Alteryx Server Ideas

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All of the default values for the RuntimeSettings.xml can be found in the C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\RuntimeSettings.xml.


These values are overridden by the RuntimeSettings.xml file in the ProgramData folder. Unfortunately, there is no “formal” documentation right now.


The suggestion would be to show users the universe of XML tags and their corresponding accepted value configs, and other data related to the XML entity.


Element Name ServiceProviderEntityID -> child of Authentication -> grandchild of SystemSettings

DefinitionThis is the URL of the Alteryx Gallery authentication service provider.
Allowed Value Data TypeString
Allow Multiple ValuesNo
XML Example<ServiceProviderEntityID></ServiceProviderEntityID></ServiceProviderEntityID>


When I added data connection on Alteryx Server, there are many unsorted databases. If it is sorted, it is easy to find.


I'd like the ability to embed my Alteryx Gallery apps into another webpage (Google Sites, etc.). It would be great to see a feature on the gallery to generate this embed code much like how Tableau uses this feature for dashboards.



I think there should be option to test save data connection during setup and after. Perfectly, if there was possibility to schedule connectivity check, however, just adding option to test it manually will be the step forward.






I can't find an option in Alteryx Server wizard to enable redirection from http to https. Alteryx Service occupies both ports so I can't (and I don't want) to deploy a redirection on port 80. Such feature would be really helpful if it comes out of the box.




As a Curator, I need Artisans to be able to create & maintain their own Gallery connections (rather than only Curators)

- My Artisans use their own credentials in their connections

- Their credentials are subject to a periodic reset policy, so they need a self-service capability to update their connection credentials (and sharing settings)


Right now, with LSS, the only thing you can query who has taken seats on licenses (you get user's email and host name).  This is OK, but it would be great if we could get more information than that.  Primarily

  • What was the date/time that the user first grabbed that license
  • When was the last date/time the user connected to the license

As you know, there is no way to forcefully remove a license from the LLS (you either have to have user deactivate from Designer, or wait 7 days).  Knowing this information would help admin's know who is actually using the licenses and if someone leaves the company, you can get a countdown until that license is released.

For historical tracking and auditing, I would also like to setup an Alteryx Workflow that puts licensed user information into a table or DB so we have a log of who is using the licenses.

I'd love the ability to have one schedule for a workflow at specific times. 

Currently you have to create 4 different schedules if you'd like a workflow to run at 10 am, 3 pm, 5:30 pm and 11:30 pm and doing this makes the "Scheduled Workflow" section of the server not only cluttered, but a lot more difficult to manage.  (like spotting accidentally duplicated schedules- which also happens more often than i'd like :)




Having the option to disable schedules within the Designer application would be advantageous for we support staff.  Especially when multiple service restarts or server reboots are required.  When we perform migrations or restores or even upgrades or when conducting server maintenance actions.   As we know starting of the Alteryx service immediately queues up workflows to be run based against there schedule times.   When maintenance is being performed we do not want workflows to run, and/or having to wait for completions or have the user to rerun the workflow.   The option to temporarily disable schedules globally with a click of a button is far better then changing the parameters of the schedule or even deleting it.   To go a step further = an internal mongodb administration command to disable/enable schedules would also be helpful at the database level 




One of our biggest areas of confusion for new users of our Gallery is the Download button. They often click it thinking that will give them their information right away. It would be great if the person didn't see that or the scheduler option if they were not an Artisan, since they can't use the workflow anyway. It would be even better if selecting the workflow took them straight into the question portion.

Commas save lives! With large numbers, it's difficult to see what number was actually entered without commas present, and the wrong number can easily be entered as a result:




Is this number

  • 100,000
  • 1,000,000
  • 10,000,000

It's hard to say without taking a really close look!

The workflow result window shows the Name/workflow, AMP, Priority, Assigned worker, Run as, Completed at, Runlenght, and Runtyp of the workflow. The following feature would also be useful on the page.

1. Showing the creation date of the workflow without taking queue time into consideration
2. The option to change the time zone would make it easier to analyze the logs
3. Detailed insight about the particular workflow results, such as average execution time, failure count, and success count with date filtering. 

