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Alteryx Server Ideas

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I'd love the ability to have one schedule for a workflow at specific times. 

Currently you have to create 4 different schedules if you'd like a workflow to run at 10 am, 3 pm, 5:30 pm and 11:30 pm and doing this makes the "Scheduled Workflow" section of the server not only cluttered, but a lot more difficult to manage.  (like spotting accidentally duplicated schedules- which also happens more often than i'd like :)



When installing and configuring Alteryx, the wizard allows the administrator to select the Gallery authentication to be used among:



Integrated Windows authentication

Integrated Windows authentication with Kerberos

SAML authentication


The note states:

Once an authentication type has been selected, it should not be changed. Changing it may cause technical problems.




The gallery manual states "Once an authentication type has been selected it should not be changed or Gallery functionality may be compromised.


If you are reading this idea suggestion, I hope it is not too late for you. Why allow the user to change the authentication method once the install is completed? What are the options to solve this?


One option would be to grey-out the "Authentication Type" section in the  "Gallery Authentication" screen, so the user is not able to change authentication methods once after the first configuration is set. This would still allow the user to change SAML settings.


Another option, if somehow there is a reason why a user would want to change authentication types even though it is not supported, what about changing the layout to make it more difficult to change the authentication type.


What are your other suggested changes?


This is not relevant if this idea is implemented


However, I would imagine that a UI change would be a lot easier to implement that supporting overhauling the user management in the MongoDB.




Would like to see a Notification hierarchy implemented to Gallery. Currently, the settings that control notifications are at the Gallery-level....where only the admin can control, for example, notifying users if a new workflow was added to a collection they belong too. Could this setting be inherited, but then, for example, a Collection owner can implement their own notification settings that overrides the Gallery default? Using the same example as before, perhaps the Collection owner could disable notifying their Users if a new workflow is loaded to the collection.



While working with Alteryx Server, I noticed that there is no way for an Premium Artisan to organize the workflow results. With processes that are running hourly, each day, the workflow results gets very cluttered with the same things, and it takes some time to clean up. It would be nice to add a search bar that would filter out workflow results dependent on what you are entering in the textbar. Below is a very lo fi mock up. The spot where I entered "dispositionReport" at the top is the text bar that filters the workflow results below it. The red lines are simulating the removal of said records. Then offer a select all option to then delete all of the workflow results records. 



Hi there,


we are in a dynamic team where people move from 1 project to the other that implies moving series of workflows from private studio to collections prior to sharing. I have not found other ways but to do that 1 by 1 with very limited ways to filter the flows.

Could there be, from the collection, a way to 

 - increase number of possibilities to filters to find the proper flows (or maybe just simply allow folders in the Private studio)

 - be able to multi select the one to add / delete from / to the collection



Hey Alteryx,


I'm liking the new ability to change the permission for users to schedule, prioritize and assign their work.


I would also like the Permissions to not show if I've turned it off. For most users this feature will not be available and showing a feature they won't be able to use will cause more problems then answers.


Just like in the notification tab, I would like the features that are off not show up in the end users profile tab


Permision Requests.png


It would also be nice if we could assign this to a workflow and not just a person. A more likely scenario is that an App that needs a user input shouldn't be scheduled since it won't work. 

To have the ability to turn off the scheduling for just that workflow is more likely then to turn off that feature for an entire person.


Thank you

0 Curtidas

Currently only 5 workflows are displayed per page in a collection.  Currently we have about 30 workflows (soon to be about 100) and paging through workflows to find the one you want to run is time consuming.


It would be great if there was an option on the page so the user could select the number of workflows per page.

The Save to Gallery window does not resize. When I try to Save my Workflow to my Gallery and Manage Workflow assets, I can not widen that window to see the full path to my assets.

This makes it very hard when you have many assets to know if they need to be included or not with the promotion. It may take two or three attempts guessing what asset is what to get the correct combination to make my App run correctly.




It would be nice to be able to widen this window much like we can with the Workflow dependencies window.

So, .YXI files are great, they allow a much simpler installation process of macros from the Gallery to your local machine and server. 


However one problem; they are not supported to be hosted on the Alteryx Gallery. This means that in order to share .yxi files they have to be hosted on some other drive and then you have to have a workflow in the alteryx gallery which provides users with the download link.


This makes that clean process a bit less clean, and it also causes problems with big customers who cannot whitelist these share drives for which the .yxi files are hosted. I myself have had about 20 emails from one global consulting firm in the US requesting access to a macro, I can't link them to the content as they are blocked, and therefor I have to email them individually. 


