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Submission GuidelinesHello all,
This may be a little controversial. As of today, when you buy an Alteryx Server, the basic package covers up to 4 cores :
I have always known that. But these last years, the technology, the world has evolved. Especially the number of cores in a server. As an example, AMD Epyc CPU for server begin at 8 cores :
So the idea is to update the number of cores in initial package for 8 or even 16 cores. It would :
-make Alteryx more competitive
-cost only very few money
-end some user frustration
Moreover, Alteryx Server Additional Capacity license should be 4 cores.
Best regards,
The V3 jobs API endpoint woefully lacks any usefulness. The current endpoint only has a get jobs/{jobid} method that is not useful because a database admin must query the database to get a list of all job IDs. To add insult to injury, this method is only limited to the user whose job is running or queued.
These are new features that I am proposing
1. GET jobs/list—This method must be callable by all users. Parameters such as none (default—full list), running, or queued will display jobs with the appropriate status. The job ID of the running or queued job and the worker it is running on must be included in the resultset.
2. GET jobs/{ownerid} — This method must be callable by all users. Like the GET jobs/list above, the resultset must include the job ID of the running or queued job and the worker it is running on.
3. DELETE jobs/{jobid} — This method must be callable by the person who scheduled the job, the owner of the workflow, or the curator. This method is the equivalent of cancelling a job on the Server Admin page - #!/admin/jobs by a curator. All three mentioned people have a vested interest in the running or queued jobs on the server and must be able to cancel those jobs.
4. POST jobs/reassign/{jobid}/{new_job_tag} — This method is restricted to the curator and applies to any job in a queued state. It allows a curator to reassign a job to another job tag or the first available worker for reasons determined by the curator.
This is an enhancement that I am proposing
1. GET jobs/{jobid} — This method must be callable by all users. This will allow any user to get the details of any running or queued job.
Logging requirements
All DELETE or POST methods must be logged and purged based on the Persistence Option > Delete queue and results after (days).
Commas save lives! With large numbers, it's difficult to see what number was actually entered without commas present, and the wrong number can easily be entered as a result:
Is this number
It's hard to say without taking a really close look!
Currently the default 'Rows Per Page' is set to 10 when within various pages on the Gallery.
As we add more and more Apps to our Gallery it would help to be able to increase the default so it is higher than 10.
This will help ensure users do not forget about or miss tools that are available to them which are hidden on other pages. Additionally, they will not need to remember what page to jump to if the App does not pull through to the first 10 rows, or prevent the need for them having to increase the number of 'Rows Per Page' themselves.
Idea: Option to receive an email notification when a schedule gets disabled (could be added in the user settings, see attached picture)
Business Impact: The implementation of this idea would reduce delays that might even have a financial impact because
not receiving any notifications when a schedule was disabled could lead to
I would be glad if you could implement this idea because I think it would be useful for a lot of people!
Hello all,
Right now, we can choose either MongoDb or Microsoft SQL Server as a backend. I would suggest to add Postgresql. Why ?
-it's open-source
-it's reliable
-it's free
-it works well on many environments
-it's popular
-it's already used as backend for Tableau or Qlik and many others
-it respects SQL norm and doesn't have a lot of specificity
Best regards,
Hi Alteryx experts!
There were some ideas similar to this one but none like it and really really old ones, so I`m revamping the idea due to recent struggles and the many questions we got on the server discussion board!
Workflow events are nice and helpful but they require the user to add it to every single workflow.
The Gallery admin also struggles to know when a schedule fails.
There was the Server Usage Report before, but now most server admins have no idea when a schedule fails.
There are many ways of managing schedules and failed jobs (MongoDB, logs, events), but it would be nice to add a simple option to notify a user on each schedule. It would be even better if we added another option to enable this option in all schedules globally!
This idea could be combined with this one from @fjablo
Let me know what you all think!
Fernando Vizcaino
After a job is run on Alteryx Server, Gallery lists Job Results with a Status column containing with one of 2 values:
If any WARNING messages are generated by the workflow, the operator/user is unaware unless they take the time to expand the message log details, then scroll through the long list of messages that typically appear in the log.
Because the Success Icon appears whether there are Warnings or not, the user must dutifully spend extra time scrolling through the list looking for Warnings even if there are none to be found.
My Idea: provide additional information under the Status column in one or more of these ways:
I think that the user would benefit from a filter where they could focus on errors, warnings, or other types of messages in the same spirit as the Designer interface, but I recognize that would be a lot of work and I am not asking for that now.
Add entered parameter into the result panel. It helps to debug process and audit.
sometime users save file in different way, and it not directly related to the interactive question
(e.g. Question: "SAP FBL5N Data" Input: "EXPORT (2).XLSX")
when error happen, I need the source file and the parameter.
if this idea is implemented, i just need the screenshot, which faster, without user to re-run the workflow to screenshot and share the parameter setup.
Could you make it possible for curators to administer DCM connections created by other users?
Currently if one of the curators creates a connection, then only that person can modify it and give other people access to it.
Therefore if the person who created the connection isn't available then nobody can be given access to the connection.
Any curator can manage legacy gallery connections so to be able to move away from legacy connections and use DCM connections instead we need the same administration capabilities for DCM connections.
Hi Alteryx support team,
We would like to use the search functionality available in the schedules tab of Alteryx gallery and when anyone searches the schedule by typing the name in search box on schedules tab, he/she should get list of the results along with the schedule information such as frequency of schedule, times run etc.
