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Alteryx Server Ideas

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If you run an Alteryx app on your desktop or hard drive, a help button will appear in the bottom right. This button defaults to sending you to, but you can adjust it to send you to any location by adjusting the app in the interface designer. This means that you could use the help button to send users to a location detailing how to actually use the app built. The issue comes that when you upload an Alteryx app to the Alteryx Gallery, the "help" button disappears. I propose that the help button be made available in the Alteryx gallery for apps so that designers can use it to direct users to locations detailing how to use the apps.

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Whilst executing long running jobs in Gallery, it would be useful to be able to view the log so I can judge progress.

As an Admin, I would like to be able to see, from the Gallery, a single place where the history of workflows that have been run is displayed.  Right now I can only see workflows running or queued.  I would like to be able to look back at past executions and see status, runtime, errors, etc.


This data is currently available in Designer on our Alteryx Server.  But right now our system is just one environment.  I'm not sure if when we expand to multiple Gallery and Worker machines where I will have to look for workflow history.


Also, Workflow schedules can only be seen in Gallery, and not Designer.  So it would be nice to have everything in one place.

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A suggestion, in our environment, we see workflows getting into Initializing Status often in scheduler (this could be because of the environment we are in)


If workflow in “Initializing” Status > n minutes (where n is configurable)


Kill the workflow, and resubmit


Ref: Case # 00260492

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Currently 'Schedules' are a separate category in the navigation bar on the left, and while it is nice to have an overview of all my workflows/apps, most of the time I need that information in the Private Studio screen where I'm checking in on the run status and getting ready to schedule the job again.


Additionally, Designer disables the schedule whenever it saves the workflow/app back to the Server. This is not always the desired intent when we make a small change to the workflow/app. Having an option to disable a current schedule would be better, with the default to keep the current schedule. Also, the abilty to manage the schedule from the Private Studio to say 'Activate' a disabled schedule, or schedule the workflow/app multiple times with different inputs would all be good.

As a Curator, I need Artisans to be able to create & maintain their own Gallery connections (rather than only Curators)

- My Artisans use their own credentials in their connections

- Their credentials are subject to a periodic reset policy, so they need a self-service capability to update their connection credentials (and sharing settings)


When you enable SAML authentication for Alteryx Server it does allow Single Sign IN but it does not support Sign OUT. This means that after you close your browser the session remains active. If the browser is opened again and the Gallery page is loaded it will pick up the session that was activated before instead of creating a new session. At the very least a session time out limit should be added.

0 件の賞賛

A strange issue is found that the Alteryx Gallery schedule suddenly becomes disabled.  After checking with support, it looks like the mechanism underlying is using a concept of queueID.  Whenever there is a network issue between controller and worker, the queueID get scratched, the job gets corrupted.  This means it cannot calculate the next run and thus, it will disable the schedule.  When the worker node gets back, it cannot "try again".


From usage perspective, if network is having issue, it is assumed that the connection gets back, it would "re-try" and resume.


Hope Alteryx team can help consider a fix on this technical issue.




Currently we are working on an issue where we are seeing an "inbound pipe" error during a scheduled workflow, terminating at the error.


However, the workflow doesn't officially complete; it simply terminates.


For the majority of workflows, when a workflow runs with errors, completing with errors, even if the workflow was unsuccessful, you can send an email via the events for that workflow, if the workflow completes with errors, to use as an alert or trigger, etc...


However this doesn't work when a workflow suddenly terminates with errors.


I'd like to see functionality added to all ow for an email event when a workflow terminates unexpectedly, without completing.


This way, I could set up a job to re-trigger the workflow if this happens.


This can occur when memory is swamped during the initial workflow.


This functionality would be a huge positive.



With Version 2018.3, you removed the Autodetect SMTP button, and with it, have rendered the Email Tool virtually useless for many people, which is a shame because it is a critical tool for some of us to share reports produced in Alteryx.


In requiring an SMTP path, there are a host of authentication issues that need to be addressed, and we can't seem to figure out how to configure the path and From emails properly to allow the tool to work without errors. 


