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Alteryx Server Ideas

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Enable API to call an Alteryx Server Workflow or App

It might be helpful to be able to use an API to call and pass parameters to/from an Alteryx App or Workflow on an Alteryx Server.  Then a user could use a  browser or another application to call an Alteryx app/workflow.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

The following endpoint is available in all currently supported versions of Server:

POST /v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs/

10 - Fireball

@TanyaS Hi Tanya, can someone please provide some documentation on how this would be used? 


This has the potential to be incredibly powerful. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@davidhenington Interactive documentation for the Gallery API is included with all server installs. You can access it by appending '/api-docs' to you Gallery base address (e.g. http(s)://host.domain.tld/gallery/api-docs). To interact with the subscription endpoints in the documentation you will need the API to be enabled for your studio/subscription by a curator so that your studio's secret and key are available to you. For the admin endpoints you will need to have curator permissions on your server to access the necessary secret and key. This documentation is also available via our public Gallery at, but you will not be able to use it interactively from this location.

10 - Fireball

@KevinP THANKS!!!