Alteryx Server Ideas

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Currently, even if Alteryx Server is installed in E drive, RuntimeSettings.xml is generated in C¥programdata¥alteryx. Users cannot replace RuntimeSettings.xml to other folders.


It would be nice if a feature that users can specify place to save RuntimeSettings.xml.


Or, it would be nice if this specification  is put in the documentation.

I'd love the ability to have one schedule for a workflow at specific times. 

Currently you have to create 4 different schedules if you'd like a workflow to run at 10 am, 3 pm, 5:30 pm and 11:30 pm and doing this makes the "Scheduled Workflow" section of the server not only cluttered, but a lot more difficult to manage.  (like spotting accidentally duplicated schedules- which also happens more often than i'd like :)



When installing and configuring Alteryx, the wizard allows the administrator to select the Gallery authentication to be used among:



Integrated Windows authentication

Integrated Windows authentication with Kerberos

SAML authentication


The note states:

Once an authentication type has been selected, it should not be changed. Changing it may cause technical problems.




The gallery manual states "Once an authentication type has been selected it should not be changed or Gallery functionality may be compromised.


If you are reading this idea suggestion, I hope it is not too late for you. Why allow the user to change the authentication method once the install is completed? What are the options to solve this?


One option would be to grey-out the "Authentication Type" section in the  "Gallery Authentication" screen, so the user is not able to change authentication methods once after the first configuration is set. This would still allow the user to change SAML settings.


Another option, if somehow there is a reason why a user would want to change authentication types even though it is not supported, what about changing the layout to make it more difficult to change the authentication type.


What are your other suggested changes?


This is not relevant if this idea is implemented


However, I would imagine that a UI change would be a lot easier to implement that supporting overhauling the user management in the MongoDB.




Mongocontroller.log during its MongoDB dump processing records DB admin password in clear text.    This poses a security risk now only to the company but to the MongoDB itself. 

Is there a security patch ready to be pushed out to eliminate this risk?



Having the option to disable schedules within the Designer application would be advantageous for we support staff.  Especially when multiple service restarts or server reboots are required.  When we perform migrations or restores or even upgrades or when conducting server maintenance actions.   As we know starting of the Alteryx service immediately queues up workflows to be run based against there schedule times.   When maintenance is being performed we do not want workflows to run, and/or having to wait for completions or have the user to rerun the workflow.   The option to temporarily disable schedules globally with a click of a button is far better then changing the parameters of the schedule or even deleting it.   To go a step further = an internal mongodb administration command to disable/enable schedules would also be helpful at the database level 




Hey Alteryx,


I'm liking the new ability to change the permission for users to schedule, prioritize and assign their work.


I would also like the Permissions to not show if I've turned it off. For most users this feature will not be available and showing a feature they won't be able to use will cause more problems then answers.


Just like in the notification tab, I would like the features that are off not show up in the end users profile tab


Permision Requests.png


It would also be nice if we could assign this to a workflow and not just a person. A more likely scenario is that an App that needs a user input shouldn't be scheduled since it won't work. 

To have the ability to turn off the scheduling for just that workflow is more likely then to turn off that feature for an entire person.


Thank you

Today in managing Alteryx server, we manually configure new connections using the front end.  However, this has some potential drawbacks as it makes it hard to easily track change history, or make bulk updates to multiple strings, and it also leaves room for user error on configuration.


In this case I'm pretty specifically looking to modify aliases on the server itself.  I'm not particularly concerned with distribution to a wider audience, and the usernames/passwords associated in this case should not be available for use locally by users.  As a part of this, I am trying to identify a method to reduce or eliminate the need for anyone (including the data connection manager) to need to know the password for the specified accounts.  As some of these accounts may be used by multiple systems, it would be significantly simpler to integrate this maintenance into existing automated processes, rather than have a manual step to update the Alteryx connection values on the Gallery.


This is specifically a challenge today with regards to specific usernames or passwords which need to be stored.  Alteryx saves these values using machine-level encryption, but that is difficult to generate automatically.  Having a supported method that would easily allow creation of this file with password-level information would greatly improve maintenance of the Alteryx Server, particularly from an IT automation perspective.

The AlteryxService addtoqueue command is great, but it leaves me wanting more.  My simple use case is to run WorkflowB via the addtoqueue command in an after run event from WorkflowA, which is run daily.  The result is that i end up with a cluttered scheduler with many instances of WorkflowB that i need to manually clean up, since addtoqueue creates a new record in AS_Applications each time it runs

It would be useful if there was an AlteryxService command for each of the subroutines already built in to the scheduler front end app: schedule workflow, update workflow, add workflow, remove workflow, edit schedule, etc

MongoDB objects could be identified by oid which the user can get from querying the AlteryxService database

I don't want to rebuild what you've already built, just need a little more control over it 🙂






The Admin Gallery api needs to have the ability to get questions,execute jobs, get outputs. Currently I can only get questions, execute jobs and get outputs of my private gallery flows, I need to be able to do this for other Artisan flows without having to have their key/secret.

One of our biggest areas of confusion for new users of our Gallery is the Download button. They often click it thinking that will give them their information right away. It would be great if the person didn't see that or the scheduler option if they were not an Artisan, since they can't use the workflow anyway. It would be even better if selecting the workflow took them straight into the question portion.

