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There are some tools that helps to monitor what happens on a website. Some are even open source (like matomo and open web analytics). Why not including one of those tools on Alteryx Server ?

There are of course a lot of feature but I like this one, an heatmap to show where a user click



Best regards,


I have a lot of workflows that depend on each other. Currently there's LOTS of hassle to effectively schedule a set of workflows to run subsequent.


Typically we run workflows (eg. product hierarchies) that would need to be completed before the next workflow should start (eg. sales data). We currently have some wonky workarounds that are high maintenance, but I would love to see this as a feature in the Gallery.

Idea: Option to receive an email notification when a schedule gets disabled (could be added in the user settings, see attached picture)


Business Impact: The implementation of this idea would reduce delays that might even have a financial impact because

not receiving any notifications when a schedule was disabled could lead to

  • important processes not being executed and users realizing that only at a later point in time (>> potential financial impact and stress)
  • the user not being able deliver a report in time (>> potential financial impact)
  • huge effort to manually track the workflow results on the server (or email notifications after a successfull run) to avoid the above two bullet points (>> financial impact due to waste of time)


I would be glad if you could implement this idea because I think it would be useful for a lot of people!

We have groups asking within our organization for ways to check the status of a running workflow in Gallery. They are wanting to understand which step in the process the workflow has completed for longer-running workflows.


They are looking for an experience similar to when running in Designer where they can see which tools have been completed. At the very least, they would like the log to be reported live and not shown at the end of the run.


Currently, the run feels like a black box where they do not know how close it is to completion or which steps it has made it through.


We have tried to build workarounds like the Email tool, but have been unsuccessful. For example, the Email tool does not send an Email until the workflow completes which defeats the purpose. The closest workaround is writing our own log along the way that can be reported on which is not a clean solution. 


I have tried so many python packages to Refresh excel Pivot table automatically through Alteryx and save the refreshed data, most of the packages are working perfectly on designer but none of them are working on server.

If we find out anyway that will refresh pivot tables of Excel through Alteryx then it will be great for us. 

  • New Request

Hello all,

Nowadays, chatting, commenting, having a discussion on assets that are published on a server is a very common feature, and a useful one !

Here an example on Tableau :


Collaboration is not a luxury item !

Best regards,



Hi All, 


The Alteryx API documentation was only available for certain entities(workflow, collection, etc.,) and not available for Schedule entities.


I want to see schedule audit information like old value(before change), new value, operation (update, delete, insert).

E.g If you create a schedule in Gallery, information about the schedule like creation date time, frequency, owner, type, last run, next run, etc. will be updated in MongoDB.
If a user edits or modifies a schedule in the gallery, the edit/updated information is only available in MongoDB.



Ariharan R

Today, when you trigger a job using the Server API, it is considered as a manual run type. In fact there are only 2 type of jobs : "Scheduled" and "Alteryx_Run"

I think "Alteryx_Run" should be segregated into "API_Run" and "Manual_Run". This way in future version we could treat those type of job differently. 

We could also have more stats around the type of jobs.

Today, when you share a workflow with someone else through the collection, you cannot see the manual run that the person will do, neither the person will see yours. 

This is really annoying as this is not helping collaboration between colleagues. 

Since we use an external scheduler and the server api, only the job owner will see the job execution results within the gallery.


Idea here would be to let the sharing of job execution result as an option in the collection.

Hello all,

As of today, if you want to give the Alteryx Gallery user an Excel with your data out of your worfklow, you MUST design an Excel Report with Report tools.

However :
1/ It's highly time consuming to design the report
2/ It leads to many errors, especially on column size : a quick research on Alteryx community gives you several hundred topics
3/ the excel output works really fine

This is frustrating as hell for users !




Best regards,


  • New Request

Currently, the API V3 endpoints does not have anything for Data Connection Manager (DCM). Create an endpoint to allow users to add/delete/update and list data sources, credentials, and users of DCM data sources. Also include an "admin" endpoint that can list all of the above for the entire server.


