Alteryx Server Ideas

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Would like to see a Notification hierarchy implemented to Gallery. Currently, the settings that control notifications are at the Gallery-level....where only the admin can control, for example, notifying users if a new workflow was added to a collection they belong too. Could this setting be inherited, but then, for example, a Collection owner can implement their own notification settings that overrides the Gallery default? Using the same example as before, perhaps the Collection owner could disable notifying their Users if a new workflow is loaded to the collection.



There are two key APIs that we use for extracting canvasses for governance & surveillance:

- the Workflows API which lists all canvasses on the server;

-  and the API call which returns a packaged version of the application by AppID


Unfortunately - when we query for all workflows to get the first list - there is no flag to indicate that a subset of these are actually deleted.   The result is that you need to make the second call to find this out which is wasteful.


Please add a "deleted" flag to the Workflows API so that we can identify which applications have been deleted without having to call the specific App ID post.


CC: @jalvarezv

We are taking an incremental feed of all server canvasses in order to look for patterns - however there is no option on the server admin APIs (the Workflow API specifically) that allow you to filter by date.


Please can you add to this API to allow API users to specify an upload/updated date filter and only take items after this date.


cc: @jalvarezv

@SteveA did an article about server logging a few years ago which was very helpful.


... and in the training events at Inspire this year there was a session on how to find and interpret server logs.


it would be very useful for large server environments to move away from discrete log files as much as possible, and instead move towards a world where the logs are stored in a data format, and one logging infra is used for all so that an admin team can see these all in one place.


Granted - the initial boot-up of a server, where it needs to connect to the logging DB is going to be a challenge - but after this initial primary boot sequence it would be great if all server logs and logging events were stored in a database of some kind so that we can analyze and collect events.     That way, server admins can have a great UI experience; as well as a great analytical experience without having to regex through multiple different .LOG files.

each canvas in our environment goes through initial dev; then a testing phase; then into production usage after completing testing & peer review.


Currently the server environment has no concept of progression or promotion so we have to set up our own Dev; UAT; and Prod gallery & server - this really is very clunky because assets have to be manually copied across.


What would be more effective is:

- Allow a single asset to have a lifecycle (like you do in GIT) - so that it can go through dev and testing as a branch of the main code

- Once ready - user then changes the lifecycle type to "testing" or "UAT" and pushes it to users

- Once signed off, the user then promotes this to a production flow, and it replaces the current production version


There are a few areas where we'd need to do some thinking (dependancy tracking; branching; changing connection details as you promote so that you can hit the prod data stores etc) - but fundamentally this would go a VERY long way towards eliminating much of the admin involved in running the gallery.

We've confirmed with @KevinP that the Alteryx Gallery / Server API does not currently support downloading canvasses in unzipped data-stream format. (


Please can we add an API end-point that allows the following:

  • Connect to the gallery and download a canvas; along with all of its sub-canvasses and helper macros. 
  • Format required:
    • Plain XML (not zipped)
    • Provided in a data stream so that we can perform analytics and surveillance on this data
    • Fields required
      • Canvas filename
      • Application ID
      • Some unique ID per macro / sub-macro
      • XML for the canvas
      • Last run date
      • Last changed date
      • Environment (this is important once Server actually allows a Dev; UAT; Prod progression cycle - so we can see which environment people are in)
      • User details who uploaded
      • User details who are marked as the owners
      • Any other meta-tags on the canvas (important once server allows for meta-tagging of canvasses for categorisation)


Current API only allows this to be downloaded to a zipped file; which then needs to be unzipped; and then loaded back into a data stream.


Thank you



CC: @revathi @AshwiniChezhiyan @LizaNemchynova 


Hi there,


Currently, when we download a version of Alteryx - we need to download a very large number of binaries across many different download locations.    Once we get these in, they need to go through InfoSec audits; then be packed for deployment etc.     this creates a very large admin overhead in that folk need to check for updates across multiple binaries and also create a significant number of different installs which then need to be rolled out across hundreds of workstations.


The request would be to change the approach to downloads for enterprise customers:

- Admin logs into the download portal

- They then select the components which they need (Designer; predictive; CREW macros; Microsoft starter pack; Tableau starter pack; JIRA connector from the gallery; additional predictive tools from the gallery)

- this then becomes the defined selection set.

- When any of these items are updated - the admin is notified

- When they download - these are then all built into a single installer binary which we can then download and roll out to all our workstations.


Many thanks



cc: @dataMack @adrianloong



In order for us to manage the large number of canvasses on our server - we need to add the ability for Admin teams to require additional attributes on every canvas:

For us, these mandatory attributes would be:

- Which team do you belong to (dropdown)

- What business process does this serve (dropdown - multiselect)

- Primary & secondary canvas owner (validated kerberos)


For the ones that have dropdown lists - we can provide the master data into a drop location or into a manually configured list on the server.



It would be nice if scheduled workflow credentials could be linked to the workflow and not the individual versions of the workflow.


It is problematic for the user that they need to remember to reschedule the workflow, whenever they publish a new version of the workflow.




I would like to see the ability to post comments under workflow information to help with development and elicit feedback. Currently if there is a problem with the macro/workflow you must contact the owner of the workflow directly. It would be nice to leave the creator of the workflow a constructive comment, operating question or a thank you comment. Especially in the Public Gallery where the development time of new version could be reduced for both private individuals looking to share and macros developed by Alteryx that eventually turn into standard tools.

As Alteryx makes more and more use of the Public gallery - it would be valuable for Alteryx to explicitly have a section devoted to items that are certified by Alteryx so that we can be safe bringing them into our corporate env.


The assets created by Alteryx are currently listed with Alteryx as the author, however it would be useful to have a completely separate section with Alteryx assets only, and with these broken down by type.

