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I have tried so many python packages to Refresh excel Pivot table automatically through Alteryx and save the refreshed data, most of the packages are working perfectly on designer but none of them are working on server.

If we find out anyway that will refresh pivot tables of Excel through Alteryx then it will be great for us. 

I would like to propose a number of small enhancements to the Gallery:


  1. Time format. The 12-hour time format (haraldharders_1-1670228868346.png


    ) is confusing to everybody except Americans. Please add support for a 24-hour format. This could be done either by extending the Locale settings or by a separate check box. Please make sure that this time format is used everywhere in the Gallery (last update, last run, schedule, etc.).
  2. Date format. Even though using English as GUI language, I prefer the time format according to ISO 8601-1, namely "YYYY-MM-DD". Please add support for this format, independent of selected language.
  3. Number of Rows per Page in My Workspace: Each time I open My Workspace, the number of listed workflows per page is set back to 10. Please add support to set the default number of workflows in the user settings or at least preserve the chosen number within the same session.
  4. Fully utilize the screen in My Workspace: Even after switching to more than 10 rows per page, nearly half of my screen stays empty. Please add function to utilize the screen completely.

Hello all,

Nowadays, chatting, commenting, having a discussion on assets that are published on a server is a very common feature, and a useful one !

Here an example on Tableau :


Collaboration is not a luxury item !

Best regards,


Currently, DCM credentials appear to only be used in combination with a DCM Data Source.  


For ease of use for my end users (non-Designers), I would like my end users to be able to save a user ID and password as a standalone DCM credential.  Then, I want the user to have the option to select that credential for use in two places:

  1.  Run-As - when running a workflow on demand, the user should be able to choose their saved DCM credential.
  2. Credential injection into Input Data or other relevant tools in Analytic Apps - I want to use the DCM Connection tool to build Analytic Apps that prompt my users to select their DCM Credential (NOT a full DCM Connection with data source - I don't want my users to have to set that up.)  When the user selects their Credential, their user ID and password should be securely encrypted and inserted into the existing connection set up by the App designer.


Having this functionality would remove administrative burden from both our Designers and the end users they support.

Currently when we need to disable/enable schedule on API,we need to update all the schedule info,could you provide only one attribute to disable.


Can we just update on parameter


"enabled": true, --> "enabled": false


current update example,we need update all


"workflowId": "string",
"ownerId": "string",
"iteration": {
"iterationType": "Once",
"startTime": "2022-09-06T08:01:52.717Z",
"endTime": "2022-09-06T08:01:52.717Z",
"hourlyContract": {
"hours": 0,
"minutes": 0
"dailyContract": {
"runOnlyWorkWeek": true
"weeklyContract": {
"daysOfWeek": [
"monthlyContract": {
"simpleDayOfMonth": true,
"dayOfMonth": 0,
"occurrence": 0,
"dayOfWeek": "Sunday"
"customContract": {
"daysOfMonth": [
"months": [
"name": "string",
"comment": "string",
"priority": "Default",
"workerTag": "string",
"enabled": true,
"credentialId": "string"


Hi All, 


The Alteryx API documentation was only available for certain entities(workflow, collection, etc.,) and not available for Schedule entities.


I want to see schedule audit information like old value(before change), new value, operation (update, delete, insert).

E.g If you create a schedule in Gallery, information about the schedule like creation date time, frequency, owner, type, last run, next run, etc. will be updated in MongoDB.
If a user edits or modifies a schedule in the gallery, the edit/updated information is only available in MongoDB.



Ariharan R

HI All, 


In the Gallery Page under My Workspace-->Share With Me we could see the fields like Name, Type, Owner, Shared Source, Uploaded, Manual Runs. Among these we are not able to sort the fields "Type" and "Owner" alphabetically, whereas we are able to sort the other fields Name, Shared Source, Uploaded, Manual Runs accordingly. Kindly refer the attached snapshot. 





Ariharan R


HI All, 


While creating a schedule to the workflow we could observe that the frequency is basically categorized into four options like Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. When coming to the "weekly" option why the user can have a choice to select multiple days in a week here? And why not the user who select "Daily" option can have a choice to select their own days according to the requirement?. In Daily frequency we could find only one option "Run only during work Week9Mon-Fri". Whereas in Tableau Schedules we could observe Weekly frequency enables the user to schedule only a single day in a week and in Daily frequency it enables the user to select multiple days in a week which really helps the user to create schedules in an effective way.


