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Submission GuidelinesHello all,
This may be a little controversial. As of today, when you buy an Alteryx Server, the basic package covers up to 4 cores :
I have always known that. But these last years, the technology, the world has evolved. Especially the number of cores in a server. As an example, AMD Epyc CPU for server begin at 8 cores :
So the idea is to update the number of cores in initial package for 8 or even 16 cores. It would :
-make Alteryx more competitive
-cost only very few money
-end some user frustration
Moreover, Alteryx Server Additional Capacity license should be 4 cores.
Best regards,
I think for business purposes it would be great to be able to update the apply for an exemption page that displays when you have a flow that is blocked in safe mode so you could provide accurate documentation to your users about their companies go through an approval process and allowing you to link out to external sites like JIRA to submit a ticket
As a Curator, I need Artisans to be able to create & maintain their own Gallery connections (rather than only Curators)
- My Artisans use their own credentials in their connections
- Their credentials are subject to a periodic reset policy, so they need a self-service capability to update their connection credentials (and sharing settings)
Hi there,
Please can we extend the support for MongoDB to include MongoDB Enterprise latest versions, and certify at latest version within 3 months of release (both with the connector components, and the server infra)?
Given the deep dependence that Alteryx server has on MongoDB, being current with the latest version is critical (since many enterprises have a policy of moving to the latest version within 6 months, and shutting off old after 12.
Mongo 3.2 has been out since Sept 2015, and my understanding is that Alteryx Server is not yet certified for 3.2 - so it may be worth skipping to 3.4 (released 11 Sept 2017).
Many thanks
Right now, with LSS, the only thing you can query who has taken seats on licenses (you get user's email and host name). This is OK, but it would be great if we could get more information than that. Primarily
As you know, there is no way to forcefully remove a license from the LLS (you either have to have user deactivate from Designer, or wait 7 days). Knowing this information would help admin's know who is actually using the licenses and if someone leaves the company, you can get a countdown until that license is released.
For historical tracking and auditing, I would also like to setup an Alteryx Workflow that puts licensed user information into a table or DB so we have a log of who is using the licenses.
Alteryx Server seems to natively support MicrosoftSQL and Oracle connections on Alteryx Server. It would be helpful to natively support (i.e., a non-ODBC connection) for Cloudera Hadoop as well.
Within the Mongo database on the Alteryx Server, when using WinAuth, if you use AD Groups for Permssioning, there is no direct way within the Mongo database to go from the AD Group to the User table. This is important if you need to report on who, base upon their AD group membership with their associated role is a user. Example. AD Group 'Example-AD -Group' is assigned Permission Curator. The AD Group contains user 'Jay Smith'. 'Jay Smith' is on the user Collection. activeDirectoryPermssions Collection contains the Ad Groups and permissions. But, in order to connect the two collections, you will need to go externally to define the AD Group memebership to join these two collections together.
Currently, Alteryx Server has a setting for how many days to keep Results from scheduled workflows, which prevents your Results log from getting too large.
Unfortunately, this setting is universal to all workflows, regardless of schedule. If you have monthly jobs sharing a server with jobs that run every 5 minutes (which we currently do), and you set your limit to 30 days, you get at most 1 result from monthly jobs, but 8,640 results from your 5-minute jobs!
A better option would be to keep the most recent X results from any schedule (where X is user-configurable).
I'd love the ability to have one schedule for a workflow at specific times.
Currently you have to create 4 different schedules if you'd like a workflow to run at 10 am, 3 pm, 5:30 pm and 11:30 pm and doing this makes the "Scheduled Workflow" section of the server not only cluttered, but a lot more difficult to manage. (like spotting accidentally duplicated schedules- which also happens more often than i'd like :)
The full question tree is not visible within the JSON object returned when requesting the 'Questions' in the .yxwz file on the Alteryx Server. There are nested questions that are visible but there is no indication that they are nested, missing label groups, tabs and no indication whether a question should be shown or hidden. This is limiting.
