Alteryx Server Ideas

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*This is an idea from @riverotoledo_21 from the Portuguese Community*


  • How to bring user’s variables/information that we want to use within the workflow that will be published in the Analytic App in the Gallery (For example, I believe that all “non-sensitive” information from MongoDB related to the Gallery actual session should become variables)

*This is an idea from @cneivam  from the Portuguese Community*


- Gallery in all supported languages

*This is an idea from @cneivam from the Portuguese Community*


  • Can’t use CReW macros in Server

*This is an idea from @cneivam  from the Portuguese Community*


  • Being able to control the workload in Alteryx Server (for example, making sure that a workflow can run only when another set of workflows finish running)

At present Gallery API events are captured without User details..



if an Admin user changes the "Default permissions" under "Permissions" this will be captured as a galley API event in server Gallery logs..
but it will not capture the user details, who has changed the same..


Looking forward to a feature which can accommodate this..

While adding or editing use permissions in collections, instead of admin option only, there should be option to choose between admin, user (run only) and custom, something like on the attached prinstscreen.
The way it looks now is confusing.

Can we make API function available to assign specific worker node while submitting job request using api.

Can we have search option enabled in Gallery Admin > Jobs to filter on running jobs to specific ones or to check specific job schedules.


In Gallery, we can see the workflow run details for a scheduled workflow that just ran, and the only way to dive into these details is to query the database.  We're requesting these details being changed to a hyperlink that sends the administrator to the information it is referencing.



I have missing this functionality in alteryx gallery where we can see the runtime status of running app.


In Workflow result option we can view only post completion of app run.



We are looking for the ability to use Alteryx as PaaS in the Azure cloud similar to how Databricks is working on Azure. So servers spin up when demand shows up and then they spin down.  Where we are not on the hook for server patching etc., but instead, we lease processing power/time from Alteryx in the cloud on an as needed basis. The licensing model will also need to be a scalable to support this type of usage.

We have a lot of Alteryx users that generate their workflows in Private Studios and set them up as scheduled Workflows, but the assigned Workers/job tags in Private Studio aren't carrying over to the scheduled workflow, which has to be updated by someone with higher access.  This is creating a time consuming task for our administrator who have to update these scheduled workflows to make sure our unassigned Worker node isn't overloaded.


Currently, workflow history is available to specific user only but cannot see workflow history from other users even they are in same studio.


For example, in Private studio "MAIN_STD", user A to run workflow “WF1”. User A can see the running history while user B cannot see.


The workflow execution log file is locked while execution is in progress. Can we look at making the log file available in read only mode while execution is in progress. This will to triage any performance issues on run time and track the progress on run time, rather than waiting for completion of entire process.


I am leveraging the server as much as possible while working remote.  I usually use it mostly for scheduled workflows when I am in the office, but limitations come up with the efficiency of the VPN and poor bandwidth when I am remote.


A typical process is to save to server, validation cycle runs, then open the workflow on the server in a browser, click run.


An ideal would be a macro or option that would combine two steps; for example, instead of "Save to Server", "Save to Server and RUN".  At that point you can collect your workflow when it is down running. 

It seems from my own experiences and other community posts (e.g. that when scheduling a workflow in the gallery, the gallery will run whatever version was most recently uploaded, regardless of which one has been labeled as "Published". Since naturally the intent is for the Published workflow to be the only version running, it would be nice (adnd would me much more logical and intuitive) for the scheduler to run that version.

It would be nice having the ability to alter the timeout of the file upload on Alteryx Analytic Apps uploading to the Gallery.  Having it restrained by time and not file size makes it so that users with poorer internet speeds will not even be able to upload moderate sized files.  

Is Alteryx looking at implementing some kind of feature to provide a preview of impacted objects (lineage view) & understand dataconnections' changes impact before it's implemented ?



  • Help users understand the ramifications of any changes they make on other cards, DataFlows, or DataFusions.
  • Search and explore data lineage.
  • Easily find broken dataflows.
  • Quickly determine the impact of dataconnection changes on the rest of your Site, Collections, Application etc.


DOMO has this well done in their platform, check it out rather than me explaining here..

Search for Data Lineage & Impact Analysis.



Hi, our analytics team has dozens of workflows saved to Gallery and scheduled to refresh at regular intervals--or at least we did up until this weekend when the scheduled refreshed terminated for some unknown reason.  We currently have a team investigating the cause. 


The last run for the workflows took place between 10 PM on Friday 3/6 until 2 AM Saturday 3/7.  We didn't notice the refreshes getting terminated until start of business Monday morning.  Immediately our internal customers started asking us why things were out of date and we quickly found the issue and we're now going back and refreshing the data and re-initiating the scheduled refreshes.  However, some of our workflows can't be retroactively restated, so we'll just have a gap in the data from this point on. 


Needless to say, this is unfortunate for our org, so I'm trying to think of ways to avoid it in the future.  Having a notification set to send an e-mail when a workflow errs is helpful only if the workflow gets kicked off to run to begin with.  However, this will not help in cases when something has gone wrong to prevent the running of the workflow to begin with.


What I think we need is a system to auto-generate an e-mail to a person/group whenever a schedule is termed for any reason whether if it's by a person actively terming it, or for any other reason.  Just as you get a confirmation e-mail whenever you term an e-mail subscription, getting a confirmation whenever a scheduled refresh is ended, would be extremely useful.  


Thanks, Kurt


Hi Team,

     Just like the workflow upload API, could you please provide an API end-point for deleting the workflow,Job results and it's related information. In a scenario we might use gallery for one time execution of workflow, once the output was generated there is no point to have some workflows in the Gallery hence in this scenario the Delete API helps as a clean up activity on the Gallery to avoid the Junk/Unused information (Workflow/Job/Outputs). 

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