Alteryx Server Ideas

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This idea covers 2 things:

- Disabling certain tools for users

- Pushing out other tools



- If we want to disable a particular tool for everyone or for specific users - then we need to go to every single deployed machine and adjust settings or delete some DLLs.

- What we would need is to be able to take a user / group of users - and de-select certain tools or apply limits

- In our corporate environment - every designer needs to check in with the server before fully starting up.   If it cannot connect to the server, it needs to terminate gracefully

- As the designer logs in - the first negotiated conversation is "What tools and capabilities and standard default settings should I have"


Pushing Out:

- If a useful tool is brought into our environment (like the JIRA connector here:!app/JIRA-Connector/58d87c2feffc2a0dd0b5ed8f or the CREW macros) - we want to be able to push these out to all the users

- Again - every designer checks in with the server first

- Then negotiates tools

- then downloads any missing tools or updates new versions of existing tools.


This kind of central server capability is essential in any enterprise deployment of several hundred seats.







Hi there,


Currently, when we download a version of Alteryx - we need to download a very large number of binaries across many different download locations.    Once we get these in, they need to go through InfoSec audits; then be packed for deployment etc.     this creates a very large admin overhead in that folk need to check for updates across multiple binaries and also create a significant number of different installs which then need to be rolled out across hundreds of workstations.


The request would be to change the approach to downloads for enterprise customers:

- Admin logs into the download portal

- They then select the components which they need (Designer; predictive; CREW macros; Microsoft starter pack; Tableau starter pack; JIRA connector from the gallery; additional predictive tools from the gallery)

- this then becomes the defined selection set.

- When any of these items are updated - the admin is notified

- When they download - these are then all built into a single installer binary which we can then download and roll out to all our workstations.


Many thanks



cc: @dataMack @adrianloong



As users change roles; or possibly even leave the firm - we need to automatically manage the ownership of their and their permission.


- We need to be able to export all permissions and ownership of assets by user using an API

- We then need to be able to revoke permissions using an API (we have a central entitlement management process that this can be tied into)

- we also need to trigger a revoke on all licenses via API.


If done within Alteryx server:

- When a dept code on a user changes; or user leaves - trigger an invalidate on all assets.

- Workflow to both the primary and secondary owner to ask for a new owner

- Also automatically trigger a revoke on all licenses

In order for us to manage the large number of canvasses on our server - we need to add the ability for Admin teams to require additional attributes on every canvas:

For us, these mandatory attributes would be:

- Which team do you belong to (dropdown)

- What business process does this serve (dropdown - multiselect)

- Primary & secondary canvas owner (validated kerberos)


For the ones that have dropdown lists - we can provide the master data into a drop location or into a manually configured list on the server.

For a given DB connection - there's a need to be able to specify the owner for this specific connection.

Reason for this is that the credentials for a given DB are not all managed by the central admin team - so we'd want to say that a given DB connection is owned by a particular person so that this can be updated frequently as passwords change.


For resilience - our particular policy would be to have 2 owners so that if one person resigns or changes roles, it invalidates the primary and reverts to the secondary - and then asks the new Primary to create a backup owner.

We currently have the ability to store connections on the server which protects the credentials - however this capability does not exist for APIs for Sharepoint sites etc.


Please could you extend this to cover authentication for ALL connectors?


Many thanks



cc: @revathi

When we create a shared macro on the Gallery, the desire is that we are able to:

- publish this down to users simply and seamlessly

- Allow them to use these assets in their canvasses

- Allow them to simply update to the latest version of the asset on an existing canvas.


Unfortunately - right now the only way to distribute shared macros is to create a shared folder; and the only way to manage version upgrades of a shared macro is to manually find every single usage and manually upgrade.



Currently, this is completely manual with whoever is assuming the schedule creating it under their profile and then the old schedule being deleted.


This can happen often in organization where a user leaves the company or assumes a new role requiring some else to maintain those schedules. It would be convenient if there was an option to reassign the owner of a schedule to simply this process.

It is currently (Alteryx Server 2018) not possible to delete Districts one created - we can only disable them. See also:


Frankly, this is rather inconvenient if one wants to restructure a Gallery. Renaming them is an option, but there might still be a number of districts we want to delete. Would appreciate if this could be considered for a future update.

