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As we continue to build Alteryx Workflows for the business, there is a continued need for an organizational structure for saving and storing Alteryx Workflows within the Alteryx Gallery. Organizing the workflow repository through a "folder hierarchy" will allow users to quickly navigate and find the appropriate workflow. Currently, the workflows are listed in alphabetical order and requires the user to remember the Alteryx Workflow name and click to the proper page. 


Any enhancements to the Alteryx Gallery organization structure would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you, 






To create an IoT district for the Alteryx Gallery...



Many vendors are now focusing on the IoT wave,

having some examples on IoT use cases would be a nice resource for many...


  • Please star the idea if you like it,
  • Comments are more than welcome



It would be GREAT if we could have an optional notes field in the gallery. When many tools are uploaded to a collection, the titles alone are not descriptive enough for end users. I have to publish a separate "menu" for reports that are available in the gallery. In some cases I have to number them. I wish users could just browse for themselves to find the application that is suitable for their use case. 







I think it would be good to arranged the Workflow results into tabbed pages by completion status, e.g. a tab for failures, warnings, success, all.  We run about 200 jobs in the morning and have to page through all the workflow results to find failures.  


Also would be useful to search workflow results by completion status, e.g. find all workflows that have failed.

Within the Mongo database on the Alteryx Server, when using WinAuth,  if you use AD Groups for Permssioning, there is no direct way within the Mongo database to go from the AD Group to the User table.  This is important if you need to report on who, base upon their AD group membership with their associated role is a user.  Example.  AD Group 'Example-AD -Group'  is assigned Permission Curator.  The AD Group contains user 'Jay Smith'.  'Jay Smith'  is on the user Collection.  activeDirectoryPermssions Collection  contains the Ad Groups and permissions.  But,  in order to connect the two collections,  you will need to go externally to define the AD Group memebership to join these two collections together.


*This is an idea from @riverotoledo_21 from the Portuguese Community*


  • How to bring user’s variables/information that we want to use within the workflow that will be published in the Analytic App in the Gallery (For example, I believe that all “non-sensitive” information from MongoDB related to the Gallery actual session should become variables)

It seems from my own experiences and other community posts (e.g. that when scheduling a workflow in the gallery, the gallery will run whatever version was most recently uploaded, regardless of which one has been labeled as "Published". Since naturally the intent is for the Published workflow to be the only version running, it would be nice (adnd would me much more logical and intuitive) for the scheduler to run that version.

In Gallery 10, List Boxes (that are within a Radio Button) have their contents sorted horizontally.  Previously (Gallery 9.5) the contents of List Boxes was sorted vertically.  This new orientation makes it very difficult to find specific items within the list.  The problem is particularly severe for long lists, when it becomes common for the check box and associated text to become separated on two different lines.

Currently if there is a password change, I have to download my workflows, update the password in the Tableau connector, and reupload the files. 


This would enable groups with a single sign on to ensure scheduled workflows are not interrupted. 

Hello Alteryx Team,


we would like to customize SAML login with additional claims (departement)?


We want to grant authentication based on claims we are using in addition of firstname, lastname, email. 


So we need custom code as well, is this possible to integrate or merge with alteryx code ?


simple example would be:

we add city to the claims and on user with from city "New York" will be accepted all others will get access denied page.


Best regards,



The Inputs to an Alteryx App look very clunky and are not formatted well on the Gallery.  The App Inputs look fairly decent when executed from Designer, but the Gallery input tabs looks like a work-in-progress that never got out of beta.  We desperately need some way to make the app input tabs aesthetically pleasing and functional.  An "artisan" does not like to create a masterpiece app that has a Model-T front end.  

Gallery Scheduler can schedule the workflows recurring,custom and once.


Idea 1 : Incase the scheduled run fails it would be good to have an retry option incase the source file path has network latency or network glitch.


Idea 2 : It would also be good if the scheduler checks if the latest feed or file is present in the source file path and have an option to kick off to run job the moment the latest file is present.


Idea 3 : For workflow to run on start and end of the working day month date we currently do not have an option in scheduler. we have an option to choose the first day and last day but the first and last working days in a month.


