Alteryx Server Ideas

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*This is an idea from @cneivam  from the Portuguese Community*


- Gallery in all supported languages

*This is an idea from @cneivam from the Portuguese Community*


  • Can’t use CReW macros in Server
While adding or editing use permissions in collections, instead of admin option only, there should be option to choose between admin, user (run only) and custom, something like on the attached prinstscreen.
The way it looks now is confusing.



I have missing this functionality in alteryx gallery where we can see the runtime status of running app.


In Workflow result option we can view only post completion of app run.



Is Alteryx looking at implementing some kind of feature to provide a preview of impacted objects (lineage view) & understand dataconnections' changes impact before it's implemented ?



  • Help users understand the ramifications of any changes they make on other cards, DataFlows, or DataFusions.
  • Search and explore data lineage.
  • Easily find broken dataflows.
  • Quickly determine the impact of dataconnection changes on the rest of your Site, Collections, Application etc.


DOMO has this well done in their platform, check it out rather than me explaining here..

Search for Data Lineage & Impact Analysis.


 Java Version upgrade requires LLS settings to be changed manually and LLS service to be restarted. 


so every time there is a java version upgrade,  users have to be notified of the downtime  (even though they could move into 7 day grace period) and then the flexnetls.settings file has to be updated with Java home path.  


Local License Server settings has to pick up the latest Java installation and not require manual Config change and service restart. 


@Kosi @SeanAdams 


Installation/upgrade of java in all servers are usually firmwide Tech team activity - which are outside of Server admins control. 


Java support by Alteryx - is version 8.0.212 - while the latest version available in our premise is 8.0.241. support for latest version of java - which is required for functioning of Local License Server should be prioritized. 


@Kosi @SeanAdams @ydmuley @RajK @LizaNemchynova @Arianna_Fuller @MPistone 

We're looking to use the worker setting that cancels jobs that run over a certain amount of time. However, In testing we noticed when the server kills the job it does not trigger the workflow event for 'after run with errors'. That said, it does trigger the 'after run without errors' event, but there is no detail in the email as to what happened. This behavior seems counter-intuitive. We primarily use 'after run with errors', so our users could potentially have their workflows cancelled and never hear about it. 


is it possible to do one of the following:

  • Trigger the 'after run with errors' workflow event if the server cancels a job
  • Have a server notification that emails users when a job is cancelled due to run length


We're currently running server 2019.1, so please ignore this idea if this issue has been resolved in later releases. 


Here is the server setting I am referring to


Have the Alteryx Server send a notification when the license is within a configurable amount of days to being expired via SMTP


I need to monitor which applications are shared with who on regular basis. We follow the 19.2 subscription model to share applications. 

Can you extend server usage reports to include such data?



Piotr Zawistowski

The admin (aka curator) needs to be given more control. The admin should have greater control than the users of the system.


My organization is in the Healthcare industry and we have HIPAA laws to abide by when it comes to data. Not all users should be able to see all data. Developers should not have complete control over the data they publish.


Private studio

  • admin should be able to control if users can publish to Alteryx gallery (compliant issues occur when our organization's data is shared to outside users)
  • admin should be able to control if user can publish to public gallery (compliant issues occur when all users can all see and run workflows)
  • admin should be able to delete subscriptions and users



  • admin should be able to create collections so they can manage the collections and what users have access to (devs should not be able to give any user access to their workflows)
  • admin should be able to control if users can create new collections (again, compliance issues)
  • admin should be able to grant and remove download of workflow rights
  • admin should be able to delete connections


Get tips from Tableau as they have admin controls down with their permissions process.

Because of sensitive nature of data we deal with, all of our infrastructure is located in a restricted area. As a result, our Alteryx server can only be accessed on machines with a corporate-built system connected to corporate network unless the access has been authenticated.

What this means is that while I am on my corporate-built laptop, I can access the Gallery node from anywhere as we use Windows login for authentication. However if I wanted to schedule a workflow while connected to a non-corporate network (eg when working from home) I wouldn’t be able to do it because the controller server can't be accessed - it uses http protocol without authentication.


Currently there's no workaround and the situation creates number of challenges for colleagues using the scheduler. It would be great it it was possible to use DirectAccess or alternative way of identifying that the connection is coming from a corporate client.

