Alteryx Server Ideas

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I've seen various solutions/workarounds but this seems to be a table-stakes ask?  When scheduling a workflow I should be able to specify which parameter values to run with.  Just two of many use case examples - 

Use case #1 - a single analytic app could be scheduled multiple times, each schedule specifying a different line of business

Use case #2 - credentials, allow the user to schedule a workflow with their saved credentials.  When their credentials change all they would have to do is update the schedule parameters


(If you know a better way I'm all ears, not the API thought that isn't a bad way to do it, just not super Easy)

6-25-2020 5-39-35 PM.png

We have several clients that operate in a Multi-Forest environment due to mergers and acquisitions.  Currently with Alteryx Server the only option we can offer them is to use Built-In authentication.  A lot of corporate and particularly finance institutions prefer a single sign on approach and utilise Windows authentication to do this.


Would it be possible to add support for Multi-Forest organisations into Server to support organisations going through mergers and acquisitions?


This would really benefit us in selling Server in to organisations with complex structures and reduce friction in publishing or preparing workflows.

A nice to have is a connector for Microsoft Flow to trigger workflows.  With Microsoft Flow, users can automate processes, or set conditions that can trigger services across many different providers.  


Having the ability to use a Microsoft Flow can enable alteryx users to run workflows and feed in data that could be used by Microsoft Flow to feed into other processes. 


This would be a game changer for many users.



I work at a large organization where Security and Privacy are of utmost importance. The ideology that we need to follow is Least Privilege and Need to Know.


We (Curators) do not want all the Artisans to publish workflows to Home Page, either knowingly or unknowingly. We however do want to allow a few power users to publish their work in Home Page, but currently the Gallery does not provide the ability to pick and choose who can share workflows publicly. We are educating users to not share any contents publicly, but as we scale up, it will be difficult to manage and govern this.


I'm suggesting to implement a global Yes/No feature that will Enable/Disable Artisans to publish contents in Home Page (just like the way we have for Jobs/Scheduling feature). Further, in Users section, Edit User setting needs to have a Yes/No button that will allow Curators to let certain Artisans place workflows in My Company's Gallery.


Organizations that never want any workflow to be shared publicly can disable this feature using global Yes/No button. Organizations (like the one I work at) that want to enable this only for certain Artisans, can set the Global Yes/No to No, and then in Users tab, they can pick and choose the Users that need this functionality (which will override the global default). Finally Organizations that do not really care about this functionality can just set the global setting to Yes.


Hoping other organizations find value in this functionality as well. Thanks.

Please Enable OAuth 2.0/OpenID Support for Alteryx Server  & Connect. Currently, it supports only AD , SAML . 


Current SAML has limitations, Unable to import Security groups from LDAP/AD if SAML is enabled.  



*This is an idea from @cneivam  from the Portuguese Community*


  • Being able to control the workload in Alteryx Server (for example, making sure that a workflow can run only when another set of workflows finish running)

Can we make API function available to assign specific worker node while submitting job request using api.

As a system admin, I need a simple, reliable way to back up the Alteryx Server without shutting it down first. A hot-backup (and restore) utility that includes a consistent copy of MongoDB plus any other server config files would allow me to do this.

For scheduled jobs, there should be an option to include performance profiling in output logs globally.  Basically we are looking at how we can understand which custom macros are in use, and in which workflows, and one way to do this would be to get the output logs into another tool (i.e., splunk), and then set up some queries there.  It would work, but I would have to tell N developers to go set performance profiling on, re-upload their workflows, ect.  


But why not have a switch on server / gallery that just turns this feature on globally for every scheduled workflow?  


Thank you for attending my TED talk on why performance profiling should have an option to be set globally. 

Hey there,


Below you can see few of my suggestion to improve Alteryx Server. 


Idea for Alteryx Server monitoring:

  • Increase data what could be seen on workflow results.
  • Possibly create a report with filter option (to filter by user, gallery, workflow and etc.), which would at least contain data like:
    • Successfully ran workflows, count, percentage.
    • Failure rates, counts and etc.
    • Live data for monitoring purposes.
    • etc.
  • Possibility to connect to workflow results data (live data) with other tools like Tableau or Power BI to create dashboards and etc. to monitor and act on the error as soon as possible.
  • Give a chance for other users to check on the workflow statuses and etc same like workflow owner.

