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Remove for whole table level access required for Alteryx input data Column specific access



This issue relates to an inability to input data from a database where access to only certain columns is permitted. This is due to PII data being present in the data.


I am trying to pull data from one table at a time using the standard ‘Input Data’ tool. 

As I do not have table level access I am explicitly specifying the column names and not using a wildcard. Please see the example below, query highlighted in yellow and the returned error in red. You will see the error message returned from Alteryx suggests a * wildcard has been used despite specifying the exact fields to pull.


Several of the Ford GDIA team and Ford HPC team have reviewed this with me and cannot assist. The HPC team believe it is a bug in Alteryx which has been reported by other users internally, that is ‘Select *’ commands being sent from Alteryx despite specific columns being outlined in the query to the data lake. As we only have access to specific fields within Ranger (due to PII data) the select * fails and returns an error.


I can confirm my ODBC connections are all set correctly as I can pull from certain tables where I have full table level access but not others. Access rights are all in place as I can use the same query on Ambari without issue.


Thank you for any assistance you can provide,

Michael Higgins


Example Query


Select STATION_ID, STATION_DESC from dsc60082_qlscm_tz_db.qlsc_station limit 10


Info: Input Data (3): ODBC Driver version: 03.80

Error: Input Data (3): Error SQLPrepare: [Hortonworks][Hardy] (97) Error occurred while trying to get table schema from server. Error: [Hortonworks][Hardy] (80) Syntax or semantic analysis error thrown in server while executing query. Error message from server: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: HiveAccessControlException Permission denied: user [mhiggi37] does not have [SELECT] privilege on [dsc60082_qlscm_tz_db/qlsc_station/*]




Hi Michael,

I believe it would require turning off the queries we currently run to retrieve metadata and retrieving metadata only for the columns selected in the query.

Please submit to our Idea Center for consideration.  Thanks!

Angela Ogle | Customer Support Engineer

6 - Meteoroid

Seconding the need for this feature. I can think of several instances where this restriction applies, and data retrieval becomes problematic.

5 - Atom

I've faced the same problem too. Resolution urgently required

7 - Meteor

I agree with the need for this to be fixed asap

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