Alteryx Server Ideas

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I've used a standard configuration to set up an Alteyx server. The gallery is available at


I'd would be really helpful if you enable to create a landing page at and add a possibility to host add extra pages. The easiest way to do this is to add an option to the Alteryx Server configuration wizard and read the pages from Alteryx workspace location.


Additionally, such landing page should have redirection from HTTP to HTTPs.





While Alteryx is a self-service tool for the business there is a need for administrators to get a little more insight to the usage of the installation on the server. Each customer is forced to create their own monitoring tools. I understand NewRelic and Cloudwatch can easily be used but there is a need to split the admin view by organization departments since each dept needs their own resource utilization and workflow report. Logical split view reporting should be facilitated by the Alteryx server product.

It would be great to have an option to show intermediate output in gallery and allow user to modify that intermediate output before running the next step in a chained app environment.

This will come really handy in cleaning messy data which requires some manual input and user can complete their work form single gallery screen.


Currently the only way to achieve it is to build separate workflows/apps where first you have to download the messy data on your local drive and then upload it back via a separate workflow to complete the task.

We get a lot of comparisons with DataStage ETL and what Alteryx can do. DataStage has the capability to partition queries and run on multiple worker nodes to allow the execution to be more efficient and faster than if it ran on one worker. We want similar capability on Alteryx as our case study shows right now that Alteryx is 10X slower than a query ran on DataStage through the GRID.

When you enable SAML authentication for Alteryx Server it does allow Single Sign IN but it does not support Sign OUT. This means that after you close your browser the session remains active. If the browser is opened again and the Gallery page is loaded it will pick up the session that was activated before instead of creating a new session. At the very least a session time out limit should be added.



This issue relates to an inability to input data from a database where access to only certain columns is permitted. This is due to PII data being present in the data.


I am trying to pull data from one table at a time using the standard ‘Input Data’ tool. 

As I do not have table level access I am explicitly specifying the column names and not using a wildcard. Please see the example below, query highlighted in yellow and the returned error in red. You will see the error message returned from Alteryx suggests a * wildcard has been used despite specifying the exact fields to pull.


Several of the Ford GDIA team and Ford HPC team have reviewed this with me and cannot assist. The HPC team believe it is a bug in Alteryx which has been reported by other users internally, that is â€˜Select *’ commands being sent from Alteryx despite specific columns being outlined in the query to the data lake. As we only have access to specific fields within Ranger (due to PII data) the select * fails and returns an error.


I can confirm my ODBC connections are all set correctly as I can pull from certain tables where I have full table level access but not others. Access rights are all in place as I can use the same query on Ambari without issue.


Thank you for any assistance you can provide,

Michael Higgins


Example Query


Select STATION_ID, STATION_DESC from dsc60082_qlscm_tz_db.qlsc_station limit 10


Info: Input Data (3): ODBC Driver version: 03.80

Error: Input Data (3): Error SQLPrepare: [Hortonworks][Hardy] (97) Error occurred while trying to get table schema from server. Error: [Hortonworks][Hardy] (80) Syntax or semantic analysis error thrown in server while executing query. Error message from server: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: HiveAccessControlException Permission denied: user [mhiggi37] does not have [SELECT] privilege on [dsc60082_qlscm_tz_db/qlsc_station/*]




Hi Michael,

I believe it would require turning off the queries we currently run to retrieve metadata and retrieving metadata only for the columns selected in the query.

Please submit to our Idea Center for consideration.  Thanks!

Angela Ogle | Customer Support Engineer

Currently, Alteryx Server has a setting for how many days to keep Results from scheduled workflows, which prevents your Results log from getting too large.


Unfortunately, this setting is universal to all workflows, regardless of schedule.  If you have monthly jobs sharing a server with jobs that run every 5 minutes (which we currently do), and you set your limit to 30 days, you get at most 1 result from monthly jobs, but 8,640 results from your 5-minute jobs!


A better option would be to keep the most recent X results from any schedule (where X is user-configurable).

The AlteryxService addtoqueue command is great, but it leaves me wanting more.  My simple use case is to run WorkflowB via the addtoqueue command in an after run event from WorkflowA, which is run daily.  The result is that i end up with a cluttered scheduler with many instances of WorkflowB that i need to manually clean up, since addtoqueue creates a new record in AS_Applications each time it runs

It would be useful if there was an AlteryxService command for each of the subroutines already built in to the scheduler front end app: schedule workflow, update workflow, add workflow, remove workflow, edit schedule, etc

MongoDB objects could be identified by oid which the user can get from querying the AlteryxService database

I don't want to rebuild what you've already built, just need a little more control over it 🙂






When replacing an app in the gallery, it appears that you always see the original upload date (which is good to have), and then simply a version number.  It would be great if you could add an additoinal field that shows the most recent replace date.  That way you would know that "SampleApp v4" is the 4th replacment, and that 4th replacement happened on date mm/dd/yyyy.  Also, while it's replacing, there is no indication that it is doing the replace.  An hour glass or some indicator telling you to sit tight would be nice.