I found a weird bug in my travels today.


The TL:DR is that when a date input tool within the interface tool is used within a collapsing radio button, it defaults to "dd/mm/yyyy", breaking any app when this is not filled out: 



Both values are default - i have not edited these values. The weirdest part is, this is Server/Private Gallery specific. When this workflow is downloaded and run within Designer:


And the workflow runs fine.


I have not tested this with any of the other interface tools, however I suspect this to not be the only tool this issue resides within.


I have attached the workflow I used (not that it would take long to recreate) for testing.





I would like to see some functionality in the Alteryx Gallery in which you can select multiple schedule workflows to disable/enable. Currently as an admin if I have many schedules I need to enable/disable I need to go into each schedule manually to disable or enable. This is okay for one or two, but I have about 20-30, it is very time consuming. I would like to see maybe some checkbox functionality next to the workflow to select and then an option to either disable all selected or enable all selected.

On Server Version 2019.4 I was able to use a SQL query as an external data source for my analytic app options for a drop down menu, tree, list, etc. When we upgraded to 2022.4, this capability was lost and according to the article below a chain analytic app is the best, but unnecessarily complex work around.

Tool Mastery | Drop Down Tool - Alteryx Community liste déroulante dropdown

While in a workspace or collection, it would be great to be able to select multiple workflows and perform a bulk action on them (e.g. delete). This would help cleaning up unused workflows quicker.

Thank you

Hello Alteryx Devs - 


So, I'm poking around the Atlerxy Gallery API stuff with an eye toward building a set of classes that can interact with workflows without exposing Gallery proper to the community at large.  That being said, I was a little dismayed to find that all interactions require inclusion of *user specific* API Keys and Secrets.  It can be dealt with, but ultimately it means that configuring a middleware tier between the real world and Alteryx server requires an additional hierarchical level; i.e., understanding which of the developers came up with workflow X and having *their* API Key / Secret attached at configuration time.  


Anyways, it might be easier to just have a global trusted key / (super) secret.  If you get that, you can execute a workflow.  


Maybe we have a special studio that people could clone to, and in this way, you'd only have to track a single key/secret outside.  


I mean, the existing system works OK for one offs, but if you wanted to have a (semi) modular system in place, dependence on understanding publishing entity specifics seems to muck things up for no discernible benefit.  Of course, maybe in some places there is benefit to this scheme (?), but it is causing me to craft some weird work arounds early in development, which gives me a sinking feeling.


Or am I doing it wrong? 


Thanks for listening. 



We have at the moment our server configured to work with SAML credentials. Whenever a user sets the credentials option to be "User must specify own credentials" the validation is performed using the servers own local user, giving out an error whenever some workflows with SSO data access are uploaded.


It would be great if a window would pop up or credentials could be configured for the validation to aviod seeing the error to show up.

When a user publishes and schedules a workflow on the gallery, they have the option to specify their time zone to ensure that the execution of the workflow occurs at the appropriate time. However, if the workflow invokes the DateTimeNow() function, the captured time is in UTC. If it is important for the end-user to have that time that is captured be in their local time zone, they will need to manually (either within the workflow or as a user input for an Analytic App) specify the offset from UTC.


Instead, there should be an Engine variable that captures the offset (or the time zone) that the workflow was executed from (or scheduled in), which can dynamically adjust the DateTimeNow() output appropriately.

The current Gallery API executes a job until it reaches a completion state with either success or failure.  Once reaching that state, the callout to /v1/jobs/{jobId}/ will return an array of messages that can then be parsed to gather information about the execution of the job, similar to the output you see in designer or via the CLI when running a job directly.


It would be nice if the callout to the jobs endpoint would constantly update and return the messages array with each callout.  With jobs that take longer to execute, our Gallery API wrapper could then report back to us and let us know what messages have come out as the jobs runs.  For example, if a process takes 2 hours to execute, we might want to know how far along the job is or if it has met a special condition that will cause it to run longer, etc.  To do that, we could add in message tools that report info messages to us.  Unfortunately, these messages are ineffective if we are running via the API because we won't see them until the job has fully completed.