It would be great if i as a developer could create a DB alias connection and for it then to be available to other developers and distributed via the server.
Collaborative working like the above does seem rather limited at the moment.
Excellent idea - with 10.0 we helped make it easier to collaborate on workflows, and that was just our first step into the world of collaboration. Managing, sharing and working with shared data connections and sources via a central location like the server is also on our radar.
I need Artisans to be able to create & maintain Aliases on Alteryx Server without having to physically log into the Alteryx server machine. These aliases should also have user/group level security to control who can use them.
In particular. I'm having a similar issue where, when I use an alias creted on my local version of Alteryx, and try to use the server to schedule the workflow, it fails, even if I have the same exact Alias set up on the server machine. Am I doing something wrong, or is this impossible?
@FFFool - that functionality should work - be sure to check that the spelling (including case) is the same for the alias name on both your machine as well as the server. You'll also want to make sure that on the server, the alias is either created as a system alias, or is created under the same user account that the "Run As" setting for the server is configured.
@AndrewM - thank you for the feedback! We're looking specifically at that sort of functionality, with the ability for an admin to create and manage these connections in the Gallery admin panel, and share them with users and studios.
It would be great if In-DB connection can be configured as shared at a gallery server using a service account so a user can use the shared connection when it creates a db-connection within Alteryx Designer.