It would be great for Alteryx to provide the UI to allow the user to maintain the data on the target table through Alteryx. The workflow application would be a standard way to maintain reference data.


This would allow us to deliver a quick way to interface with relational tables. Something similar to the following projects:


- django admin site

- phpgrid

- etc.



This would avoid using Microsoft Access for example for quick table edits and using the simplified Alteryx app instead


Currently we are working on an issue where we are seeing an "inbound pipe" error during a scheduled workflow, terminating at the error.


However, the workflow doesn't officially complete; it simply terminates.


For the majority of workflows, when a workflow runs with errors, completing with errors, even if the workflow was unsuccessful, you can send an email via the events for that workflow, if the workflow completes with errors, to use as an alert or trigger, etc...


However this doesn't work when a workflow suddenly terminates with errors.


I'd like to see functionality added to all ow for an email event when a workflow terminates unexpectedly, without completing.


This way, I could set up a job to re-trigger the workflow if this happens.


This can occur when memory is swamped during the initial workflow.


This functionality would be a huge positive.



I would love the ability to select multiple workflows at once to disable/edit/move workflows to a different studio or disable the schedule all at once (so like a check box to select them)- instead of having to manually select each one and move them and have to go back and forth.

This would also help during update time- as the longest part of the updates is waiting for the service to stop.  If i could select all/multiple schedules to disable at once- then the service would be able to stop when I chose (instead of waiting for scheduled workflows to run)





When installing and configuring Alteryx, the wizard allows the administrator to select the Gallery authentication to be used among:



Integrated Windows authentication

Integrated Windows authentication with Kerberos

SAML authentication


The note states:

Once an authentication type has been selected, it should not be changed. Changing it may cause technical problems.




The gallery manual states "Once an authentication type has been selected it should not be changed or Gallery functionality may be compromised.


If you are reading this idea suggestion, I hope it is not too late for you. Why allow the user to change the authentication method once the install is completed? What are the options to solve this?


One option would be to grey-out the "Authentication Type" section in the  "Gallery Authentication" screen, so the user is not able to change authentication methods once after the first configuration is set. This would still allow the user to change SAML settings.


Another option, if somehow there is a reason why a user would want to change authentication types even though it is not supported, what about changing the layout to make it more difficult to change the authentication type.


What are your other suggested changes?


This is not relevant if this idea is implemented


However, I would imagine that a UI change would be a lot easier to implement that supporting overhauling the user management in the MongoDB.




I've created a few apps for our company's private gallery for users. These take a couple of minutes to process. Also, some of them have very long lists to choose from. If the user doesn't make all of the selections because they don't realize there are more questions at the bottom, the app fails--but, only after running through the long process time. It would be nice to have:


1) a pop up message that lets them know they haven't answered all the questions ("STOP! You've a few more questions at the bottom to answer before this app can run.")

2) a customizable pop up message once the app is ready to run. These users don't actually use Alteryx, and aren't necessarily tech savvy or patient. Something along the lines of "OK. Now, stand up, stretch, grab a cup of something warm and come back in a minute or two while your app is processing." would be very nice.


Smiley Happy


Mongocontroller.log during its MongoDB dump processing records DB admin password in clear text.    This poses a security risk now only to the company but to the MongoDB itself. 

Is there a security patch ready to be pushed out to eliminate this risk?


Hey Sever Gurus - 


There might times where it would really nice to have a group of workflows that were logically related that you wanted to run without having to invoke a 'run now' for each workflow individually.  Sure, you could technically get there with the Runner macro, but in my case, there are intermittent scenarios in which I'd like to be able to run a set of related workflows to kick the tires, but they run at different schedule frequencies during normal operations.  As it stands now, I have to go hunt through 39239 different workflows, find the 12 associated with project X and tell it to blast away individually.  This brings me a great sadness.  


So what I'd like to be able to have is some flavor of named / logical grouping I could attach to a workflow at upload to scheduling time, I could then tell the scheduler to show me / run everything attached to that grouping.  





For a multi tenant Gallery environment it would be great if one could define a dedicated stylesheet / "them" per tenant. Currently, the Gallery allows for only one theme as to be defined in the general admin section of the gallery.