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Alteryx Server - hot backup & restore utility required

As a system admin, I need a simple, reliable way to back up the Alteryx Server without shutting it down first. A hot-backup (and restore) utility that includes a consistent copy of MongoDB plus any other server config files would allow me to do this.

11 - Bolide

I wanted to bump this idea as it is something we would bennefit from in my organization as well.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Comments Requested

Thank you for the ideas! With Alteryx Server 10.0, we included a new command line utility that allows you to backup and restore the database. This does, however, require that the server be shutdown to perform the backup. Attempting to create a backup of a potentially large database with a system still running has the potentially of resulting in a corrupt or incomplete backup. Beyond that, we do also offer the option to deploy your own MongoDB instance(s) for use with Alteryx Server, which allows you to deploy other backup strategies as suggested by the MongoDB team, specifically, replica sets.


I've marked this particular idea as "comments requested" to keep the discussion going with regards to what's available today, and to get some more details on where we can improve in this area.

7 - Meteor


Does the requirement of being able to take a hot backup (when services are still running) available now?

I understand that taking such backups has the potential of resulting in corrupt or incomplete backups, however, it would be a good option to have.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Hi @AshwynS,


The ability to take hot backups still relies on services or features that MongoDB provides. Have you tried using the user-managed MongoDB option with a MongoDB replica set? If so, did that meet your needs in terms of disaster recovery? If you are looking from some guidance in switching from our embedded MongoDB to a user-managed MongoDB, please see this article for some helpful info -> Migrating and Scaling MongoDB on Alteryx Server .

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thank you for posting to the Alteryx Community! Your idea is interesting to us, but we have determined that we are unable to place this idea on our road map for the product due to several factors. However, should we be able to return to your idea in the future we will update the status back to Under Review.

5 - Atom

we are also looking for the same feature