Alteryx Server Ideas

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As a Server 2018.4 admin, I need granular control of Server/Gallery defaults including:

1.) Pre-allocate AD users and groups (under Permissions) to specific Studios

2.) Control defaults for scheduling/priority/worker settings on Users

3.) Control defaults for workflow download/no-download at Gallery or Studio level

4.) Control defaults for notifications. Currently I have to check each notification template individually to disable it. Change template tile colors (or whatever) to provide visual queue as to which are enabled or disabled.


Above all, the tiled approach to displaying users, groups, studios simply isn't scalable. A simple data grid type display will allow higher information density allowing settings like: sharing, download ability, scheduling, credential type settings (studio default, artisan specified, runtime entered etc) to be easily reviewed. Basic server governance relies on easy visibility (reporting) of settings to ensure consistency...



Hi there,


we are in a dynamic team where people move from 1 project to the other that implies moving series of workflows from private studio to collections prior to sharing. I have not found other ways but to do that 1 by 1 with very limited ways to filter the flows.

Could there be, from the collection, a way to 

 - increase number of possibilities to filters to find the proper flows (or maybe just simply allow folders in the Private studio)

 - be able to multi select the one to add / delete from / to the collection




I have been looking at the content in Alteryx Public Gallery for some time and I have had some concerns about the safety and usability of the macros/workflows in the gallery. 


I think there should be an option to rate, review and provide feedback on stuff that is out there on the public gallery. This will be helpful in many different way.

  1. It will generate trust about the workflow/app. If I see that something is rated higher and has been used and commented by a lot of users I am more inclined to use it
  2. It will provide a lot of ideas on how a particular workflow/macro can be used in different ways 
  3. Review/Feedback will help the author to make changes as required or suggested by users.
  4. The macro's will probably show up in google search based on key words provided by users in their reviews.



I had initiated a thread some time ago related to this, there is some useful information in there if someone has same concerns.





Currently the Private Gallery product has 2 authentication options - AD and built in. 


If an organization uses AD, this solution is fine, however there are many origanizations who use other standard directory systems. One of the more common directory/authentication systemsis LDAP due to its wide adoption and cross platform compatibility. 


It would be fantastic to have functionality similar to the AD integration, however with LDAP for Gallery authentication and user management. 



Best regards,


Alteryx Server Security is So Complex and it's not easy to understand, Our IT/ Information Security feel that the security is not up to the standard and it's confusing. Also as an Alteryx Gallery Administrator, it's not easy to add users or delete users, Manage Groups and Studios.

The Security structure for any tool is like User-->group--Capability/Functionality. 


All we are requesting is keep up to enterprise standards.

Currently when I log into the Gallery, I can see all of the users who are using license keys assigned to me.  I would love to be able to run some reports on usage and activation date as well as export the list of users to excel/csv.



Allow LDAP COnfiguration on Alteryx Server ,Right now its only AD ,but LDAP will be for for SSO ,SAML . 

As a system admin, I need a simple, reliable way to back up the Alteryx Server without shutting it down first. A hot-backup (and restore) utility that includes a consistent copy of MongoDB plus any other server config files would allow me to do this.

The idea here is that it would be very beneficial to allow general users to publish .YXZP packages to their server gallery (and/or the pubic gallery!!!).  Currently, this can only be accomplished by a server administrator through the 'Admin' page on the server.  It is also a completely different process than that of publishing Apps, Workflows, Macros etc., which can be done easily from the desktop designer.


For instance,  I have developed an Adobe Analytics - Connector Toolkit, which is a .yxzp package, and is located HERE (check it out!).  However, I do not have the ability to upload it to because I am obviously not an admin on the public gallery.


The neat thing about publishing packages to the server is that they appear just like Applications in the gallery.  Descriptions can be added and you can even disable the default 'Run' button and provide a 'Download' or 'Save' button instead.


Hopefully, this is a feature that may be available in a future server release!




Taylor Cox


P.S. - the Adobe Analytics - Connector Toolkit is also attached below.



We get a lot of comparisons with DataStage ETL and what Alteryx can do. DataStage has the capability to partition queries and run on multiple worker nodes to allow the execution to be more efficient and faster than if it ran on one worker. We want similar capability on Alteryx as our case study shows right now that Alteryx is 10X slower than a query ran on DataStage through the GRID.

Please consider adding this feature to the Alteryx PRIVATE Galleries.  This is a feature of the Alteryx Gallery and would be useful for our clients too.




Allow the artisan to turn off the ability of a member to download app results.  Some of the information is highly confidential, and we don't want them to be able to easily print out a list of this information and have that list "floating around".  Or take sensitive client data with them to another job if they leave us and use that to profit their new employer.

Hi all,


i hopped onto Azure tonight to see if I could create an Alteryx server to start learning Alteryx server as a skill.    I was expecting the cost to be somewhere in the range of Microsoft SQL server on Azure, or Microsoft Power BI (a few dollars, but not more than $20 per month for limited usage).    I was fairly shocked by the price on offer (8k - 10k per month), with no option to price this by usage.


Could we work together to create options for people to stand up their own small Alteryx server like this for the purposes of learning - right now there is no way to learn Alteryx server unless you are actually an admin of a live server, which makes it impossible for people to learn this at home to build their skills (and impedes Alteryx building a base of skilled users in the market).


Happy to work with the team to help make this a reality.




When replacing an app in the gallery, it appears that you always see the original upload date (which is good to have), and then simply a version number.  It would be great if you could add an additoinal field that shows the most recent replace date.  That way you would know that "SampleApp v4" is the 4th replacment, and that 4th replacement happened on date mm/dd/yyyy.  Also, while it's replacing, there is no indication that it is doing the replace.  An hour glass or some indicator telling you to sit tight would be nice.



Alteryx Server with SSO configuration not able to sign request. Could you remind ? We need this feature to go into production (see attached image). 


best regards,


Right now we can set the limit of processes a worker can run and each worker will ping the controller when a slot is available so that it can assign a new process. However, this is not efficient and you can truly load balance because you don't know how busy that worker acutally is...


We need a way that might be simliar to how we do on DataStage GRID environment where the LSF platform balances that workload across the entire GRID.


I need to monitor which applications are shared with who on regular basis. We follow the 19.2 subscription model to share applications. 

Can you extend server usage reports to include such data?



Piotr Zawistowski



To create an IoT district for the Alteryx Gallery...



Many vendors are now focusing on the IoT wave,

having some examples on IoT use cases would be a nice resource for many...


  • Please star the idea if you like it,
  • Comments are more than welcome



For a multi tenant Gallery environment it would be great if one could define a dedicated stylesheet / "them" per tenant. Currently, the Gallery allows for only one theme as to be defined in the general admin section of the gallery.

When setting custom "Theme" settings for a private gallery, the filter icon seems to be missing. Other similar UI elements are color themable such as the search icon:




Via the setting here:




But the filter icon doesn't have a section to set its color to something besides the stock teal:




Can we please have this icon be color themable? My customized theme has all of the teal removed, except for this icon.


