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Alteryx Server Ideas

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I’ve had a query from a Team here at my organisation regarding OAuth2. They are trying to investigate whether a Robotic Process Automation Tool can be integrated with the Alteryx Gallery API.

It uses OAuth2 but my understanding is Alteryx Gallery uses OAuth1. 


Can Alteryx Gallery API be enhanced to use OAuth2? A plan to support OAuth2 authentication for a REST API in a future release?   


It would be helpful to be able to customize the color scheme in Alteryx gallery to differentiate between the Production and Sandbox environment. This would be a quick check to ensure you are in the correct environment.


We use external corporate scheduler and we would like to start scheduling Alteryx workflows in this way. However, collections don't have API which would simplify our way of running workflows which we are shared by the users. Are you planning to enable such feature?



Piotr Zawistowski

I have Designer Apps that work really well using the Browse tool to provide the outputs to display and download in the Apps.

This does not work when I push the Apps to Server.

I find this very restricting and would like to suggest that the Browse Tool be enable to generate its outputs in Server Apps.

I would like the Browser outputs to be enabled for download into Excel, PDF, etc as well so the Server Apps behave in a similar way to the same Apps in Designer.



Could the community receive a comprehensive data dictionary of all the collections in Mongo with:

- Description of each collection

- Description of each attribute (or field) within each collection

- Documentation of joins between the collections


A great example can be seen in how Tableau documents their postgresSQL tables:


This would be extremely helpful as we are determining which collections we need to store, how to construct queries and how to build analytics on our assets. 


Thank you!



It will be great to make visibility of workflow execution results to other users in same subscription.


As of now, only schedules are visible to all users in a subscription, but not the workflow execution results executed by a user to other users in same subscription. 


This will avoid duplicate execution of same workflow by multiple user in a team as it will provide option to cross check the execution results by other users, if executed already, before execution of same workflow.



Haribabu Muppaneni

When I added data connection on Alteryx Server, there are many unsorted databases. If it is sorted, it is easy to find.


Currently the Gallery does not support Chained Apps or workflows triggered by events or Run Command Tool.


Please enable Chained Apps and flow triggering from Events and Command Tools.


I started building Apps a lot this last year and I have been using events and Run Command Tool for 3 or 4 years regularly.  In both cases I can't migrate most of them to the Gallery because the Apps chain and many flows trigger other flows in before and after events or Run Command Tool.


This should also enable the CReW macros that trigger flows.



Currently a workflow sends notifications when is configured to do so (by adding an event in Designer).


I think that there should be an option to add a notification event for a schedule. It makes more sense because:

- I don't need notifications when I run a workflow by myself. I need it for schedules

- Turning on/off a notification is technically a development - it should be a configuration.




Wanted to grab some attention here regarding the Alteryx gallery search engine (which also bleeds over into searching for schedules and jobs when troubleshooting). 


Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'm pasting two pictures (one attachment) of searching our gallery for the word "Contour" and the word "Signal". Both of these words are in the title of a single workflow - when I search for the word "Contour", the workflow pops up. When I use the first word in the workflow, which is "Signal", it doesn't pop up. 


I appreciate all that Alteryx does, but I wouldn't think this should be a difficult issue to fix, and I would imagine there are other frustrations with the functionality here. 

Currently the server diagnostics (http://localhost/gallery/admin/#!diagnosticscovers a narrow time window (from what I can see - only the last few hours)


Current Server Window.jpg


.... and if you attempt to zoom out or pan to see a broader time window - the graph gets smaller, but the data does not grow to fill the remaining space




Please could we request 2 changes:

a) add a time axis on the bottom of this chart so that the user can understand the time dimension 

b) Increase the time available for analytics to an arbitrarily broad set of data (which the admin can configure as a server setup parameter - retention period).   For us - we'd want to keep at least 3 months of data, and be able to view this analytically.


Thank you 




Everyone on our team would benefit from having access to each other's workflows -- including workflow results and scheduling -- but publishing them to gallery where any user in the company can run it/ download it would present a security issue. Functionality that is not met with Collections. I found a similar idea, but not anything that encompasses the whole thing.

It would be of immense value to have a Team Gallery - something intermediate to the company gallery and the private collection. This would enable our team to have access to modify, publish, schedule workflows as a team.


Allow the server administrator the ability to create named, shared, custom calendars, such as:

-- Holiday Calendar

-- Manufacturing Calendar

-- Accounting Calendar

-- Trading Calendar



The idea is to have a predefined calendar that can be used, by name, with identified working and non-working days.




Now it is possible to share a collection which a user who is not granted to access Alteryx server.


We use AD to grant users access to Alteryx Gallery. However, when a user is not in this group, it is still possible to choose him as a person to share. 


In my opinion, such user should be indicated as someone who won't be able to use a shared collection, or he should be presented at all.





I need to monitor which applications are shared with who on regular basis. We follow the 19.2 subscription model to share applications. 

Can you extend server usage reports to include such data?



Piotr Zawistowski

A nice to have is a connector for Microsoft Flow to trigger workflows.  With Microsoft Flow, users can automate processes, or set conditions that can trigger services across many different providers.  


Having the ability to use a Microsoft Flow can enable alteryx users to run workflows and feed in data that could be used by Microsoft Flow to feed into other processes. 


This would be a game changer for many users.



I'd like the ability to embed my Alteryx Gallery apps into another webpage (Google Sites, etc.). It would be great to see a feature on the gallery to generate this embed code much like how Tableau uses this feature for dashboards.

It would be great if each user could persist their gallery UI sorting/view changes and leave them as default. When I log in I nearly always immediately switch to list view and sort by most recent modified. This means everytime I access a set of workflows there are at least 3 click actions before I can even start working.


When building a complicated or resource heavy workflow, it would really useful to be able to have menu option upon right-clicking a tool output to add all the downstream steps to a container.  With that one option, a user could then


  • Pause all the down line tools while troubleshooting or adding and testing an upstream set of tools without having to wait for the remainder of the workflow to play out.
  • Move the entire set of down line tools to make room for more tools upstream.

Following up on this post ( ), inclusion of the activity of the download tool in the Server logs would be very useful in monitoring this high-risk capability within an enterprise tech environment.

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