Alteryx Server Ideas

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Request a means to disable sharing options of workflows/content

In the interest of information and system security, would it be possible to provide a means to remove social media and email sharing options (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) from the SHARING drop down menus, such as through a configurable setting in the RuntimeSettings.xml file?


Currently there is no means (confirmed by Alteryx tech support) to remove these options from the sharing menu.  Sharing within the system can be controlled somewhat by controlling access to the system or specific output locations.Once the info leaves the system, there is no longer any means of control.


Providing a configurable option will allow locations to tailor to their specific needs.

5 - Atom

Has this been resolved, or is there a workaround?

7 - Meteor
We are setting up Alteryx Server for our company and as an admin I would like to disable this feature as well. So, bump, has this been resolved or is there a workaround?
9 - Comet

Tech support identified a javascript file that can be edited manually, commenting out the options from the SHARING menu.


I don't know why this hasn't been made public in the interest of info security.  Hopefully someone will catch this and provide the steps needed.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@KJennings  (also @DannyD @cpanfil )


Alteryx does not currently support the workaround you mention, so we have not published it.  I do encourage you to get your colleagues to star your original post and express their need in the comments.  

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Thank you for your feedback and idea! An option to remove the social media sharing drop down is under consideration for a future release and our Server team is researching the technical requirements to understand if or when we would be able to implement this feature. We'll update this idea again on when or if we'll be able to add this feature once we have completed this preliminary research.

8 - Asteroid

Ditto on this idea. Seems weird to allow people to easily share workflows visa social networks and not be able to turn it on or off as admin.

5 - Atom

Please add a configuration option to disable Artisans sharing workflow in public gallery.


As email could be sent to through the organisation, it has raised security concerns. Now  the workaround is to use C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Server\production\production.js, but it has several limitations.