As of now, when one searches results are displayed as jobs and their run history.
Case reference - Alteryx, Inc Case # 00606791
It would be great if you could overwrite an existing workflow when saving to the gallery from designer. It could be a simple popup with a yes/no option to overwrite/save a new copy. Currently, you would have to
1) Save your workflow to the Gallery.
2) Click on ok and be taken to that workflow.
3) Go back to your private studio.
4) Search for the app you want to replace.
5) Realize you have 7 copies of the same workflow with the same name and try to determine which one you want to replace. (this could just be a "me" problem)
6) Select that app
7) Click on replace workflow.
😎 type the name of the workflow in the box.
9) Look through your list of 7 workflows and choose the one that was just uploaded. Usually the first in the list I think.
10) Lament that it took way too many steps.
I recognize that you can open workflows from the gallery in designer which does allow overwriting, but I've run into issues with 1) external dependencies not working as expected (ie packaged assets don't quite work the way I want) and 2) about half the time it will simply give you root errors and then your only option is to save to a folder and then go through the process above.
Hello all,
This may be a little controversial. As of today, when you buy an Alteryx Server, the basic package covers up to 4 cores :
I have always known that. But these last years, the technology, the world has evolved. Especially the number of cores in a server. As an example, AMD Epyc CPU for server begin at 8 cores :
So the idea is to update the number of cores in initial package for 8 or even 16 cores. It would :
-make Alteryx more competitive
-cost only very few money
-end some user frustration
Moreover, Alteryx Server Additional Capacity license should be 4 cores.
Best regards,
When scheduling an analytical app on Gallery, there is no UI for submitting app values. This significantly limits the value of scheduling workflows and using analytical apps. With this feature, it would allow our users to have more flexible scheduling while also simply maintaining one workflow. Because this feature doesn't exist, we have had to build workarounds by either creating multiple workflows or utilizing APIs.
Since this feature is already available for manual runs and APIS (shown below), it shouldn't be a reach to also have this feature when scheduling a run.
Manual Method:
API Method: GET /workflows/{appId}/questions
Scheduling Method (no app questions):
When I create a DCM Entry in Gallery, it would be great if the users I share it with would also be able to reference the credentials in their desktop designer when they sync their connections to the Gallery.
Alteryx DCM has been an incredibly useful addition that supports key security concerns from companies. Currently, only three external key vaults are supported:
Hashicorp Vault (KV secrets engine) - supported for Designer 22.3 and later.
CyberArk Conjur - supported for Designer 22.3 and later.
AWS Secrets Manager
I propose that we also include Delinea Secret Server.
Thank you and hopefully we can start to add more to make this feature widely useable and support security compliance.
Currently, failed job results stay in the Mongo DB forever. Please either make it adhere to the same coding in the Server Settings for "Delete queue and results after (days)" setting, or make it a separate option for failed jobs.
I would like to be able to view all schedule results from all users in my Gallery. Currently, I can see the "Workflow Results" for any schedules I create. But I cannot see them for users unless they share them. As admin, I want an option on the Gallery Admin screen just like there is on the Gallery user screen to see "Workflow Results" for every schedule that is in the Scheduler Database, regardless of who the user shared it with.
Currently, the only way to accomplish this is to go to Designer, View Schedules, connect to the Controller, and go to the Results tab. This should be built into the Admin screen in the Gallery.
Hi all,
In an enterprise environment - DB connections need to be set up from the server and pushed down to your users; and they need to be managed across the various servers in your software lifecycle.
In other words - you may have a sandpit / dev server env; a UAT env; a pre-prod; and a prod env - and each of these need to have the same DCM credential IDs so that users can access these.
(before you say "you can do this from the desktop) - that is true, however that's not a workable solution in an enterprise env because that means that users can change the password from their desktop into a prod env which is a breach of IT General Controls)
The solution here is to break DCM out in to a separate service - where
- all your servers (dev; UAT; Pre-Prod; Prod) can all point to one instance of DCM
- users can maintain their own connections and credentials
- Each needs to have up to 2 owners so that you can deal with people moving jobs / leaving the firm
- users can also entitle these connections and credentials to their team members so that when the team member logs in, it shows a popup saying "you've just been given access to new credentials / connections"
- A particular connection may have multiple different variants - depending on the environment.
- HR Data may point to a UAT version of HR data if you're on the UAT server; and to Prod if you're on the Prod server
- if a connection is environment specific - then it also needs to have segregated credentials (since the login to your UAT HR Data may not be the same as prod).
Thank you all
cc: @wesley-siu @_PavelP
Currently, we see the Districts and Collections now compressed into a list view.
Previously, the Server had the widgets feature which really showcased the self-service nature of the Sever. Losing that just made decreased the emphasis on user experience.
It would be great to allow Server Admins to decide whether they want lists or widgets to be available toggles as a design feature for both districts and collections will be of great help.
In addition, regardless of the option, the image size and wording size should be much larger - easier for people to see. Right now, we have to zoom to 150% to make it easier for ourselves to see. Having the ability to control font size, font control with bolds, italtics, etc. will be very helpful as well.
As the title says: please make the date modified data more granular e.g. yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS and not 6 months ago
The current behaviour is the same in designer & browser, but is more important in browser (first screenshot) as there isn't an indicator or method or sorting the order.