The admin screen of Alteryx gallery does not have an admin function for DCM sources, its users, and credentials. This can cause visibility issues during audits of the gallery. An API endpoint can alleviate this issue until it is added to the UI.

  • New Request

When scheduling an analytical app on Gallery, there is no UI for submitting app values. This significantly limits the value of scheduling workflows and using analytical apps. With this feature, it would allow our users to have more flexible scheduling while also simply maintaining one workflow. Because this feature doesn't exist, we have had to build workarounds by either creating multiple workflows or utilizing APIs. 


Since this feature is already available for manual runs and APIS (shown below), it shouldn't be a reach to also have this feature when scheduling a run.


Manual Method:



API Method: GET /workflows/{appId}/questions


Scheduling Method (no app questions): 




I think it would make sense to let user have more flexibility when they want to schedule. 

For instance, we should be able to set a schedule every 2 hours for a certain time range on certain days. EG : Every 2 hours from 8am to 6pm from Monday to Friday.


Right now, this is not possible. 

Enhance the v3 APi for workflows - /v3/workflows/{workflowid} - to get information for first n versions and/or last n versions of the workflow.


The problem

The current API will return information about all versions of a workflow. If a workflow has several hundred versions, you'll get all version information, much of which is useless and can take a long time to process.


The (potential) solution

Allow the API to take parameters like first n versions and last n versions. This will allow the API to return only the respective version information that would be of interest to the user.


The red box in the image is the enhancement in swagger:




  • New Request

Special characters cannot be accommodated when searching usernames or workflows in the Gallery and Admin UI pages.

Hello Alteryx Developers,


It would be great if you develop a way to connect the Alteryx Designer to AWS Redshift by SSO. When i try to set this type of connection at the Simba ODBC Driver it opens the connection several times with AWS at the browser and that ruin the customer experience.


Best Regards


Danilo Benjamin

  • New Request

Hello Community!


I really enjoy the concept of the Data Connection Manager, but we have controls in place that don't allow our users to share database connections with each other - the official data source owner needs to approve. We have been able to do this with the typical Data Connections through Active Directory groups that we load into Gallery custom groups. 


It would be nice to be able to allow users to create their own data connections to be shared but we would like to add a couple of governance features:

  • When an Artisan wants to publish a data connection to Gallery, they publish it to a shared space (could be within collections). For example, they could share to the HR Data Connection space. 
  • That shared space is governed by custom groups in Gallery, similar to assets in a collection for workflows (who can access, who can add, who can modify, who can remove, who is the owner)
  • Ideally, we would also like to have more of a submission process - someone can submit a data connection, and then a data owner can "accept" the data connection. The data owner would then check to see if they are connecting properly before it is added to the shared space. 

Perhaps a change in Designer too, but I want the output on the server and for workflows stored on the server.


There is an existing "tool" Auto Documentation to load a locally stored Alteryx flow and to provide a pdf file with an overview of the workflow, the used tools and their configuration.  Example: input file is sales.xlsx, filter on month: January, sum of sales amount.


I would love a functionality that would output this together with the other output on the server for the flow that ran.  This can then be used as a sort of proof in case of an audit on how we got to the numbers of the output.

  • New Request

in the current alteryx gallery if we need to disable of enable the schedules workflows we need to manually enable or disable them.

example if we have 100 scheduled workflow. and we want to disable all of them and then enable them later. currently we spend hours to manually disable and enable each of them.

By adding a feature to select the workflows in scheduled to enable of disable the selected one at one which will save hours of time.

  • New Request

I would like to see some functionality in the Alteryx Gallery in which you can select multiple schedule workflows to disable/enable. Currently as an admin if I have many schedules I need to enable/disable I need to go into each schedule manually to disable or enable. This is okay for one or two, but I have about 20-30, it is very time consuming. I would like to see maybe some checkbox functionality next to the workflow to select and then an option to either disable all selected or enable all selected.

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