Alteryx Server Ideas

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Visibility of workflow execution results to other users in same subscription



It will be great to make visibility of workflow execution results to other users in same subscription.


As of now, only schedules are visible to all users in a subscription, but not the workflow execution results executed by a user to other users in same subscription. 


This will avoid duplicate execution of same workflow by multiple user in a team as it will provide option to cross check the execution results by other users, if executed already, before execution of same workflow.



Haribabu Muppaneni

5 - Atom

Totally agree with you even we need this in next version

5 - Atom

My client is looking for the same stuff. Would be happy if alteryx encorporate this in New version

8 - Asteroid

As a workaround you could always write to a shared location at the beginning and end of a process (date-stamped). If there is a mismatch between start and end ID's you could deduce the workflow is currently running.

5 - Atom

We are also looking for the same feature.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thank you for your feedback!


Our product team has reviewed this idea and determined they cannot place it on the road map at this time, as we are removing subscriptions from the Server product entirely. As such I'm updating this idea to Not Planned.

7 - Meteor



Is this idea still not implemented?



8 - Asteroid

KyleF... We hear that subscriptions are going away, but we haven't heard what is replacing it.  Until there is a good replacement we work with what we have.  Subscriptions need to work better or you need to bring on the new thing...  We use subscriptions for teams of developers and there really isn't an alternative yet.  Thanks