As part of enterprise alteryx server deployments, would it be possible to remove alteryx server controller tokens and use asymmetric certificates (X509) instead?




Wondering if there are any plans to change the RC4 encryption on alteryx server to something stronger (eg: AES, Blowfish etc)

Would be curious to see if anyone else in financial services has this challenge from a security perspective.


The V3 jobs API endpoint woefully lacks any usefulness. The current endpoint only has a get jobs/{jobid} method that is not useful because a database admin must query the database to get a list of all job IDs. To add insult to injury, this method is only limited to the user whose job is running or queued.


These are new features that I am proposing

1. GET jobs/list—This method must be callable by all users. Parameters such as none (default—full list), running, or queued will display jobs with the appropriate status. The job ID of the running or queued job and the worker it is running on must be included in the resultset.

2. GET jobs/{ownerid} â€” This method must be callable by all users. Like the GET jobs/list above, the resultset must include the job ID of the running or queued job and the worker it is running on.

3. DELETE jobs/{jobid} â€” This method must be callable by the person who scheduled the job, the owner of the workflow, or the curator. This method is the equivalent of cancelling a job on the Server Admin page - #!/admin/jobs by a curator. All three mentioned people have a vested interest in the running or queued jobs on the server and must be able to cancel those jobs.

4. POST jobs/reassign/{jobid}/{new_job_tag} â€” This method is restricted to the curator and applies to any job in a queued state. It allows a curator to reassign a job to another job tag or the first available worker for reasons determined by the curator.


This is an enhancement that I am proposing
1. GET jobs/{jobid} â€” This method must be callable by all users. This will allow any user to get the details of any running or queued job.


Logging requirements

All DELETE or POST methods must be logged and purged based on the Persistence OptionDelete queue and results after (days).



Please consider adding this feature to the Alteryx PRIVATE Galleries.  This is a feature of the Alteryx Gallery and would be useful for our clients too.




Maintaining multiple workers (five currently, soon, six) with identical setups is challenging when dealing with In-Database (InDb) connections. I must log in to each worker, start Alteryx Designer, go to In-Db settings, and create the connection. This also becomes tedious when trying to update passwords, which occurs every 90 days in my company.


The suggestion is to set up an In-Db connection on one worker and have it propagate to the other workers. 

indb.jpg Propagates to other workers → indb2.jpg


This would save time maintaining workers in the gallery and help prevent errors during setup on each worker (e.g., typing in the wrong password).


As an "extra credit" mission, expose In-Db connections through an API that can list, create, update, or delete an In-Db connection.


Hello all,

According to 






An open framework for data lineage collection and analysis

Data lineage is the foundation for a new generation of powerful, context-aware data tools and best practices. OpenLineage enables consistent collection of lineage metadata, creating a deeper understanding of how data is produced and used.



This is typically the open standards needed for lineage analysis and I think it will become more and more a differenciator with your competitors. As of today, DBT or Apache Airflow already supports it (as producer), Egeria or Marquez already support it (as consumer) and guys from Datahub are working on it  (as consumers)
So I think Alteryx should implement this standard API as a producer, it's the next big thing in Data Governance and you don't want to stay behind !

Best regards,


Previously, Alteryx Gallery had a progress bar when the job is running. However, it has been removed in the newer version and the screen only appear blank when the job is running. This could lead to confusion in users as they might be wondering what is happening when the screen goes blank when it actually is running the job. Users might also attempt to click the run button repeatedly due to this.


Hence, I hope Alteryx could bring back the old UI that showed progress bar or anything similar when the job is running so users will aware of what is happening. 

The AlteryxService internal authenticated API that the nodes use to communicate with each other for status is not accessible to customers because it is using an undocumented authentication method. The data this appears to provide would be useful to server administrators to determine the true health of the individual nodes and for reporting purposes.

Hi All,


Is there any plan to create an automated way of publishing apps/workflows to the gallery. This has been a common painpoint for me on several different projects when I explain how manual of a process this is.


I'd imagine this could easily be solved by adding an additional API call to their library. Ideally, you'd be able to point the gallery to a shared folder with workflows you want to push (git repo functionality would even be better), and have it just move the .xml scripts to the server/mongoDB.




Sometimes, a workflow posted to the Server is calling from a source data that has dimensions which are specific to certain users based on departments, divisions, countries, regions, states, or etc. depending on the level of granularity. 


Although Alteryx developers can create Analytical Apps that have the option for end users to select these dimensions, a more seamless experience for end users (and better for security as well) is to have the ability to configure such filters for existing users on the Alteryx Server itself.


So, if Person A belongs to State 1 and Person B belongs to State 2, by default when both Person A & B enter the Server to that specific workflow in a collection or district, they will automatically be filtered for State 1 and 2 respectively. 


This is similar to Section Access configuration - whereby users have already been pre-filtered the moment they enter.


The current workaround is to create multiple workflows and store them in different collections or districts specific to end users, and to make any changes will require a change to the workflow itself. 


It will be great to have a dashboard that allows for Alteryx Server admins to configure on their own without hassle.

API that allows to specify the workflow version to download.

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