Alteryx Server Ideas

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Currently, if we want to assign a worker node it has to be done at the workflow level.  It would be very helpful to be able to make a rule that auto-assigns the type of workflows to a specific node, so all apps go to one, all schedules go to another, etc.  


At the very least, if there was an API endpoint to update specific items on a workflow (such as node), this would work as well as we could then build a process that auto-assigns.




Currently it's impossible to tell which worker a job is running on. Add a column to the jobs view that shows what worker a job is currently running on.





More of our customers (we are a premier partner) have Servers with multiple worker nodes.  If a custom macro is needed, currently it has to be added manually on each worker node. 


Would love to see a feature in the Admin portal that allows for the upload and distribution of custom macros to all or select workers. 


The Gallery currently only enables scheduling of the latest version of a workflow, regardless of the published version - for instance, if there are two versions of a workflow and Version 1 is the published version, only Version 2 can be scheduled since it is more recent. There is no straightforward way to schedule Version 1.


Currently two workarounds are to:

1) download the older (published) version, export to Designer, and then save as an entirely new workflow in Gallery.

2) re-save the local Designer file of the older (published) workflow as the most recent version in Gallery, for example re-saving Version 1 as Version 3 so that "Version 1" can be scheduled.


The ability to publish and schedule older workflow versions would be a helpful new feature to add to Gallery, as this would avoid the need to re-create or duplicate workflows simply because the most recent version has an unexpected issue that the previous version does not have.


Our company prefers to setup active directory groups to manager our users and resources separately for better tracking of what a group has access to.  We setup global group roles with users as members and local groups with privileges to a resource and the role as a member. We would like to be able to use nested global groups in the User>groups and have it still setup the users once a nested group is setup. Attached his the priv group an role.  We were not able to login with the priv group, but could login once the role group was added.



Hi Team,


Currently we are using python for calling Alteryx Gallery API. We have configured gallery API access according to Alteryx document to use the OAuth 1.0a  with oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1".  However, other teams have concern on HMAC-SHA1 because it’s 64 encoding only and consider not security assurance. I suggest Alteryx team to use encryption with higher encoding like SHA256.



Hello Brainstrust,


Small request here (i think) , we are exclusively using Alteryx Gallery to host and orchestrate workflows in our enterprise. 


As we are connecting to disparate datasources involving many odbc connections and file paths at times when we are configuring a new source on all of our workers there may be a misconfiguration or misstep in the implementation.


When this happens , there is an intermittent failure and unfortunately its not visible what worker ran the workflow, I know this is visible in the thick client scheduler experience but as we are trying to drive Gallery as the one user experience it would be good if it was visible here too... screen shot below.







I have a lot of workflows in my Company's private gallery. Many are duplicates. I'm able to pull out a list of all the duplicate workflows with their name and ID. Currently, we can search by name, but even that isn't always accurate. If I just copy and paste a name with underscores, it generally won't be able to find the workflow - I'll need to use parts of the workflow to be able to search for it. Secondly, if I narrow down to the duplicates in the search, I can't tell which one is which. Being able to search by the ID would be an easy way to find the workflow immediately without worrying if the search will be able to accurately find the workflow name. I've posted a screenshot below of me searching for an App ID that ideally would be able to pull up the workflow I need.





I thought that in our previous version of Gallery (2018.3) the list of available data connections in the Admin page of the same name used to fill the entire depth of my browser window?


In 2020.4 in uses only about half the depth and presents a scroll bar to view the additional records whilst there is additional white space unused at the bottom of the window.


I suggest that this changed to make full use of the available browser window space.


I note that the data connections page uses a scrolling list as opposed to the paged list which is used in most other pages in the UI. However I would be resistant to changing this as a solution since with the scroll bar view any sorting applies to the entire list as opposed to the current displayed page (c.f. Users)





As an Alteryx Admin, we have too many users to maintain the Data Connections for every connection that every user has. A nice add to the collections ability is to create and share Data Connections among users of only that Collection. Managed by the Collection Admin(s), they would be able to manage their own credentials and connection strings for their team and project.


As a large company we have many controls we have to adhere to. One of those being Python libraries we are allowed to use internally. We are requesting that Alteryx document all Python libraries within the tool as well as if they are fundamental to running Alteryx Server (Or Designer as most time these are same) and even what functionality they may play in the tool. This way, we would be able to remove these unallowed libraries from our Server if needed or at least know functionality and if it is needed.


Currently, only Gallery administrators can create credentials on the Gallery.  But this doesn't seem to make sense because publishing users may need to embed their credentials in workflows.  And they would benefit from managing these on server so that password changes don't require re-publishing large numbers of workflows.   Please allow any user to create and manage credentials on the Gallery.  


I am an Artisan but not the Owner of the studio - I uploaded the workflow and would like to see all the jobs (including manually triggered) that run for my workflow so I can track any issues i.e. when workflow fails. I checked with the Owner of the studio and he also can see only the runs he triggered. 


I understand from the Support team in my company that option to see all the jobs that run is currently available only for the Curator role but would be extremely helpful if you would make it available to all the users that have access to the Private Studio.


When I publish a workflow, I want it to have different behaviour based on the collection from which it was executed or scheduled. Let us suppose that I create a DEV collection and a PROD collection. The workflow is shared in both. If the workflow is executed from DEV, then I will have some logic to do X (output to specific folders, etc). If from PROD, the logic will do Y. The logic will be up to me. If the collection information is captured in the MongoDB layer, then I can pull it out on the fly by joining the collections, appInfos, and AS_Queue or AS_schedules collections. Querying the DB on the fly during execution and pulling that value is trivial. Once I have it, I can use it for any sort of logic as an environment sensing variable. Can you please store the info in MongoDB?


Is there a way to check the version of the CASS data packs or other data packs on a server without logging into the server? It would be nice to have the option to check current data packs from the gallery within your profile. Today we can check the Client and Server version when logged in as a user. 

Thank you,



When we download from the gallery, please return both the altered gallery code and the original unaltered code so user can choose the base to build next version on.


Most everyone learns the hard way that saving to the gallery alters their code in ways that it may no longer work as it did before when running on desktop. After figuring out what has happened and laboriously un-doing the alterations that happen when saving to the gallery, we develop schemes to keep separate desktop versions of gallery apps in sync. These schemes should not be necessary. 


It would be a nice feature for users on the 'keys' tab in gallery to provide code examples in python (maybe pre-configured in python tool) or javascript (maybe pre-configured in js tool) or even offer download of @patrick_digan 's API macro with the key/secret already placed in the macro with the end game being able to not have users stumble through building a block of code that they know or don't know should work! 




I would like to see ability to limit the number of versions a user can save of a workflow. As a server environment ages we start to see the database become unnecessarily larger because the number of version of workflows. For servers related to DEV and QA environments as an Admin I would like to be able to say users can keep their 10-25 most recent versions of their workflows. Then anything over that will start to auto-delete just like the auto save feature in Designer. 


Alteryx saves log files in UTF-16 please change the format to UTF-8 as the logs can be streamed using applications like New Relic to track the performance as they only support UTF-8 format.




Sorry if this idea has already been addressed, but I would love an enhancement that would allow users to upload multiple files to the Gallery to be processed and ran by a published app. 


Currently, the only way to accomplish this is by adding multiple File Browse tools to the published app. But if you have a workflow that needs to upload more than a couple files, this becomes a problem.