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Hi Team,

     Just like the workflow upload API, could you please provide an API end-point for deleting the workflow,Job results and it's related information. In a scenario we might use gallery for one time execution of workflow, once the output was generated there is no point to have some workflows in the Gallery hence in this scenario the Delete API helps as a clean up activity on the Gallery to avoid the Junk/Unused information (Workflow/Job/Outputs). 


Are there any plans to add support for the Spatial Object, File Browse and Tree questions for the Gallery REST API?


I see via the Interface Viewer in Designer that the "answers"/values to these questions are just (messy) XML I realize the File Browse could be difficult because it would involve accommodating some type of BLOB data but the Spatial Object (one or more lat/lngs describing a point or shape) and the Tree questions seems to be fairly straightforward.


We currently get around the Spatial Object limitation by specifying a latitude and longitude (for a Point) in text boxes. For shapes (polygons) we just stuff the WKT (Well Known Text) representation of the polygon in a text box. This works fine but requires special handling on the workflow side.