Give server more functionality with:

  • Ability for server automatically retry workflow based on configurations: in example:
    • retry flow in specific time (for example in 30 minutes)
    • number of possible retries
    • based on specific workflow (other) results ability to trigger to run another workflow
    • (Maybe there is a better way) ability to run macros which would for example open MS Excel, and run macro inside it. I have some of the workflows where workflow opens excel, runs macro inside, that macro triggers special Add In which connects to Essbase, it pulls the data, saves excel file, and then alteryx continues working with the file. So if such or similar workflows could be run on Server that would be awesome.
    • This is extremely exiting one: possibility to create environment for self-service users, which it would not be something like gallery (because gallery is more suitable for Alteryx Designers/users).
      • in that one environment admin could grant access for user and tick what specific user could see and run.
      • so for admin it would be one environment, and user would see only what is needed for him/her.
      • in that environment user would also be able to schedule self-service workflows to be received in example by email, or BOX drive or any other way. Scheduled workflow would have to be approved by an admin before it would be actually scheduled. 
    • I have not tried this one myself, but that would also be great if all alteryx server environment could be accessed by mobile devices (of course, some features would be limited).

 Hopefully you will find these suggestions interesting and useful. 




My company uses R Shiny and maybe in the future Python Dash to create multiple analytic apps, dashboards, etc for multiple people to run across our company. One thing that would be nice to to have these R Shiny workflows run off of the Alteryx Server as that would allow us to use Alteryx Server to keep permissions and ease of use.


I propose an update to the Alteryx Server that would allow for R Shiny apps to be run in the Alteryx Server with all functionality of custom R interactive plots, etc etc just like what you'd see in one hosted on a R Shiny Server.


The benefits of this would allow for my company to only have to manage one server instance (Alteryx) to run all of this. Since R/Python is allowed/used in Alteryx workflows already, can you add the ability to visualize R Shiny code/plots/interactions/etc within Alteryx Server itself?

Our corporation has multiple private studios set up (depending on various teams within our infrastructure); when we provide a user access to one private studio, they cannot be part of another private studio (to update/add/remove their workflows); they can view/see them within the collections, but cannot action them.


If possible within the Alteryx Server interface, could users be added to multiple/different private studios (and be authorized for all), and have a toggle that would allow them to switch back and forth? This would alleviate a lot of our issues we have with users reporting/being involved with multiple teams (who are requiring access to different private studios).



I've used a standard configuration to set up an Alteyx server. The gallery is available at


I'd would be really helpful if you enable to create a landing page at and add a possibility to host add extra pages. The easiest way to do this is to add an option to the Alteryx Server configuration wizard and read the pages from Alteryx workspace location.


Additionally, such landing page should have redirection from HTTP to HTTPs.





Please keep in mind that this is a suggestion from a container novice! 🙂


However, our situation is such that our release upgrade deployments are taking significant time to install, test and sign-off from DEV through PROD for the four main life-cycles involved in our server environment. Even if we script the deployment to save time, there's still manual configuration needed to confirm the new version works in the next server environment.


Similar to how Promote can deploy from DEV through PROD using images/containers, my suggestion is to package the Server components into images/containers that can be similarly deployed through the life-cycles. While the container with mongoDB doesn't need to move to the next life-cycle, the containers with the web server, load balancer, and engine nodes could move with the click of a button. And if needed, reverted to prior version with similar ease.


I forgot to ask about this idea at the UX lab during Inspire, but would be very happy to hear if it's already in the pipeline!


Thank you for your consideration!

Currently, even if Alteryx Server is installed in E drive, RuntimeSettings.xml is generated in C¥programdata¥alteryx. Users cannot replace RuntimeSettings.xml to other folders.


It would be nice if a feature that users can specify place to save RuntimeSettings.xml.


Or, it would be nice if this specification  is put in the documentation.



I could not find any possible way to send an email if the Alteryx workflow is taking more than expected time.

I was wondering if any such feature is available


In my organisation, Alteryx workflow keeps running sometime due to memory issues. It will be great to know about these delay and handle them.






I think there should be option to test save data connection during setup and after. Perfectly, if there was possibility to schedule connectivity check, however, just adding option to test it manually will be the step forward.






I can't find an option in Alteryx Server wizard to enable redirection from http to https. Alteryx Service occupies both ports so I can't (and I don't want) to deploy a redirection on port 80. Such feature would be really helpful if it comes out of the box.




We have installed Server on Azure VM and have looked into options such as a replica AD Domain Controller in the Azure environment for authentication, however, we would like to have Server authenticated using Azure AD.  


Having the option to disable schedules within the Designer application would be advantageous for we support staff.  Especially when multiple service restarts or server reboots are required.  When we perform migrations or restores or even upgrades or when conducting server maintenance actions.   As we know starting of the Alteryx service immediately queues up workflows to be run based against there schedule times.   When maintenance is being performed we do not want workflows to run, and/or having to wait for completions or have the user to rerun the workflow.   The option to temporarily disable schedules globally with a click of a button is far better then changing the parameters of the schedule or even deleting it.   To go a step further = an internal mongodb administration command to disable/enable schedules would also be helpful at the database level