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Alteryx Server Ideas

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The more I'm digging into the Private Gallery (on our own Server, not, the more I'm feeling that the UI and functionality is very non-user-friendly.  


I would like to do something that I think is very basic (I am the Admin of the Gallery):

1.  Create Apps and put them in various Collections.

2.  Grant people access to certain Collections.

3.  Have those people, when they log in, only see the Collections to which they have access to (that I granted them).  And then run the apps in those collections.  Nothing      more, regardless of who they are.

4.  Given all three of the above, but I do not want to see them listed as an Artisan, nor do I want to see them have their own studio


Currenlty, no matter what I do, they have Studios, and some are listed as Artisans (and as mentioned in a prior post, you can't delete their Studios).  I've tried using Windows Authentication, but I get errors so that's not an option.  It would be nice if the above were options regardless of the Authentication type.

When setting custom "Theme" settings for a private gallery, the filter icon seems to be missing. Other similar UI elements are color themable such as the search icon:




Via the setting here:




But the filter icon doesn't have a section to set its color to something besides the stock teal:




Can we please have this icon be color themable? My customized theme has all of the teal removed, except for this icon.




It would be useful if the Admin of a Private Gallery (in house server) could delete studios and/or members.  Also, it's confusing that a member who's added also gets a Studio automatically set up.  Members (for my purposes) are only supposed to be able to run apps in collections that I grant them access to.  They should not get their own studio.  Even if they can't use the studio (or even know that they have a studio), it's not very efficient to have all these studios show up on the subscriptions screen.

I was trying to embed the javascript share embed source or an <iframe> tag from our Tableau server into the Pages functionality of Alteryx Gallery Server admin section. What I like to do is be able to show inside the Gallery pages the Gallery Usage and Scheduler setup, usage and results from a Tableau workbook we built of the MongoDB. In this way our Alteryx server users can view their usage and Admins/developers can see what is scheduled and results over time.


In general embedding webpages besides a link as iframe or javascript embedding would be a nice feature. We have an Alteryx Community page internal with various collaterol pages we can embed and share for training purpose directly on the server if that could be enabled.


Currently the BODY element of the editor does not allow for javascript or the <iframe> html tag.

It would be great if there was a way to turn-off the validation processes associated with saving applications to a private gallery.  Alteryx is an amazing workbench because it allows users to build a variety of correct solutions.  However, we cannot publish several of our quite correct solutions because they don't pass the, as we see it unnecessary, validation requirements for saving to our private gallery.  The issue, if unresolved, will be a roadblock in our application development and deployment process.

A couple examples..

  • An application that is SQL code with parameter strings that need to be replaced by users selection from application interface.  Cannot publish because syntax errors before parameters are replaced.
  • Application appending In-DB SQL queries from multiple connections inside of container tools.  Union tool has error because it does not see inputs from closed containers.    

There is Alteryx Designer, Alteryx Server and now why not an "Alteryx Cluster"?


  • I've seen some vendors merging the self-service analytics tools with Hadoop
  • I presume they believe the business unit needs to create a data lake for a specific purpose for a specific time span (like a dedicated analytics project etc.), not so frequently but yes they do.
  • And these vendors too want this without a need for full stack IT developers or having to invest in huge bare metal databases...

Does it sound attractive to you to build a Alteryx Server+Hortonworks bundle or package that you may set it on 2 or more machines and your compute cluster is ready to go?!


As far as I know Alteryx Server has MongoDB installed on it

guess not to create a data lake but to store gallery macros and version history...





To create an IoT district for the Alteryx Gallery...



Many vendors are now focusing on the IoT wave,

having some examples on IoT use cases would be a nice resource for many...


  • Please star the idea if you like it,
  • Comments are more than welcome




So there are freemium apps in the gallery and

server customers have their own apps published in their private galleries...


What if one want's to sell apps like in iOS app store,

Provide insights from the app as a service either prepetually, annually or monthly so that the locked apps can be used

  • on a basis of pay per monthly subscription model or
  • pay per transaction model etc.

possibly payments being handled over Alteryx Public Gallery.

Does the Alteryx roadmap include such a business model in the future?



I'm really enjoying the new Save As functionality to push to the gallery, but had a request that would make it even more useful for me. 


I saw that you can open workflows directly from the Gallery and edit them with version control, but it would be nice if it was possible to do a Save As on a local workflow and point it at an existing copy on the server.  I need to maintain a local copy of my workflow for dev/prod separation, but currently my way to push to prod is to do a Save As to my Private Gallery, remove the existing copy from the company gallery, and then share my newly created workflow into the company gallery.  This causes some headaches like no version control, switching out icons everytime, and overall just a messy way to push to prod.  


It would be helpful if there was a way to overwrite an existing workflow in the gallery rather than editing it directly.  

In Gallery 10, List Boxes (that are within a Radio Button) have their contents sorted horizontally.  Previously (Gallery 9.5) the contents of List Boxes was sorted vertically.  This new orientation makes it very difficult to find specific items within the list.  The problem is particularly severe for long lists, when it becomes common for the check box and associated text to become separated on two different lines.


With Version 10 of Alteryx Server Gallery, if new user signup is disabled, people see the following when clicking the sign in button:




If someone tries to fill out the "Join Now" section they then get:

access denied.png



In Alteryx Server Version 9.5, when new user sign up was disabled, the join now section of the prompt was not present. This is our prefered behavior. Another option would be to change the "Access denied" message to something more descriptive such as "New user sign up disabled."





It would be great if the admin could change some default settings on the Alteryx Gallery page. For example, where we have the list of apps, show Detail view and sort by App name ascending by default.


Allow the artisan to turn off the ability of a member to download app results.  Some of the information is highly confidential, and we don't want them to be able to easily print out a list of this information and have that list "floating around".  Or take sensitive client data with them to another job if they leave us and use that to profit their new employer.

When replacing an app in the gallery, it appears that you always see the original upload date (which is good to have), and then simply a version number.  It would be great if you could add an additoinal field that shows the most recent replace date.  That way you would know that "SampleApp v4" is the 4th replacment, and that 4th replacement happened on date mm/dd/yyyy.  Also, while it's replacing, there is no indication that it is doing the replace.  An hour glass or some indicator telling you to sit tight would be nice.

I like to be able to access and run my apps from my iPhone.

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