We've purchased a server license and several designer licenses to publish analytics apps to customers via our internal/company gallery. Whether a user signs in or not, users should not be subjected to corporate Alteryx ads. This is a terrible user experience and detracts from our ability to deploy self-serve solutions.

This may be more from an admin standpoint but once I add workers into a cluster (controller token added), I have no way of knowing if the worker is now added to the cluster unless a workflow starts getting serviced and I view it from the 'View schedules' tab.


This causes issues specially when we have to add multiple of them and need to keep a track of which ones are added to the cluster or not.


On the admin page, I should be able to view the list of the workers that is currently existing on the cluster.

This idea is to allow users to configure the file view option for a workflow running in the gallery that produces file outputs. Today, there are two views that a user can toggle between (see attachment), but I don't believe there's a way to change the default view. This idea is to change the setting as either a global gallery setting, on a workflow-by-workflow basis, or both.


We have end users that miss the drop down menu (and the file count next to the drop down, and the label we've added in the analytic app that says there will be two output files, and...), so they sometimes miss the second file entirely. Setting the default view to the "list view" rather than the drop down view could help alleviate that pain.


Note: The screenshots in the attachment show two Excel files that could be combined into one file with multiple tabs. This is a pain point for other workflows, as well, that produce outputs in multiple file formats.




Looks like the user inputs (check boxes, free text fields, drop downs, file uploads etc., ) to the app are "temporarily" stored during the course of the app "Run" time. These - especially the "uploaded files" get deleted from  the temporary folder after the successful run of the workflow.


Ex: user uploads 2 files to the app as inputs. see attached interface.


It is important that the user selections are persisted on the alteryx server for debugging, investigation, audit trail purposes.

Of-course - there are workarounds by some extra code/logic within the app. But - in-order for the "server" tool to be considered as robust/industrialized - it is critical to "log" the user interactions on the server side.


Is it something already looked into?







Currently, Alteryx server doesn't read multiple files compressed in the zip folder.  Here is more information: How to open multiple xml files using Analytical App workflow saved in Alteryx Server


I think this feature is useful for many people.





Please support GZIP files in input tool in Server. This is related to, but logged in a separate Idea because the staff indicated in the thread that they are planning support for GZIP in Designer only in 2018.2. We need it in Server as well.

When restoring an Alteryx Gallery instance to a second box for test & dev it's highly likely that you don't want all your workflows scheduled from your production instance to run in your secondary instance.


However there doesn't currently seem to be a kill switch that you can implement up front to stop your scheduled workflows from running. The only way to disable scheduled workflows in your test gallery is to manually delete them all, which is annoying when you have hundreds.


It would be great to have a config flag to disable scheduled workflows before the service is started.

I have three team members all in the same private studio. We can see each others' workflows. However, when looking at a workflow that another team member has published to the gallery, it looks like:

  1. The workflow has never been run
  2. The workflow is not scheduled to run

This is a massive impediment to collaboration because my team handles ETL for most of the company. If a user complains that their data isn't up to date, whoever receives that support ticket needs to be able to see if the workflow is actually running and whether it was successful or had an error during the last run.

Preventing a team from seeing this for each others' workflow schedules and results means that the only person who can deal with an issue is the person who originally made the workflow. Which makes the idea of a shared private studio wholly pointless as we may as well be operating in different universes.


Please create a studio-level setting where all members of a studio can see all schedules and results of all workflows in that studio.


I am running version x of Alteryx locally and my server is running x-2. If I publish a workflow with error reporting via email, the server is not able to recognize that my workflow has error logging because it automatically kicks a version error. The events portion of the XML should be read regardless of the server version and trigger an error when this happens.


A better process Needed for Alteryx Backup and restore.


  1. Why do we have to stop the service to do a backup,? We cannot stop a service in Enterprise platform just to do a backup.  we are not able to take backups because our jobs will be running 24X7 We Run jobs on Alteryx Server,
  2. All of a Sudden our Windows server crashed and we lost all the data, The backup we have of Mongo DB was not perfectly restored on the new server which breaks the workflow, connections etc  due to encryption....
  3. what is the purpose of backup if we cannot restore on a new server in case of DR

Please fix it ASAP,


Hi All,


We are preparing to rollout Alteryx Server in a large organisation and can see that the creation of Collections by many analysts may become problematic over time.


It would be good if we can disable the functionality and only allow for gallery admins to create new collections.





(Commonwealth Bank of Australia)