It's a tad tedious and ruins the 'install experience'.


If you don't know what I'm talking about you can follow my colleagues (Peter Gamble-Beresfords) blog here:


What I'm asking for is simple, support for .yxi files in the Alteryx gallery, in the same way you do with macros.



For professional alteryx admins - it is important to know if a particular asset has been updated (so that we can bring the updated version into our env), with some idea of release notes so that we can understand if the update breaks backward compatibiity and what has been changed.


Additionally - it would be very helpful for admins to be able to be notified of new assets created by particular authors whom I trust.

As Alteryx makes more and more use of the Public gallery - it would be valuable for Alteryx to explicitly have a section devoted to items that are certified by Alteryx so that we can be safe bringing them into our corporate env.


The assets created by Alteryx are currently listed with Alteryx as the author, however it would be useful to have a completely separate section with Alteryx assets only, and with these broken down by type.

As the Server Admin I'd like to have the ability to view ALL "Workflow Results" for all Subscriptions.This will give the highest level admin the ability to monitor all schedules (on the entire server instance) and monitor if they are unable to complete successfully (example- unable to allocate memory) and any other errors are occurring. 


Knowing this information will help the server administrator understand if there are issues with the server itself (e.g. if we need more workers or to simply adjust actual server system settings..etc..)





I wish Alteryx would allow more control over user access to scheduling workflows. Currently there is only a radio button that globally allows users to access the scheduler. I wish we had another layer where we could limit access by Permissions. For example, we would like all Artisans and Curators to have access to the scheduler, but not viewers.



Please Enable OAuth 2.0/OpenID Support for Alteryx Server  & Connect. Currently, it supports only AD , SAML . 


Current SAML has limitations, Unable to import Security groups from LDAP/AD if SAML is enabled.  



We've confirmed with @KevinP that the Alteryx Gallery / Server API does not currently support downloading canvasses in unzipped data-stream format. (


Please can we add an API end-point that allows the following:

  • Connect to the gallery and download a canvas; along with all of its sub-canvasses and helper macros. 
  • Format required:
    • Plain XML (not zipped)
    • Provided in a data stream so that we can perform analytics and surveillance on this data
    • Fields required
      • Canvas filename
      • Application ID
      • Some unique ID per macro / sub-macro
      • XML for the canvas
      • Last run date
      • Last changed date
      • Environment (this is important once Server actually allows a Dev; UAT; Prod progression cycle - so we can see which environment people are in)
      • User details who uploaded
      • User details who are marked as the owners
      • Any other meta-tags on the canvas (important once server allows for meta-tagging of canvasses for categorisation)


Current API only allows this to be downloaded to a zipped file; which then needs to be unzipped; and then loaded back into a data stream.


Thank you



CC: @revathi @AshwiniChezhiyan @LizaNemchynova 


Currently there are certain locations on server that are paginating content results:


  • /gallery/#!apps/studio
  • /gallery/admin/#!apps
  • /gallery/admin/#!subscriptions
  • /gallery/admin/#!users

Each of these pages require users to either know exactly what they want to find by using keyword filtering or know exactly what page they want to go to and use the bottom arrows/page numbers to navigate to that page. Ditching pagination for something more intuitive helps users that may not be as acclimated with the depth of content when there are a lot of results, and also saves users multiple click interactions to find what they want.


There are tons of solutions for this, but infinite scroll is the most user-friendly & least taxing server & client side. has code & examples, and jquery seems to be the most widely used implementation.



Now, gallery does not support AD group , need to setup user one by one.

If gallery support AD group synchronization, it is more convenient for gallery admin to manage large number of users.

By assigning AD users to AD group, it will reduce the maintenance task of gallery admin, since gallery admin don't need to grant rights in the gallery directly. 

Option to update ownership to any other valid license holder as needed.


Use Case: Currently the canvas owner is marked by default as the user publishing the canvas to production.

However, we have seen instances where the person moves teams and would like to hand it over to another person.

Enhance the USER tab in Gallery for showing the active user status, last login time


Easy to filter out the active user

Allow Admin to kill user session 

As we continue to build Alteryx Workflows for the business, there is a continued need for an organizational structure for saving and storing Alteryx Workflows within the Alteryx Gallery. Organizing the workflow repository through a "folder hierarchy" will allow users to quickly navigate and find the appropriate workflow. Currently, the workflows are listed in alphabetical order and requires the user to remember the Alteryx Workflow name and click to the proper page. 


Any enhancements to the Alteryx Gallery organization structure would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you, 




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