytime, and overall just a messy way to push to prod.
It would be helpful if there was a way to overwrite an existing workflow in the gallery rather than editing it directly.
The Analytics team for our company services 9 different lines of business, and it would be helpful to create sub folders within each line of business. It would be helpful to be able to restrict the access for each individual sub folder also. Our team deals with different teams within each line of business, and they may need to have different access due to sensitive content.
Erik M
I would like to collaborate with my team, but also maintain my own personal private studio.
Is that on the road map?
We want to share direct links to analytics apps with our users. However this does not work with our current SAML login. This the use case.
1. User clicks on direct link URL for the app
2. User is required to click log-in button
3. After login user is taking to the gallery home page not to the app
The end effect is that we cannot share links to apps with our casual users, instead we have to instruct them to go to the gallery log in and then search all public workflows for the specific app they are looking for. Not a great user experience, especially because we did not have this issue before single sign on support.
personally I think this is bug more than a feature request, but was asked to create it as a request by support
Given the security requirements of our company collections need to be created centrally, which is fine for sub-organizations that only require one collection. However, the large sub-orgs require more than 1 collection, ideally we would create the top-level collection and give the sub-org the access to create their own sub-collection within that collection, but not the ability to create collections at the top-level.
I love the gallery data connection feature - we're going through some big systems architecture changes, resulting in new locations for many datasets. Having a single place in the Gallery Admin area to update connection information works beautifully.
We're running into issues with the gallery-hosted data connections when trying to run some apps on our private gallery though. The trouble comes up when the gallery-hosted data connection appears inside a macro that's part of an app. We get an "Unable to translate alias" error when trying to run these types of apps.
If we have an app using gallery-hosted data connections that are outside of a macro, the gallery is able to resolve the connection alias fine and work properly. The issue only appears when the gallery data connection is part of a macro used inside an app.
We use macros a lot in our app development because it allows us to use standard methods for accomplishing common tasks. Using macros also enables us to set up automated testing workflows to make sure our processes produce expected results. As it is, we're unable to take full advantage of the gallery-hosted data connections because they don't work within macros, and instead have to continue using hardcoded connection strings. These are a bigger maintenance burden as our underlying systems evolve and are updated.
The only reference I can find to this idea is here : . It references that the feature of "sharing workflow results" was "on the Roadmap" in 2014. I did some searching through the current Ideas page and cannot find anything. I also reviewed the release notes since Alteryx 10.5 and cannot see that this was added.
A user approached me today with a problem of "Many people need access to the results of this data, and I want everyone to be able to see all the results". While you could potentially email these results to a specified user set, that would require maintaining both a collection and an email tool in the job, and could potentially cause notification fatigue if users only care when they go to the Alteryx Gallery. Similarly, results could be saved to a networked location, but that would require a user to go to two locations in order to find this information.
As such, having a toggle that allows users with permission to view a workflow, to also see the results of any/all users, would be huge.
Currently, if you want to change from Built-in to Windows Authentication, you have to:
To switch authentication types, you'll need to start from scratch.
1. Stop the AlteryxService
2. Open a Windows Folder Explorer and go to the directory you have MongoDB loaded (System Settings->Controller->Persistence->Data Folder
3. Rename or delete that folder (a simple backup would be to rename the folder, you can move it to another directory as well)
4. Open the Alteryx Server System Settings and click next to Gallery->General.
5. Select the new Authentication process you would like to use.
6. Finish the System Settings and the new database will be created.
The Gallery and Scheduler databases are closely tied. Workflows that are uploaded, results created, and schedules created from the Gallery are stored in the Scheduler database. So you will need to start from scratch on both the Gallery and in the Scheduler.
This is a non-starter for any company that has any amount of time invested in establishing the use of the Gallery. Starting over is not an option, but improving security, streamlining access protocols as a part of overall data governance is a must. Please consider fixing the authentication protocol to make it so we don't have to start over.
Thank you,
This idea covers 2 things:
- Disabling certain tools for users
- Pushing out other tools
- If we want to disable a particular tool for everyone or for specific users - then we need to go to every single deployed machine and adjust settings or delete some DLLs.
- What we would need is to be able to take a user / group of users - and de-select certain tools or apply limits
- In our corporate environment - every designer needs to check in with the server before fully starting up. If it cannot connect to the server, it needs to terminate gracefully
- As the designer logs in - the first negotiated conversation is "What tools and capabilities and standard default settings should I have"
Pushing Out:
- If a useful tool is brought into our environment (like the JIRA connector here:!app/JIRA-Connector/58d87c2feffc2a0dd0b5ed8f or the CREW macros) - we want to be able to push these out to all the users
- Again - every designer checks in with the server first
- Then negotiates tools
- then downloads any missing tools or updates new versions of existing tools.
This kind of central server capability is essential in any enterprise deployment of several hundred seats.
Hi Alteryx support team,
We would like to use the search functionality available in the schedules tab of Alteryx gallery and when anyone searches the schedule by typing the name in search box on schedules tab, he/she should get list of the results along with the schedule information such as frequency of schedule, times run etc.
As of now, when one searches results are displayed as jobs and their run history.
Case reference - Alteryx, Inc Case # 00606791
In prior versions, Gallery Admins could easily and quickly reactivate users that were deactivated (e.g., and employee leaves the company so we inactivate their Gallery account, but then they come back to the company in a few months with the same name and email).
Now, the only way to do this is to edit the Mongo page.
We need a way via the UI to reactivate users, like we did in the old UI.
I suggest adding an option in the current User List/Grid to be able to filter for Inactive users.
For whatever reason a schedule is disabled, whether a Studio expires, or for any other legitimate reason, a notification email should be sent to the Admin and the one that created the schedule in advance of it being disabled. When a scheduled workflow is not executed, it leaves us scrambling for answers. A sudden disablement of the schedule is disappointing to discover after all other stones have been turned. Notify us in advance of a schedule being disabled.
It would be nice to have an inbuilt function(s) that return an identifier (NTLogin for instance when the gallery is setup with windows auth) of the user running the app on the gallery.
Functions like - USERNAME(), DOMAINNAME() etc., helps.
I know that it can be achieved via the "__cloud:UserId" call , which is not officially supported by alteryx. It adds value if it is inbuilt within the product itself.
Today, if I want to save a job onto the Alteryx Gallery, I need full permissions to do so and it is a manual process. For some organizations, this level of access is deemed excessive, which can make properly leveraging the Alteryx Gallery difficult. Having the ability to write a "deployment" script that could publish a workflow to the Gallery, and potentially add a new workflow to a Collection would be incredibly helpful in these cases.
When you add a workflow you have to add its schedule to share the results in collection menber's.
A workflow can be in several collections and therefore different users can schedule it. (why not)
This results in multiple schedules for the same workflow. There is no reason why a workflow cannot have multiple schedules.(mandatory in some cases)
Automatically adding schedules to the collection would allow users to see that there is already a schedule on the workflows in question and not to recreate one!
it should also be possible to create a schedule from the collection.
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