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Alteryx Server Ideas

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It would be useful there was the concept of a description for Alteryx content, which was displayed within Gallery, as even with logical folders, naming conventions & tags when there are several hundred items available this additional metadata would be highly beneficial to users to know what the content they can see actually does. The ability to search this description would also be highly useful.

  • New Request

As we look at upgrading Alteryx Server - one of the challenges is that it's an all-or-nothing approach; and there doesn't seem to be a guided wizard approach to upgrading.


The upgrade process would be much less intimidating if we could create a Migration tool which can work across versions - similar to Microsoft SQL Server which has the.    This would allow us to:
- Migrate a subset of assets up or down versions

- Migrate across servers to do consolidation or to split loads into different servers for the purpose of segregation

- Progressively migrate over time to limit the risk.


cc: @JohnPelletier 






Hello all,

As of today, if you want to give the Alteryx Gallery user an Excel with your data out of your worfklow, you MUST design an Excel Report with Report tools.

However :
1/ It's highly time consuming to design the report
2/ It leads to many errors, especially on column size : a quick research on Alteryx community gives you several hundred topics
3/ the excel output works really fine

This is frustrating as hell for users !




Best regards,


  • New Request

I would like to suggest the idea of being able to handle row-level security data sources in a more seamless way using Kerberos passthrough, where Alteryx Gallery will pass the information that User A is running the workflow to the underlying DB and will authenticate as User A. 


We have many workflows that are built to handle different queries of a database that are reliant on knowing who is running the workflow in Gallery. We also have many regional workers, and we want to keep the administration of these connections to the data as simple as possible. 


For more information, check out the Community thread on this subject.

Enhancement request that there is an ability to limit collection naming rights to the collection owner and/or collection admins. Currently anyone with access to a collection can rename it.

Enhancement for the ability to trap errors at the tool level, take actions, and direct workflows based on error messages. If a tool presents an error, check for additional handling instruction in the configuration panel.

Enhance the v3 APi for workflows - /v3/workflows/{workflowid} - to get information for first n versions and/or last n versions of the workflow.


The problem

The current API will return information about all versions of a workflow. If a workflow has several hundred versions, you'll get all version information, much of which is useless and can take a long time to process.


The (potential) solution

Allow the API to take parameters like first n versions and last n versions. This will allow the API to return only the respective version information that would be of interest to the user.


The red box in the image is the enhancement in swagger:




  • New Request

As we have more and more users onboarded to the Server, and many users share similar names, it is getting more and more complicated to manage. 


It will be great if we have a management console that allows us to create User Groups, Tags, set User Departments, and more controls alongside their curator, designer, etc status on Server.


Groups like User Groups gives a group of people access into certain workflows, districts, collections, etc. It will also be helpful as it can also be an audit trail of who ran what - with a feature that allows users or groups of users to run certain tasks or schedules. 

I would like to see some functionality in the Alteryx Gallery in which you can select multiple schedule workflows to disable/enable. Currently as an admin if I have many schedules I need to enable/disable I need to go into each schedule manually to disable or enable. This is okay for one or two, but I have about 20-30, it is very time consuming. I would like to see maybe some checkbox functionality next to the workflow to select and then an option to either disable all selected or enable all selected.

Our Organization uses a Password Manager to automate the update of service account credentials used in Windows Services. 

Would like to request the ability to leverage that functionality with the Run As user inside of Alteryx Server Settings used with Workflows. 


This would increase application security, while ensuring the process is automated, thereby limiting issues from human interaction.


Examples of these types of application are ERPM(Enterprise Random Password Manager), Thycotic Secret Server, and I am sure there are others. 

While in a workspace or collection, it would be great to be able to select multiple workflows and perform a bulk action on them (e.g. delete). This would help cleaning up unused workflows quicker.

Thank you

It would be helpful if there was a way to setup notifications so that it would email Admin whenever a workflow runs longer than a preset amount of time.


Admin would set time threshold for triggering notification i.e. > 15min and Alteryx Server would email Admin whenever a workflow runs longer than that so that they could monitor this specific workflow and take corrective action,



A maintenance mode would not be luxury, so that the worker does not take any more new job and finishes those which it has in progress. to be able to stop this one more easily.

I have a lot of workflows that depend on each other. Currently there's LOTS of hassle to effectively schedule a set of workflows to run subsequent.


Typically we run workflows (eg. product hierarchies) that would need to be completed before the next workflow should start (eg. sales data). We currently have some wonky workarounds that are high maintenance, but I would love to see this as a feature in the Gallery.

We have groups asking within our organization for ways to check the status of a running workflow in Gallery. They are wanting to understand which step in the process the workflow has completed for longer-running workflows.


They are looking for an experience similar to when running in Designer where they can see which tools have been completed. At the very least, they would like the log to be reported live and not shown at the end of the run.


Currently, the run feels like a black box where they do not know how close it is to completion or which steps it has made it through.


We have tried to build workarounds like the Email tool, but have been unsuccessful. For example, the Email tool does not send an Email until the workflow completes which defeats the purpose. The closest workaround is writing our own log along the way that can be reported on which is not a clean solution. 

Allow admins to configure an outage window(s) of a specified amount of time (say 5-6pm every sunday) for conducting admin activities. Specifically this outage window would block any scheduled jobs, drive any manual started jobs to queue, and also issue a popup on the gallery to notify users that it's during an outage window. 

Hi Team,


Earlier when we are in 2020.2 version we used to have "Company field" option when we are creating New Private Studio in the Subscription tab . Now we have Upgraded to 2020.4 version and we no longer see that option .


We have used Company Field to Tag the Solutions with certain specifications that would help us with the cost recovery mechanism.


So we need to have Option in our Use Case again.  If could you please include "Company Field" option in Subscription tab or if Subscription is deprecated then in Collection tab for coming versions it will help us a lot.


We would like Gallery admins to be able to add any workflow to a collection - not just the workflows they authored.

The purpose is to have one collection where we have a set of workflows that were reviewed and approved for audits.

Only the reviewer could add to this collection

Special characters cannot be accommodated when searching usernames or workflows in the Gallery and Admin UI pages.

My team utilizes the Gallery API extensively and have found that we have processes that the API has listed as actively running, but cannot be found via the Controller's GUI.  As a gallery artisan, I can call flows via API, but cannot cancel these executions unless I reach out to the administrator group to kill them manually. 


It would be extremely helpful to add an endpoint with the ability to submit a specific job GUID and have the server/controller kill the execution of that flow and clear up the server capacity.  This could then be scheduled on a regular basis as a maintenance  task to keep the server clean.



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