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I really want to see this feature in new versions. Its frustrating the lack of options we have with scheduling workflows on the server. I need to have my process run every 10 mins but only on certain days and in certain time windows. Creating a schedule for this is impossible unless I manually create hundreds of schedules. 


I have a few workflows that I have hosted on out Gallery Server and I have them scheduled.


Ex: Process A is scheduled to run every 10 mins Mon – Sunday.

Problem: I only need Process A to run Every 10 Mins on Mon – Sat from 2 AM to 6 PM

Currently there is not a scheduling configurations that allow this type of schedule. How can I get my workflow to run every 10 mins but only during certain times and on certain dates?

The publishing endpoint, a POST to api/admin/v1/workflows/, is useless whenever workflows, apps, or macros contain Gallery Data Connections.  The workflow will get published but valid Gallery Data Connections are ignored and the apps will not run.


Please add the same dependency checks against Gallery Data Connections as is performed when a workflow or app is manually published from Designer.


This might be considered a subset of the Idea Server API to extract / submit workflows.



Thank you for your consideration.



I love the gallery data connection feature - we're going through some big systems architecture changes, resulting in new locations for many datasets. Having a single place in the Gallery Admin area to update connection information works beautifully.


We're running into issues with the gallery-hosted data connections when trying to run some apps on our private gallery though. The trouble comes up when the gallery-hosted data connection appears inside a macro that's part of an app. We get an "Unable to translate alias" error when trying to run these types of apps.


If we have an app using gallery-hosted data connections that are outside of a macro, the gallery is able to resolve the connection alias fine and work properly. The issue only appears when the gallery data connection is part of a macro used inside an app.


We use macros a lot in our app development because it allows us to use standard methods for accomplishing common tasks. Using macros also enables us to set up automated testing workflows to make sure our processes produce expected results. As it is, we're unable to take full advantage of the gallery-hosted data connections because they don't work within macros, and instead have to continue using hardcoded connection strings. These are a bigger maintenance burden as our underlying systems evolve and are updated.

Now, gallery does not support AD group , need to setup user one by one.

If gallery support AD group synchronization, it is more convenient for gallery admin to manage large number of users.

By assigning AD users to AD group, it will reduce the maintenance task of gallery admin, since gallery admin don't need to grant rights in the gallery directly. 

Currently the server diagnostics (http://localhost/gallery/admin/#!diagnosticscovers a narrow time window (from what I can see - only the last few hours)


Current Server Window.jpg


.... and if you attempt to zoom out or pan to see a broader time window - the graph gets smaller, but the data does not grow to fill the remaining space




Please could we request 2 changes:

a) add a time axis on the bottom of this chart so that the user can understand the time dimension 

b) Increase the time available for analytics to an arbitrarily broad set of data (which the admin can configure as a server setup parameter - retention period).   For us - we'd want to keep at least 3 months of data, and be able to view this analytically.


Thank you 




The Schedules tab of the Gallery currently lists all schedules, 20 to a page, with no option to filter.  I am currently managing 183 active schedules.  In order to find a single schedule, I have to sort by Workflow name, then page through 10 pages of schedules to find the schedule I'm looking for.


Please add an option to filter this list. 


Ideally, I would like to be able to filter on multiple fields at once (example:  Priority = High, Status = Active, Owner = Bob Smith, Times Run > 20).  Barring that, a simple search option on workflow name, similar to the search option on the Collections tab, would be enough.


Option to Zip All Outputs

For workflows that produce various different output files, I think it would be nice if the Gallery had the functionality to create a single zip file containing all outputs. The user would opt in or out of this functionality using a checkbox in the Gallery workflow settings (for apps, this checkbox could also appear as an additional setting above "Questions"). After the workflow has been run, the user would only see the zip file in the output preview instead of each individual output file. 


This functionality would create a more user-friendly experience as it would eliminate the need for zip file creation workarounds, such as using the Run Command Tool or the "zipfile" Python library to create zip files (these options also do not generate a zip file in the Gallery output preview).

Right now, if you are using Windows Authentication, you can map AD group and users on the Permissions and Collections tab.  But for some reason, you can't use AD groups on the Data Connections tab.  Most of our databases are already secured by in-house AD groups in which you have to be a member in order to access that database.  Instead of managing a 2nd, most likely duplicate, list of users in the Data Connections tab I would like to be able to map the pre-existing AD group to that data connection.  That also means I don't have to service access requests.  If someone wants access to a database, they talk to the database owners, get added to the group and then they automatically can pull that data into Alteryx.

The Save to Gallery window does not resize. When I try to Save my Workflow to my Gallery and Manage Workflow assets, I can not widen that window to see the full path to my assets.

This makes it very hard when you have many assets to know if they need to be included or not with the promotion. It may take two or three attempts guessing what asset is what to get the correct combination to make my App run correctly.




It would be nice to be able to widen this window much like we can with the Workflow dependencies window.