A full question tree in the JSON would allow for dynamic interpretation of the 'Questions' in the .yxwz file as structured through the Interface Designer.
*This is an idea from @riverotoledo_21 from the Portuguese Community*
For our large organization a requirement is that the Server connect to MongoDB cluster requiring keytab kerberos authentication. Can we please upgrade to needed MongoDB version that would support this as well as enable it within Alteryx Server.
When we upgrade a server - we often want to do this progressively so that we can move a few canvasses to the new version over time.
However - in order to do this we need to create an entirely new server URL and then users have to deal with the irritation and complexity of storing multiple addresses and knowing which one is where.
This would be substantially easier if we could put a load balancer / a consolidator in front of the alteryx server - so the user can go to the same gallery - but under the covers some of their stuff has been upgraded to the new version (on a new server) and some is still on the older server.
Hi Team,
We have new idea which we dint find on Alteryx community, also Alteryx expert confirmed for now this is not possible.
Please find the below details:
Use Case: Automating Onboarding Process for collection creation.
Idea: Currently we are doing this onboarding manually, such as user fills up the form in Sharepoint with all relevant details for Collection Creation.
We as an Alteryx Support team, check the form and create the collection Manually.
We want to create a Workflow, such that it will read the form from SP and create the Collection Automatically without any Manual user intervention.
Benefits: If we Automate this then we can save manual user efforts and also avoid any manual mistakes.
Note: If this can be possible with any other feature of Alteryx like API, then also we are good.
We are looking for the ability to use Alteryx as PaaS in the Azure cloud similar to how Databricks is working on Azure. So servers spin up when demand shows up and then they spin down. Where we are not on the hook for server patching etc., but instead, we lease processing power/time from Alteryx in the cloud on an as needed basis. The licensing model will also need to be a scalable to support this type of usage.
Please consider adding this feature to the Alteryx PRIVATE Galleries. This is a feature of the Alteryx Gallery and would be useful for our clients too.
Having the option to disable schedules within the Designer application would be advantageous for we support staff. Especially when multiple service restarts or server reboots are required. When we perform migrations or restores or even upgrades or when conducting server maintenance actions. As we know starting of the Alteryx service immediately queues up workflows to be run based against there schedule times. When maintenance is being performed we do not want workflows to run, and/or having to wait for completions or have the user to rerun the workflow. The option to temporarily disable schedules globally with a click of a button is far better then changing the parameters of the schedule or even deleting it. To go a step further = an internal mongodb administration command to disable/enable schedules would also be helpful at the database level
It seems from my own experiences and other community posts (e.g. that when scheduling a workflow in the gallery, the gallery will run whatever version was most recently uploaded, regardless of which one has been labeled as "Published". Since naturally the intent is for the Published workflow to be the only version running, it would be nice (adnd would me much more logical and intuitive) for the scheduler to run that version.
I manage a server with 200 + Artisans. Some of them tend to abuse the Scheduler by having workflows running every hour or every x hours. This can penalize other users creating big queues thought the day. Currently I monitor the queue and schedule often and then contact these individuals to better accommodate their needs.
Having the possibility to disable hourly workflows, or enable to only specific users, would help a lot to deter the abusers.
Mauricio Estevez
It should be possible to trigger the same workflow in different ways from Alteryx Gallery:
- Workflow chaining:
- Workflow B runs after the successful execution of Workflow A
- Workflow B runs after the failure of Workflow A
- Schedule: Workflow B runs on multiple schedules
- API call (even when it is not an analytical app)
For example (considering the same workflow):
- Audit workflow runs every day
- Audit workflow runs every hour during the last day of the month
- Audit workflow runs if triggered by financial close on 3rd party tool
- Audit workflow runs after the execution of the financial workflow
We've noticed on our Server Gallery that users must click 'Run' two separate times when running an app. The first time they see 'Run', its really taking them to a configuration screen, rather than actually executing the tool. What if that first 'Run' button was changed to 'Configure'? We've seen that users hesitate to run apps because they aren't sure what they're getting when they click 'Run' the first time.
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