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Alteryx Server Ideas

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Server as a hub for deploying and controlling tools available on designers

This idea covers 2 things:

- Disabling certain tools for users

- Pushing out other tools



- If we want to disable a particular tool for everyone or for specific users - then we need to go to every single deployed machine and adjust settings or delete some DLLs.

- What we would need is to be able to take a user / group of users - and de-select certain tools or apply limits

- In our corporate environment - every designer needs to check in with the server before fully starting up.   If it cannot connect to the server, it needs to terminate gracefully

- As the designer logs in - the first negotiated conversation is "What tools and capabilities and standard default settings should I have"


Pushing Out:

- If a useful tool is brought into our environment (like the JIRA connector here:!app/JIRA-Connector/58d87c2feffc2a0dd0b5ed8f or the CREW macros) - we want to be able to push these out to all the users

- Again - every designer checks in with the server first

- Then negotiates tools

- then downloads any missing tools or updates new versions of existing tools.


This kind of central server capability is essential in any enterprise deployment of several hundred seats.







Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Another great idea, thanks @SeanAdams. We are interested to see if other customers would also like to see this feature.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: New Idea
7 - Meteor
+1 for this idea! This would be really helpful for larger deployments, as it provides more ability to the admins to control the environment easily and provide faster turnaround that waiting for tech deployments.
8 - Asteroid


We have 150+ users enterprise wide. Having the ability to push out preconfigured designer instances to the enterprise would be exceptionally helpful. To Turn on this or turn off that or offer these new tools to everyone - would be fantastic. Would love to hear if this is available or at least development. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Revisit

We are really interested in this idea, however due to the sheer undertaking this would be, we cannot fit this idea on the near future road map. We’ll keep this idea in mind however and will update the status again once we’re better able to speak on when and if we can implement it.