My only solution at this point is to rollback to 2018.2 so I can continue to use the Email tool. 


Please address this so we can use the tool as before, or provide the necessary configuration options to allow for proper authentication with popular email services (Gmail, etc.)


Right now, with LSS, the only thing you can query who has taken seats on licenses (you get user's email and host name).  This is OK, but it would be great if we could get more information than that.  Primarily

  • What was the date/time that the user first grabbed that license
  • When was the last date/time the user connected to the license

As you know, there is no way to forcefully remove a license from the LLS (you either have to have user deactivate from Designer, or wait 7 days).  Knowing this information would help admin's know who is actually using the licenses and if someone leaves the company, you can get a countdown until that license is released.

For historical tracking and auditing, I would also like to setup an Alteryx Workflow that puts licensed user information into a table or DB so we have a log of who is using the licenses.

So you've created your workflow with variable inputs and saved it to the server.  Would love to schedule the workflow to run on a recurring basis with saved input values.  I.e. single workflow with multiple schedules with different saved values.

I think this may be covered here, is there an update?




We really like the idea of the Server Usage Report.  But the PDF is somewhat limited and we use Power BI instead of Tableau.  It would be great if the Workflow had an option for outputting to Power BI.

We have the Local License Server installed.  Right now, if a Designer user changes roles, or leaves the company, they have to release their license from their client-side machine.  If they don't release it properly, and IT can't get us into their machines, then we have to wait 7 days for that license to roll off the server.  There should be a way for a system admin to forcefully revoke someone's license.

Currently it takes four clicks and three displays (including the current scheduler display I'm attempting to post as well) just to temporarily disable a job.  It would be so much more convenient if there were a one touch icon on this display that allowed you to do that function.  


Gallery Scheduler screen shot.jpg 

I would love the ability to select multiple workflows at once to disable/edit/move workflows to a different studio or disable the schedule all at once (so like a check box to select them)- instead of having to manually select each one and move them and have to go back and forth.

This would also help during update time- as the longest part of the updates is waiting for the service to stop.  If i could select all/multiple schedules to disable at once- then the service would be able to stop when I chose (instead of waiting for scheduled workflows to run)





Currently, even if Alteryx Server is installed in E drive, RuntimeSettings.xml is generated in C¥programdata¥alteryx. Users cannot replace RuntimeSettings.xml to other folders.


It would be nice if a feature that users can specify place to save RuntimeSettings.xml.


Or, it would be nice if this specification  is put in the documentation.

I'd love the ability to have one schedule for a workflow at specific times. 

Currently you have to create 4 different schedules if you'd like a workflow to run at 10 am, 3 pm, 5:30 pm and 11:30 pm and doing this makes the "Scheduled Workflow" section of the server not only cluttered, but a lot more difficult to manage.  (like spotting accidentally duplicated schedules- which also happens more often than i'd like :)



When installing and configuring Alteryx, the wizard allows the administrator to select the Gallery authentication to be used among:



Integrated Windows authentication

Integrated Windows authentication with Kerberos

SAML authentication


The note states:

Once an authentication type has been selected, it should not be changed. Changing it may cause technical problems.




The gallery manual states "Once an authentication type has been selected it should not be changed or Gallery functionality may be compromised.


If you are reading this idea suggestion, I hope it is not too late for you. Why allow the user to change the authentication method once the install is completed? What are the options to solve this?


One option would be to grey-out the "Authentication Type" section in the  "Gallery Authentication" screen, so the user is not able to change authentication methods once after the first configuration is set. This would still allow the user to change SAML settings.


Another option, if somehow there is a reason why a user would want to change authentication types even though it is not supported, what about changing the layout to make it more difficult to change the authentication type.


What are your other suggested changes?


This is not relevant if this idea is implemented


However, I would imagine that a UI change would be a lot easier to implement that supporting overhauling the user management in the MongoDB.




Mongocontroller.log during its MongoDB dump processing records DB admin password in clear text.    This poses a security risk now only to the company but to the MongoDB itself. 

Is there a security patch ready to be pushed out to eliminate this risk?

