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Allow Inactive User Toggle Option in Gallery User Table/Grid

In prior versions, Gallery Admins could easily and quickly reactivate users that were deactivated (e.g., and employee leaves the company so we inactivate their Gallery account, but then they come back to the company in a few months with the same name and email).  


Now, the only way to do this is to edit the Mongo page.

We need a way via the UI to reactivate users, like we did in the old UI.

I suggest adding an option in the current User List/Grid to be able to filter for Inactive users.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Great idea!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback and idea! 


Our product team greatly appreciates the feedback on how we can streamline our processes for admins when it comes to user management and updates.

5 - Atom

Please enable this. Why would this not be a function in the first place?

7 - Meteor

Do we have any updates on this? I am facing an issue to reactive the deactivated user, and, I'm not seeing the deactivated users list. Any leads/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

No good way to do this.  The hacky way to do it is to get their Mongo ID (do you have an extract for that already?) and construct the URL.  Let me know if you already have an extract/list of the Mongo User IDs and we'll go from there.  Hopefully they put this ability in a future release.  Give the main post a like - the more likes, the more likely they are to implement new ideas.

7 - Meteor

My issue has been resolved by using MongoDB to reactive the user. Thanks, @mbarone 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Very welcome!  Hopefully they add that toggle eventually!

Status changed to: Under Review
Status changed to: Accepted