Alteryx:Daily Frequency Schedule



Alteryx:Weekly Frequency Schedule



Tableau:Daily Frequency Schedule:



Tableau:Weekly Frequency Schedule:




Ariharan R

Today, when you trigger a job using the Server API, it is considered as a manual run type. In fact there are only 2 type of jobs : "Scheduled" and "Alteryx_Run"

I think "Alteryx_Run" should be segregated into "API_Run" and "Manual_Run". This way in future version we could treat those type of job differently. 

We could also have more stats around the type of jobs.

Today, when you share a workflow with someone else through the collection, you cannot see the manual run that the person will do, neither the person will see yours. 

This is really annoying as this is not helping collaboration between colleagues. 

Since we use an external scheduler and the server api, only the job owner will see the job execution results within the gallery.


Idea here would be to let the sharing of job execution result as an option in the collection.

Hello all,

As of today, if you want to give the Alteryx Gallery user an Excel with your data out of your worfklow, you MUST design an Excel Report with Report tools.

However :
1/ It's highly time consuming to design the report
2/ It leads to many errors, especially on column size : a quick research on Alteryx community gives you several hundred topics
3/ the excel output works really fine

This is frustrating as hell for users !




Best regards,



Currently we can create static pages on the gallery from the Admin view using the Pages tab. I haven't been able to add in custom HTML code and would like to have such a page dynamically updated from the output of an Alteryx workflow Render tool (or similar). Ideally it would allow as much functionality as possible so that arbitrary HTML features could be implemented. Partly suggested by a prior idea:


The page title never changes from Gallery when navigating through it. This is quite frustrating if you are trying to go back to a specific page or searching for something on the browse history.



I might be missing something here but as far as I know there is no feature (user or admin) providing a list of data connections being used by a specific workflow. And conversely, which workflows use a given data connection. This should work for both 'Standard' Data Connections as well as the DCM. 

Currently, the API V3 endpoints does not have anything for Data Connection Manager (DCM). Create an endpoint to allow users to add/delete/update and list data sources, credentials, and users of DCM data sources. Also include an "admin" endpoint that can list all of the above for the entire server.


The admin screen of Alteryx gallery does not have an admin function for DCM sources, its users, and credentials. This can cause visibility issues during audits of the gallery. An API endpoint can alleviate this issue until it is added to the UI.

When scheduling an analytical app on Gallery, there is no UI for submitting app values. This significantly limits the value of scheduling workflows and using analytical apps. With this feature, it would allow our users to have more flexible scheduling while also simply maintaining one workflow. Because this feature doesn't exist, we have had to build workarounds by either creating multiple workflows or utilizing APIs. 


Since this feature is already available for manual runs and APIS (shown below), it shouldn't be a reach to also have this feature when scheduling a run.


Manual Method:



API Method: GET /workflows/{appId}/questions


Scheduling Method (no app questions): 



On far too many occasions I have been working on a workflow in designer with either the outputs disabled via the configuration or using containers (preventing file creation/updating during testing) and I would save them back up to server without remembering to re-enable these outputs, which causes lots of issues down the line when users are trying to access these processes.


A simple warning on loading to the gallery that there are disabled tools and what tool id they are would mitigate this issue.


Experts - 


I think the user experience in the "Workflow Results" area could be vastly improved with a simple tweak: rather than having 1 record per job we could have 1 record per workflow, with the ability to then expand each workflow to see all associated jobs, and then expand each job to see all the associated messages.  


Even better: add the ability to toggle sorting by job or workflow!


Most of the time I need to find a particular job (and we may run each workflow a lot during testing) so seeing a long list of workflows with the same name is sort of clunky, and then having to go page by page looking for the job in question makes it even clunkier.  


Thanks for the consideration!

Sometimes a schedule is enabled that we want to disable. We edit the schedule, click the button to disable the schedule, click "Save". Then refresh the page and it's enabled still. The schedule will not disable in some cases. In the cases where it does get disabled, clicking the "Save" button appears to have no action. There's no confirmation and the screen stays static. Two suggestions:

  • Have some UI response confirming that the changes have been saved.
  • Provide an error message with explanation when the changes can't be saved (or just fix the bug)




I think it would make sense to let user have more flexibility when they want to schedule. 

For instance, we should be able to set a schedule every 2 hours for a certain time range on certain days. EG : Every 2 hours from 8am to 6pm from Monday to Friday.


Right now, this is not possible. 

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