For large implementations of Alteryx - you'd want to have a live control-center view that allows you to see:

- The state of health of all the server components

- the depth of the queue in the controller

- Jobs failing vs. succeeding.


While this can be done by running alteryx jobs, and by going and looking for problems - what we'd want is to have a heads-up control center view which is self-refreshing all the time so that administrators can be notified when there are issues.    And this should not be e-mail notification (it's too easy to miss an e-mail or an SNMP alert)


Think about a 40 inch monitor on a wall (like in a traffic control center)  that allows the server management team to see the state of health of the plant at a glance, and dive into issues without having to constantly be looking for them.    this is a critical capability for enterprise install-base and would be a very useful capability to add to the platform.

I would like the ability to add a workflow description on Alteryx server.  This step would be done after the workflow is published, this way future edits can be made without having to republish the workflow.  A checkbox to allow HTML content would also be appreciated.





Insights should work like Apps. We should be able to publish insights then grant permission to other people/studios to access the visualizations. I have many clients / users that can benefit from having access to the Insights i'm gathering from Alteryx. 

The default view at gallery home page time will not support long titles for your workflows.  I have several that get cut off with . . . . . and you need to hover over in order to get the full title.  You can select a list view, which helps, and gives you more metadata, but you have no mechanism to save your table / list view as a default.  Administrators should have the option to define a default view (tabular / list) and have it default that way for everyone who gets there, authenticated or not. 


If you goto a private studio, you get the list view option.  If you go to a collection, you get the list view option. If you goto a district, you don't get a list / table option set, just table set.  Why? 


There does not seem to be a way to set a (list of) favorite(s), even as an administrator.  There should be a quick-hit button option to get you there, add it to a favorites collection, something.  It seems like we went a long way to generate three different builds of ways to organize workflows, but left out the one that is most universal in similar tools.  'My favorites'.  


The search criteria for adding a workflow to a collection *mandates* that you have a space, but doesn't tell you that is why you are not getting any hits; i.e., 'Water' and 'Water ' will give you 'no results found', or anything with water in the title respectively.  Ugh.  





This issue relates to an inability to input data from a database where access to only certain columns is permitted. This is due to PII data being present in the data.


I am trying to pull data from one table at a time using the standard ‘Input Data’ tool. 

As I do not have table level access I am explicitly specifying the column names and not using a wildcard. Please see the example below, query highlighted in yellow and the returned error in red. You will see the error message returned from Alteryx suggests a * wildcard has been used despite specifying the exact fields to pull.


Several of the Ford GDIA team and Ford HPC team have reviewed this with me and cannot assist. The HPC team believe it is a bug in Alteryx which has been reported by other users internally, that is ‘Select *’ commands being sent from Alteryx despite specific columns being outlined in the query to the data lake. As we only have access to specific fields within Ranger (due to PII data) the select * fails and returns an error.


I can confirm my ODBC connections are all set correctly as I can pull from certain tables where I have full table level access but not others. Access rights are all in place as I can use the same query on Ambari without issue.


Thank you for any assistance you can provide,

Michael Higgins


Example Query


Select STATION_ID, STATION_DESC from dsc60082_qlscm_tz_db.qlsc_station limit 10


Info: Input Data (3): ODBC Driver version: 03.80

Error: Input Data (3): Error SQLPrepare: [Hortonworks][Hardy] (97) Error occurred while trying to get table schema from server. Error: [Hortonworks][Hardy] (80) Syntax or semantic analysis error thrown in server while executing query. Error message from server: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: HiveAccessControlException Permission denied: user [mhiggi37] does not have [SELECT] privilege on [dsc60082_qlscm_tz_db/qlsc_station/*]




Hi Michael,

I believe it would require turning off the queries we currently run to retrieve metadata and retrieving metadata only for the columns selected in the query.

Please submit to our Idea Center for consideration.  Thanks!

Angela Ogle | Customer Support Engineer


Alteryx has the power (no pun intended), and Power BI has the visualizations.


But, why use two interfaces when you could use one?


A concept we started kicking around was embedding a visualization into the Alteryx Gallery.


In theory this should work, but we're interested to hear if anyone else has tried it or has a best practice for embedding links into Gallery reports.


It should be possible to take the dashboard link:

Dashboard Link.png


Then, drop that into a text input tool to have it embedded in the output.

The idea is that certain dashboards would be linked to certain report results to allow an end user to drill into the output of the Gallery report specific to each result output, thus creating an interactive drill down in one interface.


Thoughts?  Ideas?





When sending an app to the Gallery, in the Asset Management window, it would be nice to have a "check all" and "check none" box.  


Currently for most of our workflows we are using our private Alteryx Server to run workflows, using executables that call alteryxenginecmd and output logs to dynamically created log files.  However, there is currently no way to leverage a custom log location for a workflow that is run directly from the Alteryx Gallery (apart from sending an email, which has scalability problems).

I would like an option to create the output log as part of a workflow, so that when we save that workflow to the Gallery, it can output a log with a dynamic name easily.

There needs to be a means for Server Admins to delete/clean up subscriptions and users from the system.


Ref:, “To revoke a user's access to Gallery, deactivate their user account. You cannot delete a Gallery user's account.”


While testing with version 11.0, default permissions set to NO ACCESS, Security using Windows Active Directory, I gave the gallery URL to a random teammate to see what they could access.  While permissions prevented the individual from most activities, the server still created a USER and SUBSCRIPTION for the individual.  Once testing was completed, there was no means possible to clean up these entries., or at least to do more than set them to NO ACCESS.


For most enterprise applications, it is common practice to be able to purge a user account from a system if they are no longer a member of the company.