For a given DB connection - there's a need to be able to specify the owner for this specific connection.

Reason for this is that the credentials for a given DB are not all managed by the central admin team - so we'd want to say that a given DB connection is owned by a particular person so that this can be updated frequently as passwords change.


For resilience - our particular policy would be to have 2 owners so that if one person resigns or changes roles, it invalidates the primary and reverts to the secondary - and then asks the new Primary to create a backup owner.

This may be more from an admin standpoint but once I add workers into a cluster (controller token added), I have no way of knowing if the worker is now added to the cluster unless a workflow starts getting serviced and I view it from the 'View schedules' tab.


This causes issues specially when we have to add multiple of them and need to keep a track of which ones are added to the cluster or not.


On the admin page, I should be able to view the list of the workers that is currently existing on the cluster.

This idea is to allow users to configure the file view option for a workflow running in the gallery that produces file outputs. Today, there are two views that a user can toggle between (see attachment), but I don't believe there's a way to change the default view. This idea is to change the setting as either a global gallery setting, on a workflow-by-workflow basis, or both.


We have end users that miss the drop down menu (and the file count next to the drop down, and the label we've added in the analytic app that says there will be two output files, and...), so they sometimes miss the second file entirely. Setting the default view to the "list view" rather than the drop down view could help alleviate that pain.


Note: The screenshots in the attachment show two Excel files that could be combined into one file with multiple tabs. This is a pain point for other workflows, as well, that produce outputs in multiple file formats.




Looks like the user inputs (check boxes, free text fields, drop downs, file uploads etc., ) to the app are "temporarily" stored during the course of the app "Run" time. These - especially the "uploaded files" get deleted from  the temporary folder after the successful run of the workflow.


Ex: user uploads 2 files to the app as inputs. see attached interface.


It is important that the user selections are persisted on the alteryx server for debugging, investigation, audit trail purposes.

Of-course - there are workarounds by some extra code/logic within the app. But - in-order for the "server" tool to be considered as robust/industrialized - it is critical to "log" the user interactions on the server side.


Is it something already looked into?







Currently, Alteryx server doesn't read multiple files compressed in the zip folder.  Here is more information: How to open multiple xml files using Analytical App workflow saved in Alteryx Server


I think this feature is useful for many people.






A better process Needed for Alteryx Backup and restore.


  1. Why do we have to stop the service to do a backup,? We cannot stop a service in Enterprise platform just to do a backup.  we are not able to take backups because our jobs will be running 24X7 We Run jobs on Alteryx Server,
  2. All of a Sudden our Windows server crashed and we lost all the data, The backup we have of Mongo DB was not perfectly restored on the new server which breaks the workflow, connections etc  due to encryption....
  3. what is the purpose of backup if we cannot restore on a new server in case of DR

Please fix it ASAP,

Hello Alteryx Devs - 


So, I'm poking around the Atlerxy Gallery API stuff with an eye toward building a set of classes that can interact with workflows without exposing Gallery proper to the community at large.  That being said, I was a little dismayed to find that all interactions require inclusion of *user specific* API Keys and Secrets.  It can be dealt with, but ultimately it means that configuring a middleware tier between the real world and Alteryx server requires an additional hierarchical level; i.e., understanding which of the developers came up with workflow X and having *their* API Key / Secret attached at configuration time.  


Anyways, it might be easier to just have a global trusted key / (super) secret.  If you get that, you can execute a workflow.  


Maybe we have a special studio that people could clone to, and in this way, you'd only have to track a single key/secret outside.  


I mean, the existing system works OK for one offs, but if you wanted to have a (semi) modular system in place, dependence on understanding publishing entity specifics seems to muck things up for no discernible benefit.  Of course, maybe in some places there is benefit to this scheme (?), but it is causing me to craft some weird work arounds early in development, which gives me a sinking feeling.


Or am I doing it wrong? 


Thanks for listening. 



This is a real flaw in the product (almost a bug), you cannot search for a schedule.  We have about 150 jobs scheduled to run daily.  If you want to amend the schedule you have to page next through all the schedules to find it.  If you search for the workflow name, you get the workflow screen which does not contain a link to the schedules.


Also add a link to the schedules for each job on the workflow page.  I.e. search for job ABC, see that it has 3 different schedules associated with it and be able to edit, or delete any of its schedules.

I know that the documentation shows that you can setup a worker to a specific QoS so that it will only pick up work for a particular workflow or app, but there could be a greater use for it.


For example if the Admin could control what QoS means for each definition.


I.E. Application, vs a workflow that runs over an hour, vs in-database tools. Then it will allow the admins to self guide where the work is going.


Right now there is only three levels


  • Normal workflow execution: QOS = 0
  • Chained application execution: QOS = 4 (all apps in the chain aside from the last)
  • Workflow validation requests: QOS = 6

This was great for Alteryx public, but for private Galleries we need to distribute the work better than FIFO.

Alteryx Server seems to natively support MicrosoftSQL and Oracle connections on Alteryx Server. It would be helpful to natively support (i.e., a non-ODBC connection) for Cloudera Hadoop as well.