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Alteryx Server Ideas

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Display Commas in Gallery for Numeric Up Down

Commas save lives! With large numbers, it's difficult to see what number was actually entered without commas present, and the wrong number can easily be entered as a result:




Is this number

  • 100,000
  • 1,000,000
  • 10,000,000

It's hard to say without taking a really close look!

1 Comment
13 - Pulsar

Hello @Kenda ,
I would vote for this idea if you change if for "thousand separator". Comma is the decimal separator in France, and the thousand separator is space.

So 100,000.1 in the US is 100 000,1 in France.

Let me tell you how it's frustrating when we see something like 100,112... not knowing if it's US or French format.

Best regards,
