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Alteryx Server Ideas

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When opening an workflow from the Gallery in Designer, I'd like to be able to filter the search by collection

A little 1 I know, but I'd like an icon on my toolbar where I can open workflows from my company's gallery.  The amount of times I hit the open workflow icon,  to then have to browse the disk.  All my workflows are stored in my company's gallery.

For large implementations of Alteryx - you'd want to have a live control-center view that allows you to see:

- The state of health of all the server components

- the depth of the queue in the controller

- Jobs failing vs. succeeding.


While this can be done by running alteryx jobs, and by going and looking for problems - what we'd want is to have a heads-up control center view which is self-refreshing all the time so that administrators can be notified when there are issues.    And this should not be e-mail notification (it's too easy to miss an e-mail or an SNMP alert)


Think about a 40 inch monitor on a wall (like in a traffic control center)  that allows the server management team to see the state of health of the plant at a glance, and dive into issues without having to constantly be looking for them.    this is a critical capability for enterprise install-base and would be a very useful capability to add to the platform.

There needs to be a means for Server Admins to delete/clean up subscriptions and users from the system.


Ref:, “To revoke a user's access to Gallery, deactivate their user account. You cannot delete a Gallery user's account.”


While testing with version 11.0, default permissions set to NO ACCESS, Security using Windows Active Directory, I gave the gallery URL to a random teammate to see what they could access.  While permissions prevented the individual from most activities, the server still created a USER and SUBSCRIPTION for the individual.  Once testing was completed, there was no means possible to clean up these entries., or at least to do more than set them to NO ACCESS.


For most enterprise applications, it is common practice to be able to purge a user account from a system if they are no longer a member of the company.

Be able to subscribe to a concrete App in the Gallery so you can receive an email or notification when an App is updated. Several times I have been using an App that suddenly stops working properly because there's a new version available, but actually there's no way to be aware of this unless you check the date of the last version updated.


It will be ideal if you could subscribe to the app to receive new updates notifications or if Alteryx Designer could give automatically notifications of updates in the Gallery of Apps you have installed.



When trying to move and order the districts, it gives the impression that you can organize them in a particular order..

Districts Don't change order.jpg


But what comes out on the Gallery side remains in Alphabetical order..

Districts Don't change order2.jpg


Can this bug be fixed please

Hello Alteryx,


I know that it wasn't intended to have a long list of people under permission, but because changing a default to viewer, effects everyone we have to manually input everyone we want to have as an artisan.

With this long list it would be nice to sort them accordingly


Permissions tab needs a filter and Sort options.jpg


Thank you

Alteryx Server Security is So Complex and it's not easy to understand, Our IT/ Information Security feel that the security is not up to the standard and it's confusing. Also as an Alteryx Gallery Administrator, it's not easy to add users or delete users, Manage Groups and Studios.

The Security structure for any tool is like User-->group--Capability/Functionality. 


All we are requesting is keep up to enterprise standards.

The Alteryx Server Usage Monitoring & Reporting  reports are very useful. In order to automate the distribution and leverage our Tableau Server we have modified one of the macros within to publish the TDE to the Server and reworked the workbook to point to it. This is a fairly time consuming process to do, so the idea is to introduce a version of the workflow which pushes the datasource, producing a version of the workbook pointing to it.

We are hoping to move to Mongo Enterprise as the backend for our Alteryx server, however we may not be able to given that Alteryx does not currently support Kerberos & Keytab authentication.    


Please could you add this to the server so that larger clients with Enterprise Mongo can scale upwards?


cc: @avinashbonu @DamianA @BenBu @Deeksha

Allow LDAP COnfiguration on Alteryx Server ,Right now its only AD ,but LDAP will be for for SSO ,SAML . 

While working in the Gallery, I think the file browse tool should allow the user to import a file without selecting a sheet or <list of sheet names> as is does locally.  


For example, I have created an app in which the user is able to import a file with multiple sheets, and all sheets are brought into separate input data tools with a single file browse tool (shown below).


