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Enterprise Resource Diagram (ERD) flowchart tool



I was recently hired by a fortune 500 company to eliminate use of their Access DB's by replacing them with Alteryx solutions.  My first step is to understand the old DB's so I know what type of workflow to build.  I'd love to have an ERD tool built in Alteryx to drop right after the input data tool.  The closest I've found is the Network Analysis tool, but I don't see that giving me the desired output.  


I would like to see how tables are connected, what manipulations are being done, when a query/view/macro was last used, what outputs being delivered. 




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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea and feedback!


We appreciate the insight into your use case as well as what kind of tools would benefit that use case. It looks like you're relatively new to the idea board (welcome!) so if you haven't yet be sure to check out our Submission Guidelines as it goes over the idea board process in a bit greater detail including what happens after you post.