I’ve had a query from a Team here at my organisation regarding OAuth2. They are trying to investigate whether a Robotic Process Automation Tool can be integrated with the Alteryx Gallery API.

It uses OAuth2 but my understanding is Alteryx Gallery uses OAuth1. 


Can Alteryx Gallery API be enhanced to use OAuth2? A plan to support OAuth2 authentication for a REST API in a future release?   

So, .YXI files are great, they allow a much simpler installation process of macros from the Gallery to your local machine and server. 


However one problem; they are not supported to be hosted on the Alteryx Gallery. This means that in order to share .yxi files they have to be hosted on some other drive and then you have to have a workflow in the alteryx gallery which provides users with the download link.


This makes that clean process a bit less clean, and it also causes problems with big customers who cannot whitelist these share drives for which the .yxi files are hosted. I myself have had about 20 emails from one global consulting firm in the US requesting access to a macro, I can't link them to the content as they are blocked, and therefor I have to email them individually. 


It's a tad tedious and ruins the 'install experience'.


If you don't know what I'm talking about you can follow my colleagues (Peter Gamble-Beresfords) blog here:


What I'm asking for is simple, support for .yxi files in the Alteryx gallery, in the same way you do with macros.



Alteryx Server does not presently support any file encryption systems. Many people need to encrypt there Fileshare as a secure measurement and use safeguard lan encrypted. Please provide a solution so workers are able to read and write encrypted files through safeguard lan encrypted.

The only reference I can find to this idea is here : .  It references that the feature of "sharing workflow results" was "on the Roadmap" in 2014.  I did some searching through the current Ideas page and cannot find anything.  I also reviewed the release notes since Alteryx 10.5 and cannot see that this was added.

A user approached me today with a problem of "Many people need access to the results of this data, and I want everyone to be able to see all the results".  While you could potentially email these results to a specified user set, that would require maintaining both a collection and an email tool in the job, and could potentially cause notification fatigue if users only care when they go to the Alteryx Gallery.  Similarly, results could be saved to a networked location, but that would require a user to go to two locations in order to find this information.

As such, having a toggle that allows users with permission to view a workflow, to also see the results of any/all users, would be huge. 

Hello all,


It appears that every time we have a talk about the gallery organization, people bugs around the difference between district and collection. Adopting a new semantic with less confusion would lead to

: -a more intuitive product for everyday life

-less question and less confusion during pre-sales/POC/Training.


Best regards,




The schedules page on server needs an overhaul.  Sorry to be so blunt but it is awful.  It is by far the worst aspect of Alteryx and one of the most important at the same time.


Here are a few points about it...

1.) Sorting needs to be fixed as it doesn't work correctly (sorting on the first column, "Workflow", returns items that start with 'L', 'S' and a zero as the first three on the list), so looking for 1 scheduled item across 10+ pages of schedules becomes a "needle in a haystack" endeavor.


2.) There are no search and/or filter capabilities which would help alleviate the pain-point mentioned above.


3.) [Missing] items automatically removed from schedule when the workflow is removed from the server.  It just jumbles up the screen with useless information.


4.) The 'Schedule' column doesn't need to reflect the name again like the 'Workflow' column. is a hyperlink and the other isnt.  I cant tell you how many times I have clicked on the wrong hyperlink only to have to go back and deal with point #1 all over again.  Can't it just be a simple calendar icon or something like that next to the Workflow name?


5.) While not as critical, but more of a 'nice to have' function.  An ability to export the list of schedules would be helpful.  If we ever need to divy up work for an employee that leaves the company it would be a good way to see all of the work they have out there and mark up the list to distribute info for reassignment purposes, etc. 


I am sure there are other aspects I am missing, but here are the most important ones to me as an end-user (Not an Admin)


Thanks for listening.  🙂

It should be possible to schedule chained apps. Particularly useful when the first workflow in a chain runs a check and if the check returns true then the next workflows run and if the check returns false then the next workflow should not run. 


Possibly related to:
Schedule Configured Analytic Apps - Alteryx Community

When we create a shared macro on the Gallery, the desire is that we are able to:

- publish this down to users simply and seamlessly

- Allow them to use these assets in their canvasses

- Allow them to simply update to the latest version of the asset on an existing canvas.


Unfortunately - right now the only way to distribute shared macros is to create a shared folder; and the only way to manage version upgrades of a shared macro is to manually find every single usage and manually upgrade.



User setting possible for:

1. Sorting of content to be saved: Cohoseing wether to sort by name, date, type or all

2. number of entries displayed to be saved, 10 is not a good default

3. 1.+2. should be valid for all content like: Workspace, Collection overview, Collection content etc.



Tableau has a nice Postman Collection available... it's really easy to use since you can download or forkt it on Postman and all you have to do is to write the variable values.

I would like the same thing but for Alteryx.

Best regards,



It would be good to have these table headers sizable, so that it can be expanded to display complete Name (and other fields).



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