Alteryx Server Ideas

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Alteryx Worker Server Timeout Feature for Non-scheduled Workflows

Hi Alteryx Team,


I understand that the Timeout feature on all Workers is only available for the workflows scheduled on Alteryx Server.


In a heavily used server environment and depending on how workflows are configured, can we have a timeout feature available for non-scheduled workflows (adhoc workflow runs/manually triggered workflow runs) as well on all the Workers on Alteryx Server ?



Thank You,


Nishi Jain

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback and idea!


This is an interesting idea request for behavior update and we appreciate the use case on when it would be useful. If you haven't yet please be sure to review our Submission Guidelines, as they go over our feedback process requirements in a bit greater detail.

7 - Meteor

I would love to see this idea in same format as Scheduled Jobs. Ideally you could set different timeout times between scheduled and ad hoc runs.