Idea 4 : When we choose the replace workflow option that changes the version of the workflow on gallery the schedule automatically is disabled. We will have to manually enable the schedule and also re-enter the credentials which is difficult if we keep updating our workflows every time with new changes as per business needs. request to have the schedule option enabled incase the replace workflow is done and also not to erase the workflow credentials.

We are constantly moving workflows from our Dev environment up to Prod and then back down again to improve them.  Even though we only used Gallery shared data connections, and both environments have the same name for each connection; the connections still break when opening the workflow in the other environment.  This is because designer actually uses an ID code behind the string name instead of the name.  And, even though connections exist by the same name in each environment, the code behind them is different.


I would like a way to be able to specify the data connection code so that I can make the code the same in both environments.

We have a bunch of workflows in our public gallery that have no inputs, and so the results are the same no matter who runs them, it just depends on the time.  It is a huge oversight and a massive waste of resources that a person can only see workflow results for the times that one user ran the workflow.  If I have user A run a workflow at 10AM and user B doesn't know about it, he's going to run it at 10:05 AM and we just wasted valuable compute time and resources to produce the same exact data set.


Or, say it runs on a schedule, and you want people to access the results via gallery instead of saving as spreadsheet or something somewhere.  But you can't.  Only the person who setup the schedule can see the results.


Now, I can see that some workflow applications may produced different results based on inputs, and some results may be sensitive.  But then at least make it a check box when publishing the workflow to gallery whether or not results should b shared globally.

Hi All,


The limit of data connections in Alteryx Gallery is 100 only.

Is it possible to increase the limit ? 


Best Regards,


Option to update ownership to any other valid license holder as needed.


Use Case: Currently the canvas owner is marked by default as the user publishing the canvas to production.

However, we have seen instances where the person moves teams and would like to hand it over to another person.

I wish Alteryx had an Alteryx gallery not only for workflows but for pure data sources as well which we can access with;

  • freemium license for certain aspects
  • a specific monthly fee or
  • a prepaid model...


And I would like to be able to get weather data as a starter;

  • historical temperature data is one thing and can be found over the internet so this part may be the freemium one...

But especially the most needed aspects are;

  • cloud cover
  • relative humidity
  • average precipitation rate
  • barometric pressure
  • wind chill temperature
  • wind direction in degrees
  • wind gust speed

Obviously 5 day 3 hour forecasts for all these aspects are another thing and probably this will generate some revenue...


This information is so essential in order to accurately forecast

  • credit risk in agricultural lending to
  • planning electricity loads and pricing...

Mathematica (since version 7) and wolfram has this built in already!

This is the source of data;


Totally agree that maintaining a data source covering worldwide is not an easy task but I think will help Alteryx users and customers a lot...

We've purchased a server license and several designer licenses to publish analytics apps to customers via our internal/company gallery. Whether a user signs in or not, users should not be subjected to corporate Alteryx ads. This is a terrible user experience and detracts from our ability to deploy self-serve solutions.



My idea is to facilitate scheduling through Gallery vs the separate scheduler built into Designer. The reasons for this:


  1. The current scheduler authentication with Alteryx server via token is a big security concern. This allows all users to see all schedules, workflows, output logs, etc. for the entire server.  
  2. It will better interact with the Alteryx 10 version contol. Current scheduler shows all prior versions in the workflow list.
  3. Allow the server/gallery admin to setup scheduling rules. Ex: No scheduling during certain windows (for maintance downtimes), max frequency of scheduling, prevent users from scheduling too many jobs at the same time, user level rules.
  4. Allow scheduled workflow output to be retrieved from the "Workflow Results" section by the user who scheduled the workflow. Ex: I schedule a workflow that takes 2 hours to run at 6AM each day, then by the time I arrive at the office at 8AM, I can login to the gallery and download the output. 








I have an existing app in my company's gallery. I updated the app in the gallery to not allow others to download. I just made changes to the desktop version of the app and saved it to the gallery, then went thru the steps of replacing my existing gallery app with the new version (this part I like). BUT, after updating the app, when I went back into the app settings, the option for others to download was checked again. To me, the app should inherit anything that was manually done to it in the gallery, like making it not downloadable. Is it possible to have this changed in a future release?