Since the user does not select a sheet name, the file browse tool only brings in "SelectedFileName.xlsx|". The action tool is then set to replace a specific string "SampleFileName.xlsx|". This allows the input data tools to take this new file name, and add each respective sheet name to the end.


However, when working in the Gallery, the user is required to select a sheet name or list of sheet names, meaning a file browse tool is required for each sheet that you would like to import (shown below). This is a huge inconvenience for the application user, as they have to select the same file numerous times to import every sheet. 




Please let me know if you would like me to provide any more information, I would be happy to do so.




I would like the ability to add a workflow description on Alteryx server.  This step would be done after the workflow is published, this way future edits can be made without having to republish the workflow.  A checkbox to allow HTML content would also be appreciated.





The default view at gallery home page time will not support long titles for your workflows.  I have several that get cut off with . . . . . and you need to hover over in order to get the full title.  You can select a list view, which helps, and gives you more metadata, but you have no mechanism to save your table / list view as a default.  Administrators should have the option to define a default view (tabular / list) and have it default that way for everyone who gets there, authenticated or not. 


If you goto a private studio, you get the list view option.  If you go to a collection, you get the list view option. If you goto a district, you don't get a list / table option set, just table set.  Why? 


There does not seem to be a way to set a (list of) favorite(s), even as an administrator.  There should be a quick-hit button option to get you there, add it to a favorites collection, something.  It seems like we went a long way to generate three different builds of ways to organize workflows, but left out the one that is most universal in similar tools.  'My favorites'.  


The search criteria for adding a workflow to a collection *mandates* that you have a space, but doesn't tell you that is why you are not getting any hits; i.e., 'Water' and 'Water ' will give you 'no results found', or anything with water in the title respectively.  Ugh.  



The WebDAV protocol isn't supported by the Alteryx Scheduler,  due to the security constraints associated with connecting to SharePoint.  This is a server side limitation that should be aligned with the ability of the desktop to preform the WebDAV action.  

In prior projects (before the gallery started acting more like a management console (still would like to see a few more features there too ;) ) , we were able to automate the deployment of the workflows. But there's no good way to automate the deployment of the schedules.


The best I've heard is doing a complete dump of the mongo instance on the lower environment and moving that file and ultimately restoring that to the prod environment (messy).


Even using the Gallery, there will still need to be an admin who goes through the process of setting up schedules to deployed apps. 


There should be a REST call to export and import schedules of apps from one environment to the next within the gallery. 




Along with setting a schedule for an app in the gallery, the user should also be able to set the different interface values for each schedule he/she makes.


My main use case is regarding having generic templates for ETL processes, that have multiple different types of runs based on configuration values, but I'm sure there are plenty others.




In the Alteryx Gallery UI, it's possible to set up workflow credentials so that a workflow published to the gallery runs as a specific user.  


Unfortunately when that workflow is run from the Alteryx Gallery API, it appears to only ever run as the Alteryx Server Run-As account. 


Our developers in working with this figured out that if they called the (undocumented) API that runs the actual Alteryx Gallery directly, they can achieve what they want, but it seems a risky strategy.


The idea would be:

-Either unify the APIs so that the Gallery itself uses the same API to run workflows as what you present as the "Gallery API" (the eat your own dogfood way)

-Alter the Gallery API to enable us to run as a different workflow credential


Without this, we're forced to permission the run-as account to access anything that uses this method, which in turn then becomes a bit of a security hole (any workflow run will have access to everything that the run-as account uses) 

Currently when running an Alteryx Workflow from the gallery via the API, it doesn't get logged in the user interface in the same way that running it interactively in the gallery GUI does - a shame as it then becomes harder to know the traffic and performance of a workflow run in this way.  



Please provide the ability to bulk add/delete users to a gallery. This would be useful for on-boarding/off-boarding large companies, departments, and external customers. For public-facing galleries, this would provide us the ability to on-board/off